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Comment Re:The real reason for this is not funny at all (Score 1) 351

If you're going to argue that an overwhelming number of people want GMOs to be labeled, you're going to have to find a control for your study. Were the people just reacting to an acronym they don't really understand, or were they actually concerned about GMOs?

Looks like about 3% are actually concerned about GMOs. The rest seem to be going with a blind "chemicals bad!!!" position.

Comment Re:So what's the point? (Score 1) 351

If DNA is unfamiliar, we need to completely revamp our education system. It's one of the fundamental things taught about biology. And they even asked with the acronym, so the respondents didn't need to know what DNA stands for.

So if you're ridiculing people for not recognizing "dihydrogen monoxide", you're also looking like an noob to people who know better.

The noobs would be the ones who don't ask "what's that?", and instead just go with "chemicals bad!!!"

Comment Re:Seems Silly to me (Score 1) 258

Why would the AI want to make more AIs?

To get more resources.

Why would the AI even want to stay on the planet when the solar system is filled with unlimited energy and resources?

Because getting out of Earth's gravity well takes a lot of resources, and Earth already has the infrastructure to exploit those resources. And if we go with your non-reproducing AI, then Earth without humans would have plenty of resources for eons.

So again, what does cooperation get the AI?

Comment Re:High end and low end - no middle (Score 1) 332

I think you're off about the Kindle. It's what people who want to read books want.

Yes, there's a Kindle app for other tablets, but the screen on the Kindle is much more pleasant for curling up and reading a book. At the same time, that screen isn't good for a lot of other purposes, so the Kindle can't displace iPads or similar.

So IMO the Kindle will remain, but no one will pretend it's a general-purpose tablet.

Comment Re:10 Years Can Be A Long Time (Score 1) 332

I think you're a bit off on China. They've got some huge problems coming.

First, they've built themselves on continuing growth. And they're reaching the point where they can't keep growing - the world only needs so many refrigerators or t-shirts, and so on. That's going to cause some large economic problems - they won't be able to provide enough jobs.

Second, they've built a middle class. Middle classes have time to think about concepts like "why does the government get to control everything I see?" and start to have problems with it.

Third, those two synergize into a larger problem, they have a middle class that's sinking into lower class. The collapse of their growth-based system means getting your PhD might still mean you're working the assembly line. Middle classes will not accept the same lifestyle that lower classes will. That's going to increase the instability.

These aren't unsolvable problems, but there will be some rough times as they figure out how they will solve them.

Comment Re:what China should do is (Score 1) 288

The problem is then they would own North Korea.

North Korea still exists because it is a mountainous wasteland that nobody particularly wants. It does not have a rich cache of resources, and can't even grow enough food to feed its people.

China likes the buffer to South Korea. South Korea looks at all the money they'd have to spend to uplift North Korea and says, "We'll pass".

Comment Re:Which begs the question... (Score 1) 1051

So when two fundamental rights are at play, which one triumphs?

The one that causes the least harm to the least number of people.

If you're going to insist on receiving the benefits of living within a society, you're going to have to pay the tolls that society erects. If you are unwilling to pay those tolls, you don't have to live there.

Comment Re:No (Score 1) 1051

I refuse to hit the brakes in my car, and as a result I run over you.

Since my non-action can never count as causing harm, that should be perfectly OK, right? The villain is the 3,000 pound hunk of metal that actually hit you.

You need to persuade them to cooperate

You need to persuade the car to not hit you.

Or to move it back to the anti-vaxxers, these are people in the thrall to con artists. It not possible to persuade them. They would have to admit they were duped, and that isn't going to happen.

Comment Re:No (Score 5, Insightful) 1051

Yes, such as violating this tenant by allowing the unvaccinated to infect those too young or too ill to receive the vaccine.

If this was a situation where only those refusing the vaccine could be harmed, I'd agree with you. But it isn't. The unvaccinated are killing other people by destroying herd immunity.

Your right to refuse a vaccine does not give you the right to harm others.

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