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Comment Re:Useless, and more useless. (Score 2) 256

I believe the official line from the government is:

If you see something, say something

this could be fun go through the phone book a give anonymous tips of random people for common innocuous things that the govenment considerer possible warning signs and see how big we can inflate the list until no one is allowed to fly in the US.

Comment Re:Hide behind todays popular hate-topic... (Score 1) 182

I would also change my mac address regularly just to make it harder to track your physical location You could always just use a random mac or if you want to be a real pain in the ass you could start mac cloning and find other people mac and copy them so when you go browse porn ^H^H^H^H the darkwebs it looks like the hipster with his macbook pro that just finished his mocha and left the coffee shop you happen to be sitting in.

Comment Re:LOL (Score 1) 182

But the freetards tell us that Tor is so secure!! Open sores fails again.

Good thing that the proprietary vendor like Apple Microsoft don't just give TLA's back-door access to their products... oh wait they do just that. I would rather have bug that can be patched in a open project than backdoor in a product I can't patch and pay for.

Comment Re:That kinda sucks (Score 1) 172

That's why companies like Xiaomi (which recently rose to be the 5th largest phone maker in the world) can offer a very capable Android phone that has no Google software on it.

while Xiaomi does sell phones with MIUI those are incompatible forks of Android and often end up with google play services installed as that proprietary blob is required for many Android applications to work.

Android is open source and freely available to any manufacturer who wants to use and/or customize it.

Windows is the same, no OEM ever needed to ship Windows systems with IE as the default browser.

Google Services are useful enough that most people want them on their phones, but that doesn't preclude any other manufacturer from making very successful phones without them, as Xiaomi has demonstrated.

Google Services are necessary enough that most people need them on their phones, much like IE6 has been necessary for a long time even though nothing ever precluded any OEM from making very successful PCs without it. The google service binary blob is where all the new innovative functionality goes, not into AOSP, so devices without it are becoming less and less compatible.

I have a kindle fire tablet it runs Android with exactly zero google services.

Comment Re:Who has the market share? (Score 2) 336

I would be curious to see how Azure is impacting Windows Server market share. They made it very easy to automatically deploy instances for those cloud services, and most people run multiple instance for load balancing.

I don't know the exact number but from what I've read Azure is gaining about 1,000 customers per day. That's a lot of Windows Servers.

AWS was first in that business but their console/dashboard is just too clunky, this scares a lot of people away. No wonder that Microsoft is making shitloads of money while Amazon is almost to the point where they will ask employees to sell their blood in order to finance the price war in the cloud.

Azure also supports running Linux instances. I would be interested to see the numbers for Linux instances they run.

Comment Re: so, I'm in the more than 8 yrs ago camp (Score 1) 391

Dell builds of Windows use the BIOS to check validity, same as HP. (SLIC and OEM certificates baked into the Windows install routines)...

I don't know about windows 7 or 8 but that just isn't the case with xp as I had installed my dell desktops oem copy on a vm running on my laptop I just had to type in the licence number from the sticker on the back on the desktop

Comment Re:So what? (Score 1) 234

Why do some people hate SecuROM with a vengeance despite being such a mild copy protection scheme but then turn around and praise Steam and other DRM schemes which affect the games much more (unable to copy/resell/regift, phone home for permission to install, etc)?

Because SecuROM is much more invasive than you describe, because it stay on infecting your computer after you uninstall the program that it is attached to, after you "uninstall" SecuROM" it leaves portions of itself the reinstall itself behind your back, It locks is registry keys so that even as administrator you cant remove them. It will reject valid discs as being illegitamate copies. It will stop the games from running on vista and newer OS's if the network is experiencing congestion. It will refuse to start games if you have various common programming tools installed on your system. And will refuse to run with certain brands of optical drive.

While steam lets me run game s on or offline, backs up my saves and synces them between my computers, lets me have multiple copies installed at once, You can uninstall it without issue. It does not care if I have a hex editor merely installed on my system.

SecuROM views you as a hostile party and treats your computer like it is their property not yours.
Steam veiws you as a customers and tries to help you where it can in hopes of you spending more money with them.

I have had issues with SecuROM and its ilk interfering with legitament usage
I have never noticed effects of DRM on Steam except where I have actually benefited from it "saves synced, etc,"

Comment Re:in fairness... (Score 1) 419

I fail to see how that article supports that claim. In fact, it shows that Apple is putting forth considerable effort to reduce child labor, and punish suppliers that get caught using it.

correction apple publicly makes effort to reduce child labor after they were caught using it for years, if they had not been called on the carpet as it were would they have ever tried to reduce it?

Submission + - Ars editor learns feds have his old IP addresses, full credit card numbers (

mpicpp writes: FOIA request turns up 9 years of records, including plaintext credit card numbers

In May 2014, Cyrus Farivar reported on his efforts to learn what the feds know about me whenever I enter and exit the country. In particular, he wanted my Passenger Name Records (PNR), data created by airlines, hotels, and cruise ships whenever travel is booked.


One Ars editor tries to FOIA travel documents on himself.
But instead of providing what he had requested, the United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP) turned over only basic information about my travel going back to 1994. So he appealed—and without explanation, the government recently turned over the actual PNRs I had requested the first time.
The 76 new pages of data, covering 2005 through 2013, show that CBP retains massive amounts of data on us when we travel internationally. His own PNRs include not just every mailing address, e-mail, and phone number I've ever used; some of them also contain:

The IP address that I used to buy the ticket
His credit card number (in full)
The language he used
Notes on his phone calls to airlines, even for something as minor as a seat change
The breadth of long-term data retention illustrates yet another way that the federal government enforces its post-September 11 "collect it all" mentality.

Submission + - Domain Registry Of America Suspended By ICANN (

EpicMaxGuy writes: ICANN has suspended Domain Registry of America aka Brandon Gray Internet Services aka NameJuice. The registrar is forbidden from registering any new domain names or accepting any inbound transfers until 17 October 2014.

The announcement was posted on the ICANN website earlier this evening and will probably be welcomed in many circles.

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