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Comment Re:As soon as the pandemic started to fade (Score 1) 215

Do you always just make shit up?

Labor force participation rate, 1948-present: https://fred.stlouisfed.org/gr...,

With a nice peak when GenX was all 25-45...when you claim there was a peak of stay-at-home parents.
Boomers, supposedly all working in the post-war boom...yet that's the bottom of the graph. The "post war boom" does not extend to the 1980s.
Millennials all supposedly working because they're not getting married? Hey look, it's another trough despite them all being 25-45 now.
Millennials are all getting divorced? The divorce rate has hit a 50-year low.

.So cost of daycare as a function of labor force participation is far lesser with Millenials than with two previous generations. Not only are Millenials having less coupling and children, but they have a massive generation of grandparents in Boomers to fall upon for assistance with childcare.

Sure! That's why daycare costs are skyrocketing. Because of all the free daycare by grandparents. Because when there's tons of free supply, the paid version gets super-expensive!

So, do you just make shit up, or are you completely detached from reality?

Comment Re:Stable population is better (Score 2, Insightful) 304

Unfortunately for your beliefs, we have reality to measure them against. Every time a country starts educating its women to a high-school level, birth rate drops a lot.

It's not waiting until they're 30, nor is it some bullshit about men no longer being worthwhile. No matter how much you want to pretend you're a superior specimen.

Comment Re:JIT (Score 1) 215

It doesn't mean "no spares anywhere ever" in theory, and when done by competent companies.

But in practice, it means "no spares anywhere ever", because the vast majority of management is incompetent. And selling off that warehouse gooses this quarter's numbers, making their bonus much larger. No matter how needed that warehouse is when supply chains don't operate flawlessly. That's the next guy's problem.

Comment Re:As soon as the pandemic started to fade (Score 2) 215

No, it's still a wage issue.

Labor force participation is low compared to recent decades. Some of those people will never join the workforce, but there are plenty who would if you pay more.

For example, there's a lot of stay-at-home parents who would like to work, but daycare would consume all of their paycheck. So they don't work because it literally makes everything worse. Pay more, or offer daycare as a benefit, and those people would start working.

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