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User Journal

Journal Journal: Christmas Eve 7

Well, here it is, Christmas Eve.

My parents seem to have bought me some gift in a box bigger than my little brother. I didn't ask for anything this year, so I'm curious... I did mention wanting one of those R/C Hummer H2s, but I didn't ask them to buy it for me. That reminds me, I should go downstairs and shake the box. ;)

Anyway, I have a new PC in my cluster... the aforementioned "Tiburon", another 166MHz Pentium system. I was planning to overclock it to 200MHz, but it wouldn't even boot Linux or Win95 when overclocked (too unstable).

Slackware 9.1 has an improved install system. You pop thru the package selection menus, then all the packages are installed while you go get another coke. (Previously, you went through each category and waited for those packages to install before moving on to the next category.) The only way it could be better would be if it started installing packages in the background.

Speaking of the cluster, I'm quite annoyed that Feztaa has managed to pass me in the stats. *glares* I'm running my cluster again, so we'll see if I can catch up. :P

So anyway, what are y'all doing today & tomorrow?


Journal Journal: Paris Hilton 6

Paris Hilton is an ugly ho. She looks like some kind of frickin' alien. Who likes skeletons anyway?

Um... yeah, like that had anything to do with spam. YMMV. HAND.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Naming systems 7

Okay... I just traded an ethernet hub for a PC. Yes, I'm a pathetic geek with no life. Anyway, I need to name it, and I have yet to think of anything. So I was wondering...

How do you name your systems?

United States

Journal Journal: +5, Flamebait: Thoughts on Kwanzza 4

I just posted this on MacSlash in response to a troll. FYI, I'm a white hispanic american. And yes, these are my actual thoughts on the whole issue, but not all of them. ;P

Kwanzza (or however the **** you spell it) isn't even an african thing, it's just the invention of the misguided blacks who think they need to "be african". If you want to be african, move to africa. Stop thinking "African American" and start thinging "A Frickin' American".

Africa is a sucky place in a sucky condition, so why the hell would you want to imitate africans? They've obviously screwed themselves up even beyond americans. (And I'm very pro-american, I live in the US, born in the US. I'm just giving a comparison.)


Journal Journal: Finally

I finished Descent, on the easiest difficulty level. I even found three secret levels (I believe that's all of them), and yadda yadda yadda.

So now I'm going to replay the game at the next difficulty level. w00t!

Oh yeah, I upgraded my athlon box to 2.4.23, and downloaded disc 1 of slackware 9.1. That means I haven't got all the KDE junk, but I can always install the slack 9.0 KDE junk if I want it.

User Journal

Journal Journal: About me 8

Hi, I'm JDWTopGuy. I don't use my real name because I think that if you want privacy, you gotta do your part.

I'm a mac bigot, a linux bigot. My favorite prompt is:

export PS1='[\u@\h:\w]\$ '

My favorite linux distro is Slackware. I program in REBOL and Java.

I think that any computer not running is a computer being wasted. I don't waste my computers.

I think that Descent is the greatest computer game next to 4x4 Evolution 2.

I'm a talk radio addict. Limbaugh & Hannity, thank you very much.


User Journal

Journal Journal: I got a cell phone 4

I'm now the prowd owner of a locked (onto Cingular) Nokia 5165. Note that it's GSM and Cingular is switching away from GSM, so I can't use it with Cingular.

Not that I even talk on the phone.

d00d i 4/\/\ 73h 1337 h4x0rz i g07 73h c311 ph0n3z0rz d00d Edit: for more leet-speak check out this comment.

I should figure out a way to make it ring so that I can use it as an excuse to ignore people I don't want to talk to.

Any suggestions on what to do with a cell phone with no service?

User Journal

Journal Journal: The results 6

Behemoth pumped out a whopping 97.1KB to y'all last night. Each hit on / brought up phpSysInfo, which in turn referenced a bunch of graphics and stuff, each hit on dnet.cgi ran a custom log analyzing script which ran through just over 1000 lines of log. Each hit on favicon.ico was a 404. Here's the log (my own accesses have been removed): - "GET /dnet.cgi HTTP/1.0" - "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.0" - "GET / HTTP/1.1" - "GET / HTTP/1.1" - "GET / HTTP/1.1" - "GET /dnet.cgi HTTP/1.1" - "GET / HTTP/1.1" - "GET / HTTP/1.1" - "GET /dnet.cgi HTTP/1.1" - "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" - "GET / HTTP/1.1" - "GET / HTTP/1.1" - "GET / HTTP/1.1" - "GET /dnet.cgi HTTP/1.1" - "GET /templates/classic/classic.css HTTP/1.1" - "GET / HTTP/1.1" - "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" - "GET /templates/classic/images/redbar_left.gif HTTP/1.1" - "GET /templates/classic/images/redbar_middle.gif HTTP/1.1" - "GET /templates/classic/images/bar_right.gif HTTP/1.1" - "GET /templates/classic/images/redbar_right.gif HTTP/1.1" - "GET /templates/classic/images/bar_left.gif HTTP/1.1" - "GET /templates/classic/images/bar_middle.gif HTTP/1.1" - "GET /dnet.cgi HTTP/1.1" - "GET /templates/classic/classic.css HTTP/1.1" - "GET / HTTP/1.1" - "GET /templates/classic/images/redbar_left.gif HTTP/1.1" - "GET /templates/classic/images/redbar_middle.gif HTTP/1.1" - "GET /templates/classic/images/redbar_right.gif HTTP/1.1" - "GET /templates/classic/images/bar_left.gif HTTP/1.1" - "GET /templates/classic/images/bar_middle.gif HTTP/1.1" - "GET /templates/classic/images/bar_right.gif HTTP/1.1"

User Journal

Journal Journal: I'm about to do something stupid. 4

Ok here goes: Here's a direct link to my POTS-connected 90Mhz linux system (firewall is up protecting everything but finger and http... I hope). I'm probably going to be online for a couple hours (it's 7:30 CST now).

For phpSysInfo (which takes about a minute to load and will probably crap my machine out if too many people hit it):
For my custom stats LIVE:

Please remember that if you cause it to crap out, the IP will change when it reconnects. Let me know what you think of the system. Portscan all you want, but please, no pingflooding or attempted rooting. I'm already having 2nd thoughts.

"Have fun!"

User Journal

Journal Journal: How much can my 90Mhz Pentium system take? 6

Okay... as you may know, I have a 90Mhz pentium system with a 500MB hard drive and 32MB of RAM.

The question is, how much junk can I load it with until it explodes? I'm already running penggy (dial AOL from linux/*BSD), ip forwarding/masquerading, client and personal proxy, finger, hourly stats run script, and squid (in a feeble attempt to speed up browsing over the network).

Anybody got recommendations on what else I could put on it? I suppose I could install apache and use http for my RC5-72 stats instead of finger.

User Journal

Journal Journal: More ramblings

Hello world!

I have a strange desire to factor a large number and win money from RSA Labs. Here's a little theory I have, and if anybody has any comments, I'd be glad to hear them.

If I have a huge number that is the product of two "large primes", and I just want to find those two primes, I should be able to:

1. Search only a fraction of the numbers, because the factors are supposedly large primes. Obviously therefore we can safely (?) skip large sections of numbers.
2. Skip all even numbers.

Am I missing something, or does the likely space = n/8 where n is the number to factor?

Of course the optimum search window would actually be a little further away from the 1/2 line because obviously it's quite unlikely that 2 is a factor.

Anyway... I'm at level 16 (or is it 17?) of Descent. I'm an addict.

Speaking of addicts (j/k), Rush Limbaugh returns on monday, and that will probably be the most listened-to broadcast in the history of the program. I'll definitely be listening. :-) In fact, I should record the show... ehh.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Blah 6

Yo yo yo!

I got to (and died on) the 11th level of Descent 1. This in itself is not that astounding, but I did beat the shareware boss (FINALLY!) on level 8.

I currently have a little cluster running, my Athlon, my 166Mhz pentium and my 90Mhz pentium. All crackin' away at RC5-72. I set up my 90Mhz box running the personal proxy, with an automatic dial-and-fetch/flush script that runs at 2:30 AM my time. I also flush my PowerBook G4 thru the personal proxy.

I'm going to write a little script to provide hourly personal proxy stats via finger.

As a side note, I believe my friend is going to send me a 233Mhz pentium chip when he finally sends me my graphics card, so "Cruza" will get a bit faster. It manages about 3 blocks a day right now. I think the 90mhz squeaks out 1 block a day.

Anyway, that's that and all that, you dig?

User Journal

Journal Journal: I hate KC

I've added KC ("kc" actually) to my foes list, because I'm assuming this is the KC I'm thinking of. If it's not, tough.


Journal Journal: Why run

A friend recently (today, actually) asked me why I run Personally I think he's just ticked that both my "new" systems, specs over there in my bio, beat the 2.53 Ghz P4 system he had (until recently) in RC5-72. I get 4.5 million keys/sec on my athlon, 6.8 million keys/sec on my powerbook. He got 3.4 million keys/sec.

However, it is an interesting question: why run Well here's what I've come up with:

1. To show off. As I said, my 667 Mhz powerbook gets double the keys/sec of a 2.53 Ghz P4, my $200 Athlon XP box also beats it.

2. To try and win the $1,000. I could use $1K.

3. Pure geekdom. I run dnetc because I think it's a fun thing to do, and who doesn't like to be good at something? Of course I'm nowhere near the top of the list, mainly because I can't run it all the time. I could get about 11 million keys/sec if I ran both my athlon box and my powerbook at the same time, but then I wouldn't be able to do anything on the computer.

P.S. If you run dnetc, post below which project you prefer, what you run it on, and what speeds you get. :-) And of course, what's your reason?

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