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Comment Re:Hmm I might get one (Score 2) 307

Wife had the LG Eve (came out before the X10 Mini Pro) and loved it. Pretty sure she developed calluses from typing on the slide-out keyboard. Then she dropped it off the balcony, and managed to hit one of the stepping stones on the walkway (2" in any direction and it would have landed on grass). Now she has a Galaxy S2 (the HD/LTE version, so basically an S3), and rarely types anything on it.

I had an Xperia Pro for about a year. It basically replaced my Linux netbook and almost replaced my Windows laptop. VX Connectbot (has keymappings for the Pro) let me access all my Linux/BSD systems at home and work. And typing long e-mails was a breeze. Now I have an Optimus G and rarely type anything anymore. :(

Still waiting for a flagship Android device to ship with a slider keyboard. I'd like to use my pocket computer for more than browsing Facebook and Youtube. But onscreen keyboards suck for anything relating to actual computer work.

Comment Re:Hmm I might get one (Score 4, Interesting) 307

Portrait keyboards, like on the Q10, suck. You lose half the screen to the keyboard, all of the time, making it worse than an onscreen keyboard.

Landscape sliders are where it's at. You get a full-screen device, with an onscreen keyboard, and access to a full keyboard in landscape without losing any screen space.

It's just too bad there aren't any QWERTY sliders anymore. :( Was really hoping Motorola under Google would release a Droid5 with flagship hardware and the Photon Q keyboard. Alas, I'm still waiting ...

Comment Re:Soon, no more libraries either (Score 2) 176

Our libray system just built an entire commercial/residential complex above/around the new library on one side of town. They did the same 15-odd years ago for the other side of town. And there's talk of expanding or opening another branch.

They've also expanded beyond just books, offering CD, DVD, Blu-Ray, and even e-book loans. There are multiple computer labs available for rent (free for individuals if room not in use), multiple computer terminals around the library for patrons to use, study carrels, meeting/study rooms for groups, etc. They teach various courses (free for patrons) as well. The new branch even includes a gas fireplace and lounge chairs. All that's missing is a coffeeshop inside the library itself.

Libraries aren't going anywhere. They're evolving with the times.

Comment Re:Level 7 on modified Saffir scale (Score 1) 160

Reading comprehension fail.

He didn't say Canada never sees winds above 100 kph.

He said he lives in an area of Canada that never sees winds above 100 kph.

Big difference.

For the record, the Interior of BC where I live sees gusts above 100 kph. Not very often, though, and rarely for very long.

Comment Re:Daylight Saving Time (Score 1) 545

Personally, I'd prefer it if we started with "daylight saving time" as the baseline, and then went *ahead* an hour in the fall, and *back* an hour in the spring.

That way, it would actually be light outside in the evenings in the winter, and it would actually be dark outside in the evenings in the summer.

Who cares whether or not its light out in the morning, we're all going to be indoors with the lights on anyway (getting ready for work/school, at work/school). Let's get light when it's needed (evenings in winter) and darkness when it's needed (evenings in the summer).

It's annoying as hell to have "midnight" be when sunset occurs in the summer. And even worse that sunset occurs before 6pm in the winter.

Comment Are any of the replacement deterministic? (Score 2) 362

I don't care what they replace it with, so long as there's a flag/switch/option somewhere to make the boot deterministic and identical across systems and across boots.

We run ~5000 diskless clients using Debian, booting via PXE/TFTP and mounting all filesystems via NFS.

With Debian 5, everything ran perfectly. With Debian 7, the boot is now very racy and too many things depend on the speed of the network (some services start before their dependencies are ready). We actually had to turn on verbose boot messages in order to slow things down enough for everything to boot correctly. We're testing the "don't run in parallel" flag now to see if that fixes things.

It's virtually impossible to debug a concurrent/parallel boot system, as every boot is just slightly different from the last. With the original sysvinit system, where things ran in series, one after another, it was very easy to find problems and fix things.

We don't care if the computer takes an extra 15-30 seconds to boot; we boot everything in the morning via WoL before classes start, and they are rarely booted during the day. What we do care about is being able to debug problems and make things work the same, time after time after time.

Upstart doesn't sound like it helps much in this area. Don't know about SystemD.

Comment Re:you don't need flash (Score 1) 362

Except that PDF.js is crap, especially in Firefox. It's a pig, slow, and doesn't work with any of the PDFs we deal with on a daily basis (province-wide school reporting system).

What really sucks about this change is that every school in the province now has to manually click the java applet window multiple times per day to access the province-wide school information system.

Comment Re:If you don't like it (Score 0) 127

There are many independent ISPs, but they all run through the infrastructure of Bell or Rogers.

Except when it runs through the infrastructure for Telus, Shaw, NorthWestTel, SaskTel, the fibre ISPs on the West Coast, CableTron (I think, whatever it is that Quebec has), the maritimes telcos, etc. There's a hell of a lot more to the telecommunications industry in Canada than just Bell and Rogers. That may be all you poor saps in Ontaria have; but there's more to Canada than just Ontario (as much as you may not like to think so).

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