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Comment Re:Make love not war (Score 4, Interesting) 370

I think you miss the point of the question, or at least a very important point here. Nudity != pornography, at least in Europe. It is not at all rare to see nudity in commercials or programs in much of European TV, for example, even on, say, Viva, the German analogue to MTV. Which is of course watched by kids.

Now this in itself may be off topic to the original post here, as it does sound that what the child found on the 3DS could be considered pornography most anywhere. I still think it is a very interesting set of questions: Where does the line between art, or documentary photography, and porn lie? How does this vary by country, or regionally? At what age is nudity ok for people to view? And what age pornography? What affect does viewing such "too early" have?

Now, I'm ultra-liberal. I don't believe pornography should be regulated for adults, and I believe that education is the best defense, not regulation beyond reason (again, entirely subjective).

So, apologies for being off-topic, but I think parent should think twice before dismissing the question of differing cultural and national attitudes toward nudity.

Comment PostgreSQL. (Score 1) 287

I'm happily surprised to see that all the early comments are in support of PGSQL, with brief anecdotes to back it up. I 100% agree - even if your future hopeful employer uses MySQL (which has actually matured a great deal), everything you learn in PGSQL will teach you the underlying theory of WHY good databases are good. You can apply that to any roughly SQL database. Further, PGSQL is even closer to zero-cost than MySQL, in spirit. So, if you have to go up against beancounters advocating for your software, it still looks really good.

Comment Primitivist Anarchist Viewpoint (Score 1) 692

I wonder what John Zerzan would have to say about this.

Disclosure: I find Zerzan's writings provocative and interesting, but it is ironic that a fellow who advocates primitivisation to the point of abandoning language uses egghead polysyllabic words to describe such.

Bookchin would probably embrace this technology.

Comment Already an old story (Score 3, Informative) 93

Perhaps I'm just not trying to use a part of the system that is down, but I filed for an extension this year, e-filed about 3 weeks ago, and got a very clear "Down For Maintenance" message when I went to check the status of my refund yesterday. The message included an estimated date for the system to be back up (10/12 - today), and indeed it was. Poking around a little, it appears that the rest of the e-file system is also functional at this time (though I don't care enough to do an exhaustive search for broken things, having fulfilled my immediate needs).

Comment Don't compare sound quality of... (Score 4, Informative) 431

...vinyl records to CDs - compare vinyl vs. digital downloads thru i.e. iTunes. I recently mail-ordered Wilderness Heart by Black mountain (as an aside, GREAT record), which came with an immediate digital download of the record. I couldn't wait for the vinyl to arrive because I expected it to sound superior to the high-bitrate mp3s. It does. It's noticeable even to my far-from-audiophile wife.

I'm admittedly a fetishist for packaging - double LPs with great gatefold art, colored / clear / marbled vinyl, large-format insert books, all the way to crazy triple and quadruple LPs with all of the above (i.e. Altar, by Boris and Sunn O))) ).

If I can help it I buy nothing but vinyl now. And yes, I do have a USB turntable so (admittedly quite a bit more labor than with a CD) I can make properly tagged copies for listening to on my iPhone.

Comment Perfectly usable and powerful with OS X (Score 3, Informative) 417

We're using a G5 PowerPC tower to run all functions, including 24/7 streaming, of an internet radio station. Tons of modern software for it (including being able to live-stream after a compression and other audio manipulation chain)... I love Linux and use it on many machines for many purposes, but there's no reason to ditch OS X just because the machine is aging.

Comment Logo, Flash (Score 1) 704

Logo is still relevant as an early introduction to programming, and one that kids can get immediate gratification from - my son was quickly able to form quite beautiful geometric images of some complexity with Logo. Also (perhaps unfortunately), Flash/Actionscript can be a very engaging environment for teens that yields pretty quick results.

Beyond that, as other folks have already suggested, a good, moddable game can be a huge motivator for teens to get into programming, or digital art, or 3d modeling, etc.

Comment Against PKD's wishes? (Score 5, Interesting) 82

I don't have sources to cite, but I recall when Radio Free Albemuth came out post-humously, that there was a stir that PKD had specifically stipulated that he did not want his works to be published after his death / without his approval. IIRC, his son approved the publication of aforementioned book, and like I said, there was quite a stir at the time.

Is his estate profiting against his original wishes?

FWIW, RFA was a GREAT book and I am glad it was published. Just wondering about the estate's ethics here.


Sharp Rise In Jailing of Online Journalists; Iran May Just Kill Them 233

bckspc writes "The Committee to Protect Journalists has published their annual census of journalists in prison. Of the 136 reporters in prison around the world on December 1, 'At least 68 bloggers, Web-based reporters, and online editors are imprisoned, constituting half of all journalists now in jail.' Print was next with 51 cases. Also, 'Freelancers now make up nearly 45 percent of all journalists jailed worldwide, a dramatic recent increase that reflects the evolution of the global news business.' China, Iran, Cuba, Eritrea, and Burma were the top 5 jailers of journalists." rmdstudio writes, too, with word that after the last few days' protest there, largely organized online, the government of Iran is considering the death penalty for bloggers and webmasters whose reports offend it.

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