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Comment Re:Where's the accountability? (Score 1) 644

Not quite.

The tabloids will usually say "our unnamed source who is close to Demi says that Demi is pining for Ashton."

So the facts of the story are about the story *as told by the source*, not the story in and of itself. If the source was incorrect, the story was still accurate, because they were merely quoting the source. This makes the tabloids extremely difficult to sue successfully, because you have to prove that the tabloids knew the sources information was false.

Comment Re:Let it go (Score 3, Insightful) 231

I never said that blacks today don't have more opportunity now than 200 years ago. What I said was that the economics of the wage theft that occurred then is still evident in the relative wealth of blacks vs. whites.

You can always point out individuals that have done better (notice your examples made their money in the entertainment industry, so too Paul Robeson, Bill 'Bojangles' Robinson, Lena Horne, Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods).

But taken in the aggregate, whites have benefited from the wage theft that occurred throughout history. It's becoming more class-based (more whites are getting wages stolen because of laws like Right To Work and such) but race is still a big component of it.

Ever wonder why "Right To Work" laws were first passed in the South in the 1950's, at the beginning of the Civil Rights era?

While I don't believe that direct-payment "reparations" are the answer, to dismiss proponents with "shut up" is to ignore the history of black/white disparity.

Comment Re:Let it go (Score 3, Insightful) 231

Apparently you don't realize the massive advantage that accrued to whites as a whole due to slavery, Jim Crow, and other forms of wage theft that blacks suffered through history.

The average white person receives gets significantly more wealth from his/her parents, and the reason for that is because their parents were able to pass down more wealth, and so on.

When a class (or race) systematically have their entire wealth stolen, they cannot pass wealth they do not have on to their children. That disparity is not solved in a single generation.

Oh, and telling people to "shut up" because you disagree with them, how very Limbaugh-ian of you.

Comment Re:I don't think so. (Score 0) 1128

I remember getting a push poll call from the NRA after the 2000 election. They said they wanted to poll me after listening to a prerecorded message.

This message was a screed about how newly elected Senator Hillary Clinton was going to take away my guns, never mind the fact that George W Bush was just elected president (by a vote of 5-4, but never mind) and the R's also had control of both the House and Senate (Cheney being the tie-breaking vote), as if one minority Senator had these magic powers.

Perhaps they heard my mocking laughter during the message, because the call dropped after the message, so I never got to tell their pollster my opinion.

Comment Re:What, exactly, is 3-SAT? (Score 1) 700

Correction: the big-Oh should be O(m*n^c), where c is a number that does not increase with the complexity of the input, though `n` and 'm' may.

Not quite. Problems in the set P mean they are solvable in polynomial time O(mn^c), where n is the size of the input and m and c are constants. m and n do not increase with the complexity of the input. They have a constant upper bound regardless of input size or complexity. If your m or n is increasing, you may be hiding an exponential term (c^n) within that function.

Comment Re:I have to deal with this all the time.... (Score 1) 945

Two things:
1) Both left-wingers and right-wingers work incrementally. For examples: (Right-wing) the loosening of handgun laws (where many states now allow concealed carry) has been done gradually. (Left-wing) The program that provides kidney dialysis to all people started small in the early 70's but has grown in scope significantly since then.
2) Care to elaborate on the liberal bandwagon issues that your friends cannot think for themselves about? Surveys have consistently shown that right-wingers (especially Fox News Viewers) are more mis-informed about the issues than are left-wingers. And since the left tends to be much more fragmented, it's understandable that any one particular liberal might be uninformed about some issue that's near and dear to another set of liberals. Conservatives tend to be more unified, because it's much easier to argue for "No!" than to argue for "We must do [insert pet project here]".

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