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Comment Re:Dijkstra's rejection of analogies in learning (Score 1) 303

The problem is that the model method is a very good way to learn things. When you learn electricity it's always compared to water in a pipe: voltage is like pressure, current is like flow rate, etc. Where it breaks down, as Djikstra says, is on radically new things like quantum mechanics. There is not much in real world experience that you can model that on.

But how much of software is radically new? What in the last 10 years, say, is so new there isn't a well-undertood precept for?

Comment Re:Terrorists Win (Score 1) 589

In the case of AQ / ISIS / others, it's because they will never give up and we never "finish the job" in the way Churchill, Stalin, Caesar, Ganghis Khan, early Americans, etc, would have done..

But, in this particular of Sony vs. North Korea, it's pretty hard to blame a private company that's under attack from a military totalitarian state. Especially one that's used to always bullying its way in every possible manner for every possible topic.

It's pretty hard to blame a private company that made a movie about killing a current head of state?

Comment Re:Despicable Greenpeace (Score 4, Insightful) 465

Greenpeace has been, for quite some time now, nothing but a group lobbying for its self-interest...

Really? What interest is that? Please be specific. You really need to stop parroting Fox news talking points and thinking for yourself. While this stunt is nothing, if not stupid, Greenpeace's stated mission can hardly be described as "self interest".

Were they planting trees on the Nazca plains? No? Were they advertising themselves? Yes!

Comment It depends (Score 1) 720

Drugs you can show completion of a program, swear you've been clean for two years, have testimonials from your preacher, rabbi and yoga instructor.

Theft is tougher and would probably be a bar for any financial company (except apparently at the top executive levels). Might be better to lie or not check either "Do you have a criminal record" checkbox and hope they don't do the background check.

Violent crime, property damage stuff you can just give your side and claim that it was a minor offense and the other party was out to get you. Doesn't look good if you have multiple offenses, though.

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