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Comment Re:You can sell externally, can't provide link in- (Score 1) 244

Imagine if apple wanted a 30% cut of your ebay or amazon (regular purchases not e-books) purchases made using ebay/amazon app.

I meant additional 30% fee for buying using the ebay app on an ipad/iphone. I do shop and I sell items on ebay often, the paypal fees I pay is 2.9% + 30 cents. eBay final value fee is 10% (more importantly the fee is capped at $250, unlike apple store) and the listing fee is free for first 50 per month (again volume matters). eBay+Paypal fees is much lower compared to Apple, which doesnt happen often.

if eBay where to sell items on their iphone app, they would have to increase their fees by 30%. Making the final value fee as 40% instead of 10%. I for one would not be pleased.

Comment Re:You can sell externally, can't provide link in- (Score 1) 244

Honestly tough, I've always thought it was a pretty fair trade-off to pay 30% to gan access to many millions of people who already have payment details entered and ready to go at the press of a button.

Depends on your volume. Imagine if apple wanted a 30% cut of your ebay or amazon (regular purchases not e-books) purchases made using ebay/amazon app. I spend a lot on, and I would consider that insane. If every middleman wanted a 30% cut, supply chains will completely collapse. Apple should honestly consider having a tired pricing based on volume. Apple is too stubborn to do that (so is google, so they dont have to worry about the competing mobile platforms doing better either), or they would rather have people use iBooks.

I'm pretty sure Comixology will lose far more in sales than they would gain by not giving away 30%

Again depends on their volume and how much amazon pays the content owners.

Comment Re:Whatever you may think ... (Score 1) 447

Everyone already knew it is one of those two. Responding and choosing the easiest option doesnt take courage or make him any more liable. It would actually reduce liability. I agree he is not hiding, but he is being smart. A few words can save him a lot of trouble and lot of pestering by the media. If it was me (and I indeed made a mistake, or I had malicious intentions), I would have done the same. Not because I am courageous or anything, because that is the safest thing to do, right now.

Comment Re:Buy Now (Score 1) 94

If you have money to play with, sure. But dont call it an investment. I have a small amount of my saving that I dont mind if it becomes worth 0 tomorrow (5% of my total saving in an year). I currently am buy bitcoins with it, but I wouldnt consider it an investment at all. Certainly not a good investment.

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