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Comment Re:I just checked (Score 1) 58

Same, but not because of this. Most of this carrying on about muh netflix password sharing is entitled shitheads who just want free stuff. And a lot of it is the Very Online who just think everyone will pirate instead, when 97% of netflix's customers aren't really technically capable of doing so.

The stuff I've seen doesn't look like that much of a problem, people whining over not being able to share the password around willy nilly because they'll have to do with occasional 2FA requests.

Comment Re:Ultimately... a UBI (Score 1) 287

That's not a problem. We are getting close to the point where we can skim enough off of the productivity of enough people to support the rest of the mooches at least enough to live a bare bones life. Food, shelter, clothing, very basic entertainment, and medical care.

So it's fine if they don't want to work. The issue will be when entitlement kicks in and people say "Gee, I don't work and I get enough to live OK, but that guy over there has all this nice shit I want and it's not fair!" Of course, they will be neglecting the fact that that guy over there _works_.

Comment Re:Humanity is just marching toward it's doom (Score 0) 135

Lololol, look at this walking self caricature. Used to be you couldn't tell satire from reality when someone said they were a Wolf-kin Druid alter ego with a vampire watching over them and 13 sexualities including ACBV, Shaman-hetrogay, and Krunk-adjacent semi-affected lesbionic. Now we get these fucking clowns who are worried the "globohomos" under "Soros" are in kahoots with the lizard people, George Soros, and Fauci to mind-control doddering old fool Biden and make us "own nothing and like it", and again it's impossible to tell if they are serious or taking the piss.

Comment Re:Was it really? (Score 1) 135

Wow, you really gotcha'd them. I bet it was hotter several times, if you look at any given constituent atom I bet it was hotter during the big bang, or when it was formed from some sun somewhere, or at several points.

You got 'em! They probably feel like idiots and their careers are now in tatters.

Comment Re:That pretty much drives the nail.... (Score 1) 296

Oh bullshit. The development of this was absurdly expensive and rapid, even with the fed govt. footing the bill. It was cheap before because that's what the government negotiated. All those billions you lot whine about funding the research literally saved 10's or 100's of thousands of lives and is a dirt cheap expense.

We're now past the emergency, so the cost is going to more closely reflect what the market will bear. Most people not too worried about covid vaccines anymore anyway, so demand is going way down.

Comment Re:That pretty much drives the nail.... (Score 0) 296

Some of you guys should look into this invention called "insurance". And what kind of broke ass motherfucker can't afford $130 for something if they really need it? The dirt poor are covered by state/Federal insurance of some sort, and anyone over dirt poor can eke out $130. You're all acting like they are charging $9k for it.

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