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Comment I wonder.. (Score 1) 62

How many people who should be making advancements that, you know, actually arent stupid? I mean these sorta things arent easy, and theyre useful, but that doesnt mean they aren't stupid and pointless and temptng educated scientists away from more important matters to the replication of consumer goods. ...Actually, I had more to say, but I got this sinking feeling in my stomach after writing that. I suddenly became very depressed.

Comment Good. (Score 1) 147

But we should be doing many of the things the comission said. But this is a good one especially. If we're going to have emergency services, why would we keep them on a line thats subject to being overwhelmed in the event of an emergency of catastrophic proportions? to superid: You wont be listening to any more radios, unless something along the lines of a massive terrorist attack happens. Then, with those radios being overwhelmed, you wont be left to stramble and make choices with anything but a local view of the immediate situation. Says right in the slashdot summary. Thats the major purpose of the network. Not so people who can already communicate well do, but to bring mor epeople on, without fear of the slew of services that manifest in the wake of a disaster being overwhelmed. Its really, really important if your night suddenly goes from "dehydrated kid with syncope" (by the way, who breaks into a small town EMT center in winter? Cold IV fluids certainly wake you up. jerk vandals.) to "level 5 hurricane" or "large fireball downtown" to be able to communicate in the now heavily used communications networks. Just sayin'

Comment Personal Backup (Score 1) 361

is what we call it, not piracy. If you own the game, you can own the ROM. At least thats what the rom sites i certainly have never visited or downloaded in mass quantities tell me. At least, I assume thats what they tell me. I wouldnt know since ive never gone to those sites. Infact ive never even heard of this "rom" thing. You have to tell me if youre a cop you know! I CANT BE COURT MARTIALED TWICE.

Comment Because thats how to handle things. (Score 0) 247

Do what they always have. What all our governments always do: ignore the fact that people are commiting war crimes. Dont address the problems of real day to day worry. Instead, they seem much happier wasting resources to prosecute people who *are not bad people.* That gets left out too often. WAY too often. These are not bad people; not really. They didnt do anything wrong that actually matters. Sure, yeah, commited "crimes." Of course, in the real world, this crime amounts to...well, imagine a farmer. with 50 acres of land. Around one end he has a fence, saying "Private Property." at the other side however, wel, he hasnt gotten around to building that fence yet. So claerly he can murder anyone who comes passed this unmarked line. Its not Anonymous/whoevers fault that our governments have decided to be as ridiculously insecure in their data as is possible, in every area of every system. Corruption is rampant. War is being waged. Rights are being eroded. law enforcement becoming just enforcers. Criminals at the heads of multinational corporations destroying the world, cutting mountains into dust. Pollution filling our sky and our land and our water with crap. Even if you dont think climate change is real, surely you can see the problem in dumping things that kill people into our air. Its not like it has anywhere else to go. So right now, heres how it looks: The UK government and private citizens had their phones and computers hacked by Rupert Murdoch's media outlet. Crimes were hindered by their efforts to get the news from the phones. and what does the UK do? Focus on a "spokesman" for a group who probably hasnt actually commited a crime. Way to go, UK. Between Murdoch and that jerk in charg of BP, you clearly made the right choice: Arrest some guy no one knows who could never even begin to cause the sort of damage the real criminals do. These guys arent bad people, again, its really important: They are NOT bad people. The bad people are the ones arresting people for nonsense reason, are the ones who ripped off the global economy. are the ones who started andengaged in illegal wars. Not this group. But you can bet they'll do everything to get attention away from Murdoch's monsters and the corporate pirates running us into a wall. How many Murdoch outlets do you think will cover this and never again mention, yo know, the horrible crimes they commited, like torture. Like letting mercenaries act as mobile soverign territory. No, this is not what matters. What matters is some guy from some group whos name most people cant even pronounce because he allegedly decided to be a spokesman for a group. So, my advice to the UK and all others is as follows: Stop being whiny jerks ,stop ignoring the issues and STOP SHOOTING THE MESSANGER. Sheesh. (Please to note: when I use general terms like "to the UK" i am intending my words to be directed at the agencies in question, not over the UK as a whole; that would be silly and wrong.)

Comment Re:Internet? (Score 1) 203

First off all: Are you really that ignorant? Sorry that was the best way i could put this.Have you seen a modern high security prison? You know, for people who murder, people who rape, and people who smoke pot? kinda have to coordinate that stuff when everyone in your prison is a murderer and hates every other faction in the prison, also murderers. Still, I'm hoping this succeeds. It would be better for us to shut down all our prisons and releas eall the prisoners, than to force such a horrid existance on an innocent person. As we have murderd innocent people, stolen decades of their life. And yes, im serious. Those jerks who commit crimes are jerks. When we execute or punish people who did no wrong, we should feel horrible. But its marked up to collateral damage...I like to ask people (my parents and boyfriend) "So, You'd be okay with me being executed for a crime i did not commit and you know i did not commit, because the system works most of the time?" Ive always been good with heartstrings. Though it makes for a very messy rendition of cat's cradle, and no one i play with has made it to the end. I wish I could rememeb rwhat my original point for this comment was though.

Facebook Bans Google+ Ads 548

Barbara, not Barbie writes "Not content with making it hard for people to export their Facebook contacts to Google+, Facebook has now banned all ads from app developer Michael Lee Johnson, who ran an ad saying 'Add Michael to Google+.' Facebook sent him the following message: 'Your account has been disabled. All of your adverts have been stopped and should not be run again on the site under any circumstances. Generally, we disable an account if too many of its adverts violate our Terms of Use or Advertising guidelines. Unfortunately we cannot provide you with the specific violations that have been deemed abusive. Please review our Terms of Use and Advertising guidelines if you have any further questions.'"

Comment "Night Shift" should be made obsolete (Score 1) 203

It seems like the only good reason for these issues would be, being up when most people are not, and sleeping is hard when most people are wide awake. I think that we should basically just decide, screw it, our days are actually 24 hours. Its already going that way after all. Plus we'd have like a bazillion new jobs without much new cost, and people who like being up at night can do so rather than people who prefer being up in the day.

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