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Comment Re:So they got their reservation using deception? (Score 3, Insightful) 1007

Why is there always a different set of rules the smart people are supposed to adhere to? Obviously the facts, logic and argument didn't silence these people, or the clowns trying to get Intelligent Design into elementary and middle-school schoolbooks. And they ARE attempting to silence the truth with a political process. "Silencing a dissenting view" IS "healthy for scientific discourse" when the view is completely preposterous nonsense that flies in the face of overwhelming EVIDENCE. This whole notion of "teaching the controversy" is wrong and anti-science. We shouldn't give it any more credulity than we do alchemy in a physics department.

Comment Re:Sounds legit (Score 3, Informative) 1007

University officials say they have no plans to interfere with the event. "Free speech is at the heart of academic freedom and is something we take very seriously," said Kent Cassella, MSU's associate vice president for communications, in a statement. "Any group, regardless of viewpoint, has the right to assemble in public areas of campus or petition for space to host an event so long as it does not engage in disorderly conduct or violate rules. While MSU is not a sponsor of the creation summit, MSU is a marketplace of free ideas."

I think I've found the place to book my next neo-Nazi homeopathic phrenology conference.

Comment I run Gentoo (Score 3, Interesting) 106

So it's simply emerge --update world* but I always groan when I see Chromium has a new version, which it does almost weekly, because it takes approximately FOREVER to compile. Firefox and Seamonkey take a long time, sure, but Chromium, yikes, come back tomorrow.

*Actually, it's: emerge -v --deep --newuse --with-bdeps=y --update world 2>&1 | tee update-world-deeper-`date +%F`.log, but that's just me.

Comment Re:Bullshit, This is the Lamarck Theory (Score 1) 282

Of course it's evolution. Here we have a classic example of an arms race, where if they don't change both behavior and morphology, they are literally killed and eaten. Evolution does not imply immediate overnight (or 20 generations) speciation. And your comment about Lamarck just shows that you don't understand Lamarck OR evolution.

Comment Re:Performance issues? (Score 1) 170

Picture this:

You're pulling into the parking lot at work, and you know that there are only 5% of the spaces free. How long will you have to drive around before you find a place to park?
Now picture pulling into the parking lot at Disney World, and you know that 5% of the spaces are free. Now how long will you have to drive around?

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