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Comment Elop NOT Eich (Score 1) 448

When in office Condi supported warrentless wiretaps and so opposed the interests of the service that Dropbox provides to it's customers - secure storage.

They have a right to question whether her intentions have change or just the position from which she plans to execute them. Maybe it's easier to do this fro the boadroom before going back into politics.

This is more Elop than Eich.

The Eich case is merely: I don't want my political opponents to work again in this town.

The Elop case is: Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin I will not let the big bad wolf in.

Condi is clearly the Elop case, as she opposes the interests of the service, which is more than just an "unfortunate" political affiliation (i.e. not on my side) and "dubious" moral history (i.e. not what I would have done).

Comment Re:There are no comments (Score 1) 410

The flooding is because the EU has been paying farmers to cut down trees and leave none standing, and trees have been shown to reduce flooding by providing a channel for the water to leave the surface.

The EU policy is the sort of centralised policy management that the apoccalyptic warmers want. The worl is more likely to die under the well-meaning centralised and totally ignorant hand of the apoccalyptic wamers.

Submission + - LG competes with NSA in spying scandal

samjam writes: It looks like TV maker LG is competing with the NSA for clandestine spying on those who pay them! DoctorBeet's Blog reports that LG then blames it on the retailer for not making you aware of the terms and conditions that are unavailable until after you unbox the set and turn it on. And if you don't accept the terms you can't use many of the TV features.

How does it feel to hear that your LG TV reports watched channels — and USB filenames — even when you thought you configured the TV to not do that? Blog commenter SteveL reports a suspiciously quick firmware update relating to the matter. Have LG covered their tracks sufficiently to escape the sorts legal saction or customer backlash that afflicted other well known companies for misleading privacy policies?

Comment Re:A simple remote clock design (Score 1) 487

It is harder than that, ntp is hard. ntp takes hours to stabilize before it will believe it has a decent idea of the time.

How do you know how long it took to get the time request from the BBC over http?

Do you think you might get two side-by-side PC's showing different times (out by 10 seconds) depending on link contention when they made their request?

BBC cannot solve this problem.

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