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Comment Thirty Of Them (Score 1) 304

Back in 2003 the company I was working for shared a building with GiantInsuranceCompany.

One day coming in to work I noticed that the dumpster near the entrance I used was overflowing with stuff.

The stuff was hundreds of Model M keyboards being thrown out. I snagged about 50 of them and gave about 20 away. Kept 30 for myself. Down to 20 now because I've gifted some more away. Over time I've picked up some new ones from EBay. Including a black one with nipple.

I wish I had appreciated the value of these fully. Back in the 1980's I had a 3101 terminal which had a very clicky keyboard so I knew I liked the feel. But I had no idea these would become almost a cult.

Comment Re:Obligatory metric troll (Score 1) 403

We don't recapture military costs. We don't recapture climate costs (we can't even quantify that). We don't recapture pollution costs. We increasingly don't recapture road maintenance/construction costs.

Some states just dump gas taxes into general revenues and borrow road maintenance costs (Yes NJ I'm looking at YOU).

Plus the tax is ridiculously regressive.

Not to mention roads have a lot of other external economic effects, both positive and negative.

I think we should just get rid of gas taxes. So when something replaces gas we won't be trying to tax that to replace gas revenues.

Comment Re:Low pay? (Score 2, Insightful) 342

Comparing teacher salaries to private sector salaries is misleading. Often teachers have benefits that cannot be matched in the private sector including generous defined benefit pensions, retirement health care and time off. Total teacher compensation is heavily back-end loaded.


Submission + - 35000 Walrus Come Ashore In Alaska (weather.com)

the eric conspiracy writes: Lack of sea ice in the Arctic has forced record numbers of walrus to come ashore in Alaska. The walrus, looking for a place to rest have come ashore in Point Lay Alaska. The walrus normally rest on floating ice.

'We are witnessing a slow-motion catastrophe in the Arctic,' Lou Leonard, vice president for climate change at the World Wildlife Fund, said in a statement that was reported by CNN. 'As this ice dwindles, the Arctic will experience some of the most dramatic changes our generation has ever witnessed. This loss will impact the annual migration of wildlife through the region, threaten the long-term health of walrus and polar bear populations, and change the lives of those who rely on the Arctic ecosystem for their way of life.'

Comment Re:The way I read this is that.... (Score 1) 575

Have you followed McCain's comments in the news at all? I seriously believe that we would be at war in 7 countries now if he had been elected.

And then there is his VP candidate. The fact that he selected that batshit crazy ex-governor-dumbass for VP is prima facia evidence of senile dementia. Much as his miserable debate performance showed.

While Obama has done a shitty job in a lot of ways, putting forth McCain as a viable alternative is flat out insane.

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