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Comment Re:You mean... (Score 1) 420

I've often thought it would be an interesting research project to modify an OS so that each application launches with its own security context that is a subset of the user's context. Sort of a derived userid that only has access to its own files (read access to program and write access to data).

The hardest part is not making it too painful for the user when they need to share data between applications. Ideally you'd have to explicitly give permission for this to happen, but it could get tiresome fast.


Submission + - OLPC a reality in Uruguay

Acer500 writes: "The One Laptop Per Child project became a reality yesterday in Uruguay, as the 160 children of the school number 24 "Italy" in the humble town of Cardal received their XO computers from the hands of president Tabaré Vazquez, as most newspapers in the country headlined yesterday (in Spanish)

El Observador http://www.observa.com.uy/Osecciones/ciencia/nota. aspx?id=76129.
El Pais http://www.elpais.com.uy/07/05/10/ultmo_279860.asp

In what has become a matter of national pride in being the first country to realize the project's goal, the target is that by 2009, every school-age child in Uruguay will have one, and an initial 15 million dollars have already been allocated to the project.

From the newspaper articles "The happines of having a PC in their hands, some of them for the first time, had the kids in ecstasy, which didn't wait to turn on their computers, introduce their personal information (required the first time they're turned on), choose the screen colors, and start experimenting with them. What initially made them more enthusiastic was the possibility of taking photographs and filming each others with the included webcams"

According to the unofficial blog of the Uruguayan project, named "proyecto Ceibal", , the infrastructure for wireless is not yet in place but will be provided in the next few days by the national telco ANTEL. No photos of the event have been posted online, but you can see an institutional video on Youtube here

One interesting point is that it has not yet been decided that the XO will be the laptop of choice for the entire project. Two other companies want to be considered: Intel, with their Classmate PC , and israeli-manufactured ITP-C. In a press conference, Intel manager for the southern cone Esteban Galluzzi went as far as to compare the XO to a Pentium II, and stressed that the Classmate is able to run Windows XP. http://tic.item.org.uy/?q=node/1013

As advisor and local guru Juan Grompone stated, "who will ultimately benefit from this is education". This will be an interesting test to see if the OLPC project meets its intended goals of "learning learning". Let's hope this project is the means that will foster among some of the children the desire to learn and to tinker; I, for one, will be eagerly awaiting the first feedback from this."

Submission + - Does Wikipedia Suck on Science Stories?

An anonymous reader writes: An editor from Wired writes on his blog that Wikipedia sucks for science stories — not because they are inaccurate, but because of what he calls the "tragedy of the uncommon": Too many experts writing about subjects in ways that no non-expert can understand. Would this be the dumbing-down of Wikipedia — or would it be a better resource for everyone?

Submission + - Pirated software until Legit software is delivered

An anonymous reader writes: I need to buy Adobe Flash for a big job that is due in a couple of weeks. However, the Adobe production suite premium is far more cost efficient because I will also need those programs for other jobs. Flash is included in the suite and it is really not worth it to buy it on its own.

However, if I preorder CS3 produciton suite, then I wont have it during the course of this actual job which I need it for.
I can, however, purchase CS2 production suite and get a free upgrade to CS3 when it comes out... however, the CS2 production suite doesn't include flash.

So either way, if I buy the suite and legitimately own it, I won't have flash for this job.
Is it wrong and/or risky to buy CS2 now, but use a pirated version of flash until the free upgrade to CS3 is made available?
Is there anything in the flash file that would show who's license it was made under?

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