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Comment Which should be split out into two agencies (Score 1) 170

There shouldn't be just one organization with those two jobs. There should be an open, well-funded office in, say the National Institute for Standards and Technology that searches for vulnerabilities and has a responsible disclosure policy for everything it finds.

The Government has had this problem before - there used to be one body that handled both promotion and regulation of atomic energy in the US, the US Atomic Energy Commission. In 1974 it got broken up into two agencies, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (the regulator) and the Energy Research and Development Administration (the promoter).

Comment Re:Not so clever (Score 1) 41

CVE is a thing because static analysis tools are too chatty about too many things that have no chance of causing failure given your particular architecture or other system characteristics, but need to be examined/handled nevertheless. Tie that in with often subpar tools with subpar UI's and/or configurability and/or management that worries more about new features than code hygiene, and you will be saddled with CVE's because the tools wont be used, no matter how many issues they might find.

Comment Re:Genital tech? Some new language or something? (Score 1) 123

You don't need to be female to be an idiot in Product Management. I've worked with fools of both sexes in that particular arena. But you know what? They actually go out and talk to customers. They do (not as often nor as quickly as I'd like, but occasionally) get fired for their poor decisions. Besides, why do you think your engineering team has better insight than folks who actually talk to customers and do it well enough to get paid to do so? Especially when it comes from a UX department, whose artistic "insights" are not much better than most product managers' business "insights".

I think you are suffering from many delusions about the real world, my friend.

Comment Re:Rainbow PUSH said ... (Score 1) 123

Those 2 have done more to harm the black community than any other modern political leader.

Your poor grammar notwithstanding, I'd think that the black community could make their own choices on who their leaders are and don't don't need white folk telling them which of their leaders are effective. Especially when it's the lazy white press who keeps more effective (albeit less visually stimulating) leaders in the shadows.

But whatever you want to say about them, it is still undeniable that there is racism in this country and, no matter how awful you think they are, folks like Jackson and Sharpton raise issues that need to be raised, even if the resulting conversation seems to make you uncomfortable.

Comment Re:Here we go again ... (Score 1) 330

And what the hell is wrong with a human-lobster wedding? It might be true love, after all. Perhaps the human admires her shapely antennae, while she admires his stunning personality! A few quick dates and... Bob's yer uncle! Time for the wedding (and lets hope the new Mrs. Isn't expecting her little prawns too soon, but you know how impatient those new brides can get... wink, wink).

Now, wouldn't you feel silly, if that were the case?

Comment Voting roles... (Score 1) 468

What the fuck? Intimidation? Because someone sent you a form letter asking you to vote? They sure seems to making some folks with awfully thin skin. And someone might come to your house/apartment to ask you to vote. I guess you could always tell them to go to hell or something.

But no... Da man must be harassing me.

Comment It's going to end in a trade off... (Score 1) 168

You're not going to have the convenience of the modern world without almost ubiquitous interconnected computerized systems. You're not going to have the reliability you need for these systems to operate properly if you don't have more secure operating systems and identification mechanisms. The decision of what the deal will be when one is traded for the other will not be in your control.

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