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Comment Re:The technology created of OS/2 lives on in Wind (Score 1) 342

Not really, the stress tests did so much more, they actually validated the data/contents of video/memory/math computations/files/etc. (I.E. They checked for any unexpected data corruption.)

For example the display stress test component, had a virtual driver(written by me) to emulate the all VGA OS calls, it was run in parallel with the actual hardware, periodically the virtual image was compared with the actual hardware. (note: That particular component stress test, found a flaw in a respin of VGA chip, forcing a 9 month delay in VGA chip production.)

Lastly, this stress methodology predates the fuzz testing by several years.

Comment The technology created of OS/2 lives on in Windows (Score 3, Interesting) 342

I remember it well, I was tasked with a number of OS/2 projects. Recoding MS's writelog function, making it asynchronous (non-blocking), creating the (AT) VGA driver, creating (AT) ST506 driver, and the biggest challenge ever, I was tasked with creating the final quality control steps/code/testing methodology.

I knew the final QC phase would be huge, an almost impossible challenge, since the Microsoft's core staff was mostly Recent College Grads who would take many of inappropriate shortcuts. Thus it would take something extraordinary to beat their code into something useful.

If I had failed, I suspect the micro computer industry would have been stuck in a dark age for at least a decade, maybe more.

The biggest hurtle was there would be no way to fully test all combinations of system functions, our SUN would burn out first(billions of years). Instead of attempting the impossible, I did the next best thing.

I created a series of revolutionary stress tests for that project. The component programs were a series if self checking programs which used out of phase pseudo random number generators. The resulting (re-creatable) data patterns were used for both the function parameters and content, and the longer they executed, the greater the testing coverage.

Long story short.. The first release of OS/2 (86) never saw the light of day.. It couldn't even pass the individual component stress tests, let alone dozens of them in combination, all controlled by my screen manager. Sloppy coding techniques and shortcuts had forced MS coders to go back to drawing board and start over from scratch.

Net result, those stress tests uncovered many flaws, including hardware problems, and major software issues, some of which were carry overs from PC/MS/DOS. They were discovered and fixed, some of them were folded back into next release PC/MS/DOS, 4.0. Thus making DOS based PC's useful for large databases for the very first time.

In the end, the code, the methodology I created, was so far ahead of everything else they quickly took over all other forms of OS testing at both IBM and MS. And it lives on to this day, Microsoft has ten's of thousands people creating/running modern permutations of those 24hr stress tests I pioneered for the birth of OS2, using it to find and fix bugs in all versions of windows.

Comment Re:"At Will" Employment (Score 1) 407

"However, this is an invasion of privacy and also is requiring the employee to violate another contract via coercion (penalty is the loss of their job if they don't).

It's called Extortion/Coercion, and I think this should be a test case for both criminal and civil prosecution. I have successfully made the argument before UI review board, that employment should not require an employee be a willing victim at the hands of an employer/supervisor.

Comment Re:Link to actual paper (Score 1) 169

Hmm, It looks like the clock isn't as accurate as claimed..

It's based on measuring a single atom of Th229 which has a half life of 7340 years.. So every so often your new fancy ion clock is going to randomly drop dead. (Unless you have multiple units and are comparing the outputs..) Then you need to isolate a steady supply of ionized Th-229 (which is a decay product from U-233, 160KY) to repair the dead modules.

Comment Re:What about Thorium (Score 1) 314

Their was NO THORIUM in that tiny prototype Pu/U fueled, air cooled 7.4 MWth, molten salt reactor .

To date, any experiments with thorium breeding has been in conventional thermal reactors were a small portion(less than 5%) of the U-238 was replaced with Th-232. Thus the entire concept of the LFTR is an untested/unworkable pipe dream.

Comment Re:Sadly, I have to agree. (Score 1) 364

"which killed only a handful of people. "

More like killed at least a million, and will kill many millions more. We now have several large offlimits zones, (otherwise many more people would suffer and die).

And that's not the worst case. When modern warfare break outs it will kill billions and contaminate the northern hemisphere's food chain for 600 years..

Comment Re:Say waht you will about MS (Score -1, Troll) 474

Bill Gates is a megalomaniac and probably insane (advocating mass murder).

Besides the occasional disaster, man made or otherwise, there will always be organized warfare. If we seen anything, these plants are fragile, easy to destroy targets.

The amount of radionuclides stored in each of these nuclear power plants is enough to make even the largest nuclear weapons ever built look like pop-guns. Once the contents are spread thoughout the country side it will be many centuries before a long lived mammals (like humans) can repopulate the affected region.

Oh, the rich have a plan in case of another World War. They will all fly down to Southern hemisphere, while anything larger than a house cat left behind in the Northern Hemisphere will suffer horrible, unspeakable, ugly deaths, and deformities.

Some important references and obscure but very important observations/calculations you may have missed.

Fukushima: Prestigious doctor: US nuclear 'Baby valley of death,' Millions to die

Bioconstration of radioactive I-131 in thyriod gland

Relative radioactivity of Cs-137 verses natural potassium (K-39, K-40, K-41)

Let's not forget.. LFTR, or Thorium only reactors don't exist, nor will they ever exist.

Comment Re:Say waht you will about MS (Score -1, Troll) 474

Bill Gates is a megalomaniac and probably insane (advocating mas murder).

Besides the occasional disaster, man made or otherwise, there will always be organized warfare. If we seen anything, these plants are fragile, easy destroy targets.

The amount of radionuclides stored in each of these nuclear power plants is enough to make even the largest nuclear weapons ever built look like pop-guns. Once the contents are spread thoughout the country side it will be many centuries before a long lived mammals (like humans) can repopulate the affected region.

Oh, the rich have a plan in case of another World War. They will all fly down to Southern hemisphere, while anything larger than a house cat left behind in the Northern Hemisphere will suffer horrible, unspeakable, ugly deaths, and deformities.

Some important references and obscure but very important observations/calculations you may have missed.

Fukushima: Prestigious doctor: US nuclear 'Baby valley of death,' Millions to die

Bioconstration of radioactive I-131 in thyriod gland

Relative radioactivity of Cs-137 verses natural potassium (K-39, K-40, K-41)

Let's not forget.. LFTR, or Thorium only reactors don't exist, nor will they ever exist.

Comment Re:But, but, but (Score 1) 569

The effect of the solar flare cycle signal on earth's average temperature is already being swamped by an order of magnitude by mankind's fossil fuelish addiction.

So don't expect any respite by quiescent sun, it's going to get hot, real hot, and the first thing to go is dependable crop yields. Mass starvation is already written in the cards..

Comment Re:Pumped hydro is common. (Score 1) 245

";It is very inefficient (25%) so you now need 4x the capacity";

Obviously you're not an engineer,

"By 1933 reversible pump-turbines with motor-generators were available. Adjustable speed machines are now being used to improve efficiency. Pumped hydro is available at almost any scale with discharge times ranging from several hours to a few days. Their efficiency is in the 70% to 85% range. "

Now, one must ask... why would a person make such a wild claim??

table of large pumped hydro facilities around the world..


Submission + - FCC Commissioner blasts Verizon on Net Neutrality (blorge.com)

destinyland writes: FCC chairman Julius Genachowski says that net neutrality rules "will happen", promising the FCC "will make sure that we get the rules right... to make sure that what we do maximizes innovation and investment across the ecosystem." But the same week, FCC Commissioner Michael Copps announced that the public should not stand for deals "that exchange Internet freedom for bloated profits," mocking the tiered-data plans of the "Verizon-Google gaggle" and accusing them of wanting "gated communities for the affluent." Speaking at a New Mexico hearing, the commissioner warned the audience against proposals that would "vastly diminish" the internet's importance, blasting "special interests and gatekeepers and toll-booth collectors who will short-circuit what this great new technology can do for our country." (The text of his speech is available as a PDF file at FCC.gov.) He concludes by acknowledging that "you can't blame companies for seeking to protect their own interests. But you can blame policy-makers if we let them get away with it!"

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