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Comment Re:Decision Formalizes What Already Happens (Score 2, Insightful) 316

This is what comes from deliberately inventing definition for what is really just new technology to perform an old function for which there is well established law.

In this particular case, Email is still mail. It just travels faster and as photons or electrons rather than as a collection of atoms.

So all we had to do is transpose the rules which apply to snail mail over to email. I.e. A postman is not allowed to open and read your mail. He just has to pass it on to the destination address. That same principle applies to private mail providers (FedEx, DHL etc...).

That is what should have been done. What has actually been done is quite different. The authorities routinely go throgh email in circumstances where they would not have been allowed to go throgh snail mail. They "ask" (read order) ISPs to do things that they dare not ask of FedEx.

Comment Facebook for Grand Nagus. Re:A Time Line (Score 2, Funny) 179

Unwritten Rule of Acquisition #317-: " If you are a big bully, go beet up on someone who annoys the hell out of everyone else. It's highly profitable in direct Latinum and customer willingness to give you more Latinum."

Facebook should be appointed Grand Nagus for coming up with such a lucrative idea.

Comment Re:Found in the crater- (Score 1, Funny) 177

Ohh... So that's where my warp core fell when we had to eject it.

Good thing, my spaceship designers spent time making sure Warp core ejection was foolproof, installing seat-belts to supplement the inertial dampeners and making sure weapons fire wouldn't feed back throgh random consoles to kill junior officers on my bridge, rather than designing an artificial gravity subsystem that would still work even when the trans dimensional cloak fails and 1/2 the ship materializes in solid rock.

Comment Re:Huh? (Score 4, Interesting) 346

There is another factor.

Flash is faster and more energy efficient than spinning disks. This creates a demand for flash which reduces the incentive of manufacturers to drop the price per GB.

Also try to understand the gap we are dealing with.
Flash is around $1.87 per GB while Hard drives are closer to 7c per GB.

That's 26 times the price. Sure SSDs are getting cheaper every day but so are hard drives. I am sure they will get so close that the price gap becomes less important than all the other features which separate them. Some time after that, SSDs may even become cheaper, or both SSDs and hard drives will be supplanted by some other technology. It just won't happen right away.

Is one more decade too pessimistic an estimate? Only time will tell. What I do know is that where SSD's advantages are more important the change has already started. You can buy a portable computer with only SSD storage today.

Comment Re:Political correctness assaulting opposers (Score 1) 1364

Everyone on Slashdot can read and the link dose in deed point to several instances of churches and their members being hauled to court, sometimes successfully for refusal to participate in gay weddings.

There have been fines, cash awards and even the revocation of none profit status.

So before you come back to this discussion go and do some research. The cases cited are not the only ones.

The one that shook me the worst was the photographer who responded to a request to shoot a gay wedding that it doesn't fit with his beliefs and so he won't do it.

From near the bottom of the same article.

Wedding services: A same sex couple in Albuquerque asked a photographer, Elaine Huguenin, to shoot their commitment ceremony. The photographer declined, saying her Christian beliefs prevented her from sanctioning same-sex unions. The couple sued, and the New Mexico Human Rights Commission found the photographer guilty of discrimination. It ordered her to pay the lesbian couple's legal fees ($6,600). The photographer is appealing.

I remember running a photography business over a decade ago. I flatly refused to film certain things. Top of my list was funerals. Apparently, I couldn't do that in NM. Not now. Go figure.

Comment Re:Turn the tables (Score 1) 1364

1. that was only the 1st story. Read the rest.

2. The public space in question is a church. After all the church owns it and keeps functions there, including church services.

3. They weren't forced to perform a ceremony. The court can't force you do anything (Except die or live in a cage). What it can do is impose consequences on you for failure to do what is commanded. In this case the court ruled that they no longer had none profit status. It is estimated that, that will cost the church $20,000 per year in perpetuity.

Comment Re:Turn the tables (Score 1) 1364

Find a city where gay marriage is allowed and homosexuality has full legal protection. Then talk to the clergy in that city.

There have been lawsuits against clergymen who won't marry gays, against churches that won't make space for such ceremonies, against church run orphanages that will not offer children to gay couples etc...

Like I said in the beginning. Gays already have the right to be gay and go screw each other (Except in Iran). The debate in the west is about restricting the rights of other people to object.

BTW: Try to express yourself without foul language. It makes your point look weaker than it has to.

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