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Comment Re:Just drive there (Score 2) 462

Yes, I got the parody, but the horrible thing is that I've seen the same sentiment for real. A major newspaper editorialized that people who didn't want to go through the TSA porn scanners could just take the bus or the train. The notion that there are places unreachable by bus or train completely escaped them.

Comment On the technical side (Score 1) 310

So you've got a vulnerable web app that can't be fixed with new vulnerabilities being introduced all the time.

That's what web application firewalls are designed for. Installing one takes less schedule time than doing things right would take, and it might work better than nothing.

Though of course this is not a technical problem, it's easier to paper over a people problem with a technical patch than it is to fix people.

Comment The field is full of junk (Score 1) 509

"Brain Storm: The Flaws in the Science of Sex Differences", Dr. Rebecca Jordon-Young.

The literature, on careful examination, turns out to be full of floating definitions, hidden assumptions, and outright discarding of data.

There are sexually dimorphic places in the hypothalamus, but it's really tough otherwise to tell a male brain from a female brain. The differences are a matter of overlapping bell curves at most.

Comment Re:Not only... (Score 1) 306

Then on top of that it misses the point, that if you're trying to prevent people from starting WW3 on their own initiative, you don't let them choose the password. You should have the bomb builders set it. Bomb building was always kept carefully separate from the military.

Comment Re:Behaviour change due to social pressure? (Score 0) 241

It's a useful trait for good and for evil.

The German man on the bus in the story below may have been a psychopath. He was able to yell abuse at a crying woman. On the spur of the moment, he was able to manipulate the authorities superbly. He saved her life:


Comment Workers are artists, CEOs recording engineers (Score 1) 1216

The big rewards should go to the producers, or to the providers of risk capital. A CEO is a hired hand and does not deserve entrepreneurial rewards.

CEO pay is no more a free market phenomenon than Congressional pay. Compliant boards and "compensation consultants" (wonder who pays them?) rig the system.

The current system is like paying Michael Jackson minimum wage while his business manager becomes a centimillionaire.

Unless, of course, you think Carly Fiorina made her money with her Randian inventions and "creative contributions".

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