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Comment Re:WTF Modern Science (Score 2) 93

Why do you insist they were built by humans? We have more resources and technology than ever before in history, and it's still considered impossible...

Because the other explanations are 1) They were build by aliens, or (other non human earthlings) and 2) It came into existence naturally. Both are even more unlikely.

Comment Re:Word of Mouth (Score 1) 447

Not GP, but I dont think I would have noticed it either. I dont have TV and I never noticed it online, until there were a lot of articles on Slashdot about how high the piracy rate was, and how awesome the show was. The show was well into the second season, by the time I noticed it. So I really dont think I would have ever noticed it, if not for the high piracy.

Comment Re:Batteries (Score 1) 286

Er, I am totally in favor of swapping batteries. I have 4 extra batteries for my phone (it is great for backpacking). The link I posted is for a tool to charge these batteries without having to use you phone (which can do only one a time (atleast mine can do only one at a time)). I put a battery in it and it will charge it for me.

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