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Comment Re:Mass Hysteria (Score 1) 141

No. This "all is racism" foolishness will pass. If you've been to Wuhan in the last two months it only makes sense for you and your family to be checked. (Your family because the traveler infected them.) Funny how we talk about turks and kurds and persians and arabs not liking each other but, if we were consistent, we would all shout "that's wacist"

Comment Re:The question is... how accurate is it? (Score 1) 60

How many cities were quarantined during the SARS epidemic? Or MERS? Or zika? Or the measles? I wasn't concerned about those. They were just one more trial run. This one is different. Hopefully it's one more trial run as well but I wouldn't be surprised if it's already 10x worse than reported. And, is it less deadly? We don't know yet. The reported data shows things are acceptably bad ... but what if the CCP is lying. This, along with the pig ebola crisis, can bring down the CCP; making it one more in a long list of Chinese dynasties.

Comment Re:Bring back Obama (Score 0) 104

Why did the US do this in the 1950s? It wasn't simply to get a compliant person in there. You seem to think you know a lot about history so how about you answer the question of "why". Hint it wasn't simply about oil as the Persian leaders hated Russia - but you're big into history - so you already know all about that.

Comment Re: No, it's not. (Score -1) 321

It's not apocalyptic. Even the worst case scenarios are not apocalyptic. You're the foolish chicken little. Each time you rant-and-rave and use hyperbole to make your point you lose credibility.

1988 - in 10 years NYC will be underwater
2000 - in 10 years ... blah
2020 - in 10 years ... blaah

Comment Re: Great move (Score 2, Insightful) 267

Are you one of those that thought his tweet on Baltimore and Cummings was racist? I surely don't. But yet, according to the MSM, his tweets were RACIST.

He told Cummings that instead of focusing on the border detention facilities he should focus on Baltimore because it was a mess.

It is a mess. How is that racist? It isn't.

Was Bernie racist for calling Baltimore worse than North Korea? No. I didn't hear any screaming over that.

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