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Comment Re:Common sense? (Score 2, Informative) 73

The legal system constrains judges by design.

If you give them too much leeway they might abuse it, not enough leeway and they are forced to do nonsensical things (insert favorite mandatory minimum story here).

The legal system has been trying to find the right balance for a long time, the system we have in English speaking countries is a bastardized mongrel that has been evolving since the Norman Conquest.

Comment Re:I agree with TheRealMindChild (Score 1) 376

If it's really old kit you might be able to underclock the CPU and still have enough balls to do what you need. Newer stuff will self-throttle at higher temps.

If I was building one today I'd be highly tempted to boot it from a USB thumb drive instead of a mechanical HD anyway, you're only writing a few KB a day to /var.


Google's Reach Hits Your Tivo 98

accido writes "As reported by The LA Times, Google has now decided to expand its marketing and data collection to include what you watch on your Tivo. The data collected would help Google, who sells TV ads, show who watches which commercials and who skips right over them. The article outlines how this could be bad for networks that cash in whether you watch the ad or not. Does this mean fewer commercials for viewers? Not likely, but one can hope."

Comment Re:Is she really sure it was locked? (Score 1) 645

I understand that... Though, that's certainly not a typical slashdot attitude... It seems most here know exactly what the problems with others' countries are...


Predictably, I think you foreigners are doing it all wrong and you'd benefit from doing things more like we do. Predictably, foreigners find this opinion annoying.

There was a thread a few months ago about quality of cell phone service in the US or something, and dozens and dozens of Yanks were defending the good ol' US of A's poor numbers. People who normally HATE their cell phone providers were patriotically explaining how it really wasn't that bad, and it was all a plot to make the Fatherland look bad.

Why bother having that conversation on Slashdot of all places? I reply to you because you took the time to write a reasonable reply.

Or does the Canadian system not take any costs into consideration when providing care? Would your system spend billions to treat a single individual for cancer? And, if not, where is the line and who determines it?

The line is generally determined by doctors, although there are cases of such-and-such expensive cancer drug not being covered by the healthcare system, and people suffering from whatever kind of cancer will organize and lobby gov't to cover the drug.

I just looked up "death panels" on the government web site, oddly enough they're not listed.

Comment Re:How convenient (Score 1) 280

It's been years, I don't remember if the import worked that first time or if I had permissions to the data or not. I was blindly typing in commands from a crib sheet, I'm far from a mainframe expert.

My point is that some places log everything, and more importantly they have someone who actually bothers to read the logs and follow up on them.

Comment Re:How convenient (Score 2, Interesting) 280

In this way, the same effects as regions and LPARs and mainframe access rights are re-achieved in the modern age with virtual desktops and VPN.

A couple of jobs ago, one of the tasks was a monthly data update to a tool our users had, basicly download a certain file from the mainframe and do some tweaks before importing it into a GUI front-end.

The first time I did it without help (i.e. logged into my own account), the next day I got a phone call asking why the hell I was looking at such-and-such business data, as an IT guy you have no need for that. Turns out my boss didn't sign the right form or something, got him on the phone and all was resolved.

I guess my point is that this level of scrutiny has been around for decades, at least in some shops.

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