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Comment Re:They're nuts but right (Score 1) 1374

Assuming there's a battery indicator that will give you a decent amount of warning before it fails (say a month), if you have left your gun unused (not practicing using it) for that amount of time, you'll be incredibly lucky to use it properly in a crisis. You'll be more likely to have it taken from you and be killed by it.

Comment Re:Gun nuts (Score 1) 1374

How many people who buy guns for protection, who haven't been gun owners in the past, really know how to use them and are effective in defending themselves?

It's much more likely that they would end up getting killed with their own gun. Having or not having this lock will probably make little difference either way.

What it will go is reduce the number of accidental shootings, kids finding guns, etc. Even though you may not have kids living in your house, they might still be there visiting, and may even go searching for your gun, if they happen to hear that you have one.

I don't understand why the pro-gun people are so unwilling to accept any rationale for making guns even the tiniest bit more difficult to use, considering the thousands of gun deaths we have every year.

Comment Re:Gun nuts (Score 1) 1374

Your problem is that you believe such a militia must be organized and commanded by the government. That is something the framers clearly thought should be avoided.

Really? What does "well-regulated" mean? Who is supposed to do the regulating? Doesn't the word "militia" imply that someone has to have command over it?

I would think that part of being "well-regulated" would be to require a safety device so that only the owner could actually fire the gun. Yes, it might be more difficult to use in a crisis, but it will reduce the number of accidental shootings that happen when some kid finds a gun.

Comment Re:Are you kidding (Score 1) 818

Wow this is a really impressive list of standard Republican right-wing arguments. Well done.

1) Taxes are the fees we pay to maintain society. A tax cut may feel like relief in the short-term, but as the crumbling bridges and decaying school ruin the economy, the cuts cost far more that what who get back. And so-called pork-barrel spending is in the eye of the beholder. (Is the F-22 fighter program "pork"? Is Head Start "pork")

2) In fact, the time most poor people spend only a few months on public assistance. It's why we call it a "safety net", because we want to protect those who have fallen on hard times. While it's true there are people that spend a long time on the programs, it's really a very small percentage.

3) You worked and got out of poverty. Congratulations! My guess is you were fairly young, healthy, without too many family commitments, and managed to avoid getting profiled (by class or race) for extra judicial punishment along the way. Not everyone is so lucky.

4) If you want to prevent pregnancies, why not just pass out free contraceptives and have classes for STD prevention? Oh that's right, it's because you're regulating sexual behavior. You WANT there to be lifelong consequences. And if you think teenage pregnancy was rare in the past, you're sadly misinformed. What happened was the girls dropped out of school, consigned to a life of poverty. And as for teen-pregnancy being socially acceptable, there are some studies now that say that shows like MTV's "Teen Mom" actually reduce the rates of teen pregnancy.

5) Your "pro-life" argument is totally based on religious belief. Just because a set of cells may become "human" given time and the proper growth environment doesn't make it human life. Why? It's what you mean by life. Life could be the onset of consciousness, which probably doesn't really happen until weeks after the baby is born.

Comment Re:Ok (Score 1) 187

Do you honestly believe that it's more efficient for two (or more) different companies to lay down the communication hardware necessary for cable service, including broadband internet, that for there to be only one?

It's the same problem as electric or water service. It makes no sense for two companies to lay down water pipes serving the same area, so why does it make sense for cable?

The physical network aspect of cable, and broadband internet, is a natural monopoly, because of the amount of infrastructure investment required to create it.

Now if you want to talk about content providers, that's a different story. That is why broadband internet needs to be regulated as a "common carrier," to prevent situations like Comcast throttling NetFlix in favor of their own On Demand offerings.

Perhaps you should think a little before casting aspersions ("What crack are you smoking") on those you disagree with? Or do you enjoy being seen as an arrogant jerk?

Comment Re:Trotsky's Icepick (Score 1) 692

Strawman argument. I most certainly did not say that the new technology should be banned.

What I argued was that technological advancement does not reward all equally, and in fact some individuals are harmed by it. This fact must be understood and appreciated to maintain social order.

The term "Luddite" has become a pejorative, but you should look at the history of the Luddites and the social ills and inequalities they were fighting against. They were much more than the stereotype.

Comment Re:Thugocracy in Action (Score 0, Offtopic) 692

So the Silicon Valley Masters of the Universe are shuttled to work in their private Wi-Fi enabled comfort busses, free from having to deal with the riff-raff of society while the common folk are out their sucking on exhaust fumes.

I can't imagine a scenario where this turns out badly.

Comment Re:The candlestick makers did the same thing... (Score 5, Insightful) 692

So the 55-year old candlestick makers were supposed to upgrade their skills or do what? Starve? I think that tech advances are generally good, but this "Creative Destruction" comes at a cost to certain individuals in society who were unlucky/unconnected enough to choose the wrong profession. You can't simply let all those people fend for themselves without any support.

The protesting slime seem to think they have a god given right to be where they are.

Wow. I think you would fit into Putin's (or Stalin's) Russia just fine.

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