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Comment Re:So, net-neutrality didn't help them?.. (Score 1) 113

which doesn't change the definition of "net neutrality", the concept of the internet as a public network, that private companies only charge access to, but don't decide content. I am also OK with takedown orders/siezures of equipment as long as there is a court ordered warrant, where probable cause has been established, and the warrant exists only for the minimum amount of equipment reasonibly suspected to be involved in the crime. This is the same burden of proof for law enforcement under all other circumstances, and my only demands is that the same standards apply everywhere, and the cops aren't simply given unlimited power because society is simply affraid of the internet.

Comment Re: Beersheba (Score 1) 163

Point 1:

Context. Judaeism is both a race and religeon. There is a stark diffrence between jewish ethnicity, and jewish religeon.

Israel is not founded on the jewish religeon, but on the jewish race. 90% of the population is secular, and its founders where athiests and national socialists.

American and European Jews mainly identify by the Jewish religeon, but the Jewish religeon has a racial element to it.Your jewish Identity determined by birth, i.e. your mother's status, rather than your beliefs. Becoming a Christian is often as simple as getting baptized, and reciting "God loved the world so he gave them his only son". Becoming a Muslim is as simple as reciting "There is no god but allah, and his messenger muhammed, peace be upon him" in arabic.

Convert to judaeism? Forget about it. The proccess is extremely difficult, and many rabbis simply won't do it unless you are either marrying in, or they have some other motive or really like you. Even still, your conversion most likely won't be recognized by all of judaeism. Under biblical law you'd still be a "gate jew", and not a real jew, something attainable only through birth. Forunately if you lived in America this wouldn't be an issue, because American Jews are extremely westernized, and they don't follow this.

Oh, but thats religous standards on race, of which Americanized jews(hassids not withstanding) are notoriously lax with. Most consider themselves white, and are very accepting of their neighbors. However, Israeli standards on judaeism are soley race based with the exact same standards as nazi germany had on the subject: Two or more Jewish granparents:

Point 2:

Millions of your fellow worshippers were just slaughtered wholesale because of their religion

you obviously have not studied the holocaust too well. They were slaughtered for their race. A jew was not someone who believed in judaeism, but someone with two or more jewish grandparents. Secular jews, and even people with some jewish blood and no relation to the Jewish community where also sent to the camps, or at least singled out from society. Along with communists, gays, gypsies, even slavs(eastern europeans).

Time to find a place where we can at least stand up for ourselves

you can stand up for yourself anywhere for being a human being. Also exploited where roma(gypsies) and homosexuals, they never got a state for being themselves.

British promised that such a place was available in one of their colonial holdings

basicly occupied land based on imperial holdings, with original residents still living there. Israel was founded by colonists from Europe.

that place happens to be your ancestral homeland!

Ancesteral homeland of what? A race. my people insiuates race. "Blood relation" that is not extended family. That is race. This is also ridicolous. Its land your ancestors lost in some long ancient war. Its also land they gained a thousand years prior in some long ancient war as well. You have no relation to any actual flesh and blood people from that long fallen ancient empire. Just distant memories.

Your also using Hitler logic. The German people have also been pushed around for most of history. By France, Spain, England, Russia. They only became a country in 1876, with No empire, and no colonies and the traditional European powers saw them as a threat to their imperialism. But hey, it just so happens their enemies have thier "ancient homeland", where northern european people originally came from, in a lot shorter time span than the ancient Judaen empire.

Also by your logic, is that of Osama Bin Laden reviving the Islamic Caliphate from Anniulus to India, again, their ancient homeland, of which is a much shorter timespan between that and the ancient judaen empire.

Mousillini and his Rome, Saddam Hueissan and Babylonia. The list goes on, but you share a common delusion with dictatories, Fascists, and crazies. You are attemping to re-start an ancient empire soley based on you distance racial relations to its residents. Its not your fucking homeland.(If Israel sticks around another 100 years, then mabey, its actual residents could call it their homeland. History has shown conquest and genocide to be legitimate.

point 3:

3) Vatican City

Is a small postage stamp size state that is a seperate nation on paper only. It is surrounded on all sides by Italy, and for most intents and purposes, is Italian. Its defended by all intents and purposes by Italy, and exists because Italy wills it.(it became independant as an act by mousolini). Its economy is part of Italy, and has too few residents and too small of an economy to affect anything peroid.

Point 4:

If 1930's Germany had stayed within their pre-existing borders, they could've had this alleged "Aryan" state with the world's indifferent blessing.

That seems like tacit approval of Nazi Germany as a concept. Ethnonational, yay!

me: ethnically jewish, secular, and anti-Fascist. Its not cool when you do it. Yes, I understand the level of brainwashing you recieve as a kid. I went through that too. Its bullshit, and if you really think about it with any degree of fairness, it falls apart pretty quickly.

Comment Re:Scenario (Score 2) 129

Assuming the NSA finds out. If your the best the NSA has, and you know all their systems because your the guy who's basicly the NSA, who exists to find you?

Snowden was the guy. He didn't get caught until he outed himself to give the leaks credibility. Of course if he was doing espionage he just would have kept is mouth shut and accepted money.

What is more likely, is that NSA contractors have jobs moonlighting for large corporations as intellegence officers an simply use NSA resources at work for their corporate patrons. If they outright gave them the code, it would make themselves fairly worthless as consultants. This matches up to teh %60 of espionage being economic. I.E. Corporations pay NSA employees for use of NSA resources. It also calls into question the technology "invented here" meme, which just might have been, "invented somewhere else, but stolen by the NSA and given to private partners".

Combine this with the fact the best "security" i.e. hackers working for the government, are for-profit blackhats that get caught and flip as part of a plea deal.

Comment Re:There's no souch thing as a free lunch (Score 1) 53

I'll stick with, I meant what I said and I said what I meant. It is meant to disadvantage governments that discourage free expression; regardless of their allegiances.

Except its made by the government in charge of the world's largest prison system, and by far the largest per-capita incarceration rate. Irony being duly noted. Despite what you think, the US Government does not tollerate dissent.

Nor is the US Government populist, and rarely do they sponser populist regimes overseas unless they are wealthy enough to buy senators. They are notorious for astro-turfing revolutions for gain though.

I do agree, there are many benefits to TOR. However much of the code should be double checked, and because of the US Government's closeness to the TOR development team, all of which most likely have their personal information documented, heavily, it really wouldn't be hard to manipulate them.

It also would not be hard to put pressure on tor exit node operators to co-operate with the federal government. Many of them are already run by MITM attacks, many of them are suspected to be NSA already. Not only could the feds get foreign citizens to use TOR to beat their own surivallence, it could set up its own survialence on the same citizens via owning the exit nodes. It could then create profiles and find who it can be best manipulated/used to create an astro-turfed revolution.

Of course there are work arounds for this, but before the first wave of "pedophile" busts, Freedom hosting also included a hidden site called inspecTOR, which simply looked for, and reported on bad nodes. visitors could generate code to copypasta into their torrc to keep from using them. Among the ban list was a node named NSAFortMeade. Most likely a simple troll, but its odd behavior had intrigued many. This site with the rest of "Freedom Hosting" went down and never came back, and was never re-implemented. Also, things like canada's "pedo bust" last week, was really a indiscriminate TOR server raid. The government had no idea how much, if any of the data they collected actually had kiddie porn if you actually read the article. They did know that they were running TOR. Thats all it really took for Canadian authorities to simply sieze the servers, and then label the event as a "pedophile bust".

Also, serveral weaknesses in TOR make it vulernble to attack by government. Attack might not always mean "shutdown", but "forced compliance":
1. Tor Traffic, by design is meant to look like TOR traffic, its only supposed to be indistiguishable from other TOR traffic. Its easy to spot nodes and bridges. Support for anonymizing the "first hop" with a dedicated bridge exists. You also need to have information on the bridge. So it only protects people in target countries that exist outside the bulk of TOR infrastructure. You also need specific information given to you from someone in a reigon accross the globe. Random citizens do not generally share this information with other random citizens, that speak diffrent languages in two countries with hostile to eachother governments. Publicly publishing such data would result in authorities finding and blocking the public nodes. Its only real practicle application is with spies, and those with help on the outside, i.e. recruited assets of an intellegency agency.

2. Because all casual, non-spy TOR users are already flagged as users, if push came to shove they can all be arrested if need be. Given the fact that pedophiles exist on TOR it would not be unbelievable to anyone that everyone arrested was a pedophile. They would not have to arrest everyone, just enough to scare the rest off, weakening the network further by lack of mainstream usage. Further driving it to the fringes makes it even easier to target, because it will be increasingly run by the people most people don't give a fuck about, and of course, government agents running the fastest nodes, which of course don't get busted. Remember, this is the USA with the highest incarceation rate in the world, and more than enough prison cells, and a population that for the most part accepts the government's word, and a press that would more or less report exactly what the government releases in a press confrence.

3. Exit nodes are even more vulernble, because less shady work needs to be done on behalf of the government. There are also far fewer of them, giving less protection in numbers. Because of the way TOR works, the government could specify an exit node, and pump kiddie porn through it, with no trace on the governments end, and then arrest the entity running for the kiddie porn(or terrorism). More likely they'll use this as leverage(read coverage of barret brown/jermey hammond trials) to get the operators to co-operate with the government and run a government backdoor on the exit nodes. The mere threat of a trial will get most people to fold because of the shear expense, and the fact that it will be a slam dunk case with the non-technical jurors, because there is dirrect proof that kiddie porn would have gone through the router. The instant you say "kiddie porn", in most jurisdictions the law mandates removes all legal framework for mitigating circumstances, and it pushes an emotional button which will get a "guilty just because" in most people.

4. Directory servers are a central point of attack, and could be used to gather information. It might be able to redirrect traffic at the request of the government(unknown). An attack on a directory server might lead to the government having the ability to redirect targets through their own exit nodes.

5. .onions hidden sites are fairly weak, with a keypair of only 1024 bits, agreed by most experts not to be strong enough to protect against state sponsered actors with a large volume of compute power. (i.e. hijack attack by brute forcing private key for the .onion domain). No plans for 4096 bit onions. This is in no way set up for "freedom". It is set up by the US government to help spies communicate. The fact that criminals, especially drug smugglers are co-operating with the US government, is nothing new.

Comment Re:So, net-neutrality didn't help them?.. (Score 1) 113

Net Neutrality has nothing to do with government/law enforcement ordered takedowns. Its simply non-discrimination of data. ISPs are allowed to regulate the size of the pipe,(i.e. rate limit the whole connection), how much data goes through total, and nothing else. It has nothing to do with blocking sites based on court order.

Comment Re:Misogyny Enablement (Score 1) 367

This is what online anonymity promotes: Hatred of women and rape culture.

Yes, we all know it hardly existed before hand. If you really cared about such, you'd have better luck invetisgating the athletics department. If you questioned the actual rapists and actual people promoting and normalizing rape if they post online, if they learned to rape people online, the answer would most likely be no. You also give no real evidence to support your claim. Rape culture is propigated by people who are very much not anonymous, not online, but simply above the rules. People who are too big to jail, popular and "member of the community", which we are unwilling to prosecute. These are the people who commit most of the actual rapes. Example is Bill Cosby, most of the same "leftist" hollywood types where quick to question the accusations against Mr Cosby, and many people quick to dismiss them because he played the loving Mr Huxable on TV 20 years ago. People like him commit most of the rapes. The biggest reason why we can't deal with rape culture is because some of its biggest supporters are women calling themselves feminists.

Speaking of online anonyimitty, I am logged in and you are not. The irony is both hillarious and glaring.

Comment Re:Anonymous speech *is* the problem (Score 1) 367

If you went to class every day and called your professor an ugly cunt that should be beaten every day, how would that affect your relationship with that professor? If you said your professor was a dick and should have someone sodomize him with a baseball bat during the Q&A portion of a lecture, would that help or hurt your grade in the class? What if you could do it anonymously? Which of those two cases would produce a better societal outcome for you, personally? Which one would produce a better outcome for the class as a whole?

the problem is most of society deals with this every day. those with money, status, and power are systematicly allowed to abuse those without, to their face, with no consequnces.

The only thing here is we are aghast that people without power, money, or status are now taking the same liberties.

Perhaps we need more "Golden Rule" unviersalism in our ethos and this probably would not happen, as most people learn by example.

Comment Re:Baking political correctness in society (Score 1) 367

There is no such thing as "true socialism" because its litterally dozens of entirely unrelated ideas who only share their disgust for capitalism, and desire for a worker run society without bosses.

Some of these societies are filled with justice, some are simply oppressive states, sans the usual motives of profit, heridtary, and race.

Comment Re:Reality of YikYak (Score 1) 367

Here is the harsh reality:

Yik Yak has already agreed to co-operate with court orders, and this title is the same alarmist sensationalist fear-monger garbage which gets us involved with things like "The War on Drugs", and "The War on Terror", except changing the threat to a cause we readily identify behind.

This is pure hype designed to make us scared into giving away our freedoms, a re-branding of the police state to sell it to people with leftist sympathies, nothing more. They are banking the on fact people will have an emotional response rather than think through the consequnces of having an ever-watching police state.

How many rapes or other violent attacks will this really stop? Then think about how many attacks by the police, and how many people will be ostracized or harrased by the police or university for drugs, political beliefs, or simply being wierd. The real kicker is do you really trust the police to act without court orders?

I think a good start is getting the university to start getting court orders for rape and other threats and lets make all the complaints public so we can debate this publicly. Perhaps we can get a discussion going at the root of why people feel the need to make these threats, and perhaps ways to express themselves more constructively, without threatening other people.

The alternative is simply letting the police drag the same terror state into college campuses that is already present in the rest of society. We are told our neighbors or our enemy, and we simply run to the police forking over all rights in the proccess everytime we feel threatened. Every time we feel threatened is everytime the news media decides we need less rights and decides to threaten us.

Comment Re:Baking political correctness in society (Score 1) 367

Its almost as if we should be discussing the larger problems in society that lead people to rape eachother rather than trying to lock down speech.

Lets face it, rape is endemic on campuses, and endemic among athletes and all the people are are told are good upstanding people in society, so we don't do anything about it. Do you want to really prevent rapes? Lets hold a conversation about rape and other forms of violence, instead of trying to sweep it under the rug with censorship. Lets discuss openly the problems.

Yik-Yak's policy is to comply with legally binding orders to fork over data, which is fair. I see no reason that the school should not have to get warrants and court orders if people believe there is a legitimate threat. Going to the police can get those orders. I am not comfortable with a system that monitors people without court orders, and court orders that are not based on reasonible suspicion. This is a huge problem right now, and pretending mass survailence will stop rape is a big misnomer.

What this typical for mainstream news article is being hysterical about is demanding we fork over freedoms

Comment Re:Anonymous speech *is* the problem (Score 1) 367

If people have to be kept in check top down from authority figures to prevent them from raping and murdering people, its a sign society has some pretty deep seeded problems.

The only thing yik-yak is doing is bringing deep seeded social problems to light.

Think about it, before hand, the type of people who posted this stuff would be raping and hurting people anyway, which can be attested by the amount of rapes and assaults that happen on college campuses to start with. The obscene behavior by college kids predates these anonymous threats.

But, in typical American fashion, you'd rather not deal with the underlying problem.

Comment Re:There's no souch thing as a free lunch (Score 1) 53

The objective is to allow political dissidents under repressive regimes a method of communicating politically online without getting in trouble by their governments.

you mean regimes unfriendly to the US

Hopefully this would lead to grass-roots "regime change" around the world.

you mean overthrow of regimes unfriendly to US foreign intrests, and nothing else. Why don't you just come out and say "TOR was designed by US intellegence for the sake of helping spies communicate, the the grand goal of trying to overthrow unfriendly governments".

The US track record on this shows that populist intrest is rarely a motive behind involvement or regime change. Generaly either self-intrest, or intrest of corporate patrons.

People who want to avoid the US government should probably avoid projects sponsored BY the US Government for the purpose of spreading American values

At the same token its a Free Software/Open Source project, so the code is in anyones hands. Saying something is strictly bad, or cannot be adopted for other means simply because the it was made with bad intentions.

Comment And the opposite "winner edit" (Score 2) 144

I think more importantly, when people are on the way up, we make the inverse "winner edit", to try and justify why some people have status, and privledge the rest of us do not to try and justify status and position. Admitting someone who is "winning" didn't really deserve it or got luck puts our own social status at risk. People with power and influence to use that power and influence to weed out any threats. Critics are threats.

Only when they fall from grace, we have no inhabitions of saying we have really felt the entire time.

There are no "looser edits", just repealing of "winner edits".

Truth is, none of us in our heart of hearts really like status, class, or privledge. We all know its entirely bullshit. Only some of us have the audacity to risk being put on a watch list. Its why, when we have the power of anonyimitty feel more free to critique these structures of power and class. Its why we obssess over privacy, and saftey, and strong crypto, and fear the NSA.

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