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Comment wait a minute (Score 1) 185

I think I see what's wrong here. There's a severe water shortage around Vegas and they're trying to start up high tech companies in the middle of it in new towns. What could possibly go wrong? Talk about a short-sighted pipe dream. You can't just look at property values and taxes and say yep, that's where we should build. The air conditioning costs alone kill server farms. I mean who thought any of this was a good idea?!

Comment Re:Kinda torn on this one (Score 1, Insightful) 258

You're forgetting that anyone who gets it now is an idiot because they had direct contact with an infected person's bodily fluids. People who are idiots tend to accidentally kill themselves in a variety of ways so curing them from ebola wouldn't solve the problem. You'd need to cure them from being stupid and that hasn't been invented yet.

Comment catering to the mentally ill (Score -1, Troll) 280

Seriously, that's all they're doing. Someone who wants to put on the opposite gender's clothing, make up a fake name, and act like a giant stereotype of that gender with a fake name and made up personality needs mental help, not bent Facebook rules. Did you know that every study ever has found that 80-90% of drag queen, transsexuals, etc were abused as children?

Comment it will never spread (Score 1) 475

If you know the exact methods with which Ebola spreads, you would know that it would never, ever spread in the US. We're too civilized and have too good of an infrastructure mixed with the people being too intelligent. It's practically an STD. All you need to do to not catch Ebola is not kiss or have sex or get blood on you from someone who's infected. That's it! Oh, and don't handle their bodies with your bare hands. Oh, and maybe don't break into a quarantine zone and fucking free all the damn infected people. There isn't a terribly long incubation period either for ebola. Ask any doctor about the golden rule. Not airborne, not a problem. If it can live on surfaces, places can close, people can wash their hands, and you can alcohol the hell out of everything everywhere constantly for cheap.
It's really a shame Nigeria wasn't wiped out though. Pirates and scammers and their corrupt governments would be wiped out and their society could start over without all those problems. 50 years later they'd have a better economy than the last 100 years.

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