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Comment Re:Government should protect citizens from abuse. (Score 1) 331

Do I look like your unpaid research assistant. do it yourself, lazy sod. I don't want an unelected, unaccountable body such as FCC foisting rules from for a completely different type of service from 100 years ago. I want as little possible government regulation (preferably none) of the internet as possible.

Comment Blockchains and Photos? (Score 0) 509

While voter fraud dependent democrats would never go for it, an ID with blockchain and photo would be easy enough to create. Database of IDs with pictures. Physical IDs available for free, but hey, we've been wanting that in states for decades and the dems keep saying it's unconstitutional bc it places a burden or poll tax on PoC, a lie perpetuated for years, since you need an ID to cash a check.

Comment Biased article from nitwit (Score -1, Troll) 226

" the private sector, left to its own devices, has no particular incentive to ensure a widespread upgrade to fiber optic connections".

Sure it does, MONEY and PROFIT! That's incentive enough all by itself.

Of course, this is countered by prohibitive regulations, unionized labor costs, zoning, permits, etc. It takes a great deal of capital to invest fiber into an area, and if the area does not appear to be capable of recouping those costs, it makes no sense to build in that area if no other form of recompense exists.

Personally, i'd rather my tax dollars go towards something else than a neighbor's pornhub streaming, something useful and beneficial like *ominous thundercrash of feigned evil* cleaning up/out the homeless and deporting illegal immigrants.

Comment Doomed to failure due to Teacher Unions (Score 1) 288

The biggest obstacle to improving education is the teacher's unions. With them in the way, you can't deal with the real problem, bad teachers that can't be fired. They refuse to accept any kind of performance metrics, refuse to be accountable for bad teachers kept on payrolls, and put up walls to any sort of change that doesn't involve more money going into union pockets.

Comment Long term implications? (Score 1) 167

Kudos for sending batteries.

So, how long are they to last before recharge?
Are they also supplying solar setups to recharge?
How heavy, can they be easily and safely disconnected and reconnected to home electrical after taking somewhere to charge?
What is the plan for disposing of these batteries? That's an awful lot of hazardous environmental waste to be disposed of in what... 1 to 5 years? Leeching all into the ground water...

Comment Absurd Idea: Don't (Score 1) 353

Between the ages of 8-12, if they are ever going to be programmers, they should be approaching it themselves, asking questions, reading books. For 99.999% of the populace at that age, programming isn't going to be very interesting, let alone able to adequately grasp. Instead, teach them the maths and logical analysis they'd need to become knowledgeable programmers down the line. Hell, improved math and logic would be more beneficial to all kids rather than learning bad programming techniques in a half-assed "kid-ified" language.

Give it as an option for those in high school, til then, the ones that want to learn will do so regardless of age, the others, like the majority of adults, would just be dangerously inept enough to muck up a system they are using.

Comment Obvious Solution (Score 1) 601

Since we are all told daily there is a patriarchy keeping women down by only paying them 77 on the dollar, the obvious solution is to hire only women for minimum wage at $11.55/hr, bc a man would naturally earn the full 15/hr. That 23% savings will go an awfully long way!!

Oh wait, that oft repeated statistic has been debunked time and time again as an utter bullshit fallacy of the left. There are already laws in place that would prevent that. Darn, guess the patriarchy will have to find another marginalized group to exploit.

It's still legal to pay illegal aliens under the table for meager work right? I mean, who opposes short shrifting them and not paying payroll taxes for them...
Oh, wait, that's illegal too? Darn!

Guess we'll just have to use machines bc there is no way i'm paying someone $15/hr flip burgers or get my order wrong. /sarcasm

Comment Re:How about telling it like it is? (Score 1) 936

When a life is on the line, I'd choose mother, when a life is not on the line, I choose new life. The new life should get the chance to be, and opportunity to make something for themselves.

I will agree with you on weed laws. While I find weed vile and a detriment to society, using the commerce clause to clamp down on it is ENTIRELY wrong, and not the purpose of the clause. It should be decided state by state, just as if you want to murder babys, decide it on a state by state busines, federal has no business getting involved in baby murder, from funding to legalization.

Nor do I like the idea of privatized prisons, that should be a function of states for state crimes and federal for fed crimes.

Healthcare and job training is the responsibility of the individual.

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