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Comment All programming is math (Score 1) 1086

Strictly speaking all programming is math. Digital computers are symbolic manipulators. We would be alot better off if the Federal Circuit Court understood this.

Wheather you need continous math such as Calculus depends on if you are programming in a area that uses continous math. Like mathematics, statistics and many others. All programmers use discreate mathemantics, if they know it or not.

Comment Read Cosmos and Psyche (Score 1) 397

Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter are all conjunct during that year, all while square to Uranus.

Perhaps the author has read Cosmos and Psyche by Richard Tarnas but does not want to reveal the real source of his theory.

But I predict that nobody will consider that. Everyone knows that Astology is incompatable with the mechanist materialist paradigm, and is therefore bunk.

Nobody will consider astrology.

Comment Make a plan to slowly evolve the software. (Score 1) 236

Good software is not designed by the central committee; The central committee screws up everything.

Good software evolves.

You need to forget all grandiose plans to fix the software, especially if the ideas come from academia. Become unprincipled with respect to practicality.

The software has already evolved a lot. If you attempt to recreate from scratch, you will almost certainly repeat previous errors, even if you avoid the current maintenance mess.

The problem is that the software has evolved towards external goodness, while ignoring maintainability goodness.

Make a secret plan to slowly evolve the software towards maintainability.

Slowly sneak maintainability and sound software practice in the back door when no one is looking.

Scream loudly about how big the mess is and how amazing it is that anyone can make any changes at all to it.

Make the point that it is not how well the elephant dances, but the fact that the elephant can be made to dance at all. This will give you more time.

Comment Don't try to teach a pig to sing! (Score 1) 1010

It wastes your time and annoys the pig.

apologies to RAH.

Egalitarianism is killing achievement in our culture!

Some people are not capable of learning advanced math. They should be given a calculator and a shovel so they can go dig ditches.

We should stop holding back our best minds with the stupid idea that everyone can do it. They can not.

We need our Einsteins.

We need to put proof back in Geometry class. If some can not handle it, let them go learn basket weaving or something.

Our civilization depends on our best minds. We need to stop holding them back with the stupid idea that everyone can do it.

Comment No enforceable treaty is possible on this. (Score 3, Interesting) 351

There is no way to prove whether a nation is engaged in offensive cyber warfare. It will always be possible to say those things were done by criminals and malefactors. "The secretary will disavow all knowledge of your actions." If those leaks had happened in China, the leakers would be shot and their families billed for the bullets. Therefore, if a treaty is signed, it will be a one-way treaty partially enforceable in the West only.

It would be colossally foolish to sign such a treaty.

I can not imagine such a treaty being ratified.

Therefore, baton down the hatches a storm is coming.

Comment Only published source can be secure. (Score 1) 219

Governments and other criminal organizations can place esentially unlimited coersion on any organization or individual that publishes encryption or other security software. If the source code is not published there is no way to know that there is no back door.

Therefore the only way such software can be known to be secure is if the source is published.

Use free software for security.

Comment Re:Two words: nepomuk and akonadi (Score 1) 818

akonadi can break for no reason at any upgrade. This will render kmail and kaddressbook unusable. If it does, you need system admin like skills to fix it. The fix will likely wipe your whole addressbook, so you better have it backed up in non-akonadi format.

This problem has been going on for many releases and nobody seems interested in fixing it.

Always have mutt setup and working, that way you will never lack a reliable email client.

Comment When international cyber arms are outlawed, ... (Score 2) 166

When international cyber arms are outlawed, only international cyber outlaws will have arms. In many countries, private cyber arms have already been outlawed. How is that working out? .....

Cyber arms are invisible. You don't have to dig for uranium or run a cyclotron.

If such a treaty were signed, some counties would continue to use them, almost certainly using untraceable and denyable sub-contractors.

Therefore, no country with half a brain would sign such a treaty, with intent to obey it.

Comment For teaching debian packaging -- debian unstable. (Score 1) 319

If you want to get or learn how to get you package into ubuntu, the best way is to get it into debian and let it percholate in. To get your package into debian, you must first get your package into debian unstable. This requires a debian unstable environment. You can virtualize your way in if you want to.

Debian unstable is not that unstable, most of it works most of the time. It is the source of ubuntu.

There are some people that run debian unstable as their primary environment.

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The next person to mention spaghetti stacks to me is going to have his head knocked off. -- Bill Conrad
