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Comment Re:ridiculous... (Score 1) 495

If it makes you feel better (and I mean this with all sincerity) I don't think you and your wife are idiots. My wife and I experience the same thing. Whenever we try to do something "good" that pushes outside the typical societal norm, everyone thinks we are idiots. It can be very frustrating. We jokingly call it "us against the world". So actually I'm glad to know we're not alone.

Comment Re:Calories (Score 2) 440

Nope. Your body's "at rest" metabolism absolutely dominates. Even a high activity level only BARELY changes the number of calories you need. It takes something on the order of running marathons to significantly change your metabolism. The level of deviation from base metabolism is positively tiny, across a wide range of physical activity levels.

I know I'm late to the game replying to your post, but is this true? This seems like the exact opposite of what I hear and read a lot. The concept of doing strength training for example, because "muscle burns more calories than fat". In other words, by building muscle you are increasing your RMR. Which is basically completely different than what you said.

Or am I missing something? This is an honest question...I, like many USians, am trying to lose weight.

Comment Re:I am torn (Score 1) 322

If you like the live action visual mediums (TV, movies) I would strongly urge you to watch the Firefly series. Its on Netflix streaming. My wife, who is not a scifi fan at all, still highly enjoyed the series. Its only 13 episodes so its not like you're committing to an entire season of Glee or something.

I haven't read the commonwealth saga. Most modern scifi writing hasn't caught my attention. I tried reading Hyperion, Scalzi, Virge, Snow Crash, didn't really enjoy any of them....I guess I prefer the classical "no-frills" style of writing. I can really dig into Heinlein, Card, and Asimov.

........Did I just feed a troll?

Comment Re:I have no sympathy (Score 4, Informative) 353

Not sure how reliable these citations are but I found these which contradict your assertion. Sounds like most pilots are paid for "flight time", and in fact are NOT compensated for when they are sitting at the gate.

Comment Re:This will be very interesting (Score 1) 213

I've told all of my kids not to follow me into Software and Engineering fields because people employed in those fields are now considered a commodity and subject to too much educational push from an ever increasing wave of immigrants from diploma mills overseas

An honest question...where are you pushing them instead? Healthcare maybe? Finance? Or something like plumbing or electrical, something pragmatic and non-outsourceable but still able to make a decent living?

I have two kids, not college age yet, so I wrestle with this thought problem all the time.

Comment Re:Agile isn't what I hoped it would be. (Score 1) 597

What you've described is what I always thought was the point. Agile isn't about constant change or whatever. Its about the fact that you KNOW your requirements are going to change, but instead of having the user call you twice a day to change things you can only make changes every sprint. So you're not changing every day but you're also not stuck in your hidey-hole for 6 months at the end of a waterfall phase. So its about controlling the pace of change.

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