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Comment Re:Sadly true (Score 5, Insightful) 333

Because private corporations by definition can't intimidate people by force, since only people intimidated, beaten up or killed by the evil government lose their freedom.

Being intimidated, beaten up or killed by private corporations doesn't restrict your freedom at all

Colorado Labor Wars
Iron and Coal Police, a privatized law enforcement entity
Henry Ford's Service Department - which didn't repari customers' cars but beat the crap out of union organizers

Remember, if your are beaten or shot at by a government employee, it is evil tyranny. If you are beaten or shot at by a private security force, you are feeling the pains of FREEDOM.

It is only bad if the government does it.

Comment Re:how cares about meteorites? (Score 0) 123

Unlike Russia, California is a failed socialist state with high taxes and government regulations destroying any capability of supporting modern civilization.

People there are lucky to afford to rub 2 sticks together to make a fire, much less afford a dashcam system on an automobile.

Haven't you read Atlas Shrugged?

Comment Re:And of course ... (Score 5, Interesting) 240

Any form of private property is a government enforced monopoly

The owner of the property has exclusive rights to it backup up by government

Private property is the core of "free enterprise"

The birth of industrial capitalism was formed by the "privatization" of traditional agricultural commons, impoverishing the peasant class and creating a cheap workforce for the factories of free enterprise.

The privatization of innovation eliminates the intellectual commons in a similar way

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