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Comment Good catch on incentives (Score 1) 199

As a follow-up, I prefer sources that I pay for. They still have an incentive to keep me, but less so to do it second by second with hits of adrenaline. Look long enough and it's possible to find scrupulous truth tellers in many political positions.
Sigh. Craigslist is good, but when newspapers could pay reporters from advertising, that stabilized things.

Comment There's a tradeoff here (Score 2) 64

Aviation culture has resisted criminal penalties in general. Yes, prison can make people afraid of screwing up, but it can also make them afraid of revealing mistakes so they can be fixed and learned from.
It sounds like the investigation is for breaking the non-prosecution agreement rather than for making a flagrant blunder.
Speaking of getting people to own up to mistakes, there's an anonymous reporting system where people can safely describe a situation even if they screwed up. Then the reporting system issues a tracking number. Then if there's ever enforcement action, the tracking number turns into a get out of jail free card.

Comment Someone always asks about AC vs DC (Score 2) 133

The reason you may see AC described as better is that low current is more efficient, which means high voltage, and AC lets you step voltages up and down with only Victorian technology.

If you have the tech to step DC up and down, it's got a key advantage on the high voltage leg. If peak voltage is average voltage, as it is for DC, you have less problem with corona discharge.

Comment Re:Wagner's vaccine (Score 1) 49

Immunotherapy has its own nasty effects. I hope the vaccine is gentler than CAR-T, which genetically engineers T cells to attack cancer cells. Hospitalization from the effects is common and my friend who had it was warned to stay within a short drive of the hospital.

At that cost, it offers a 50% rate of actual cure. Sadly my friend was in the other 50%.

Comment Re:It's already sooooper safe (Score 1) 45

If you use external libraries, then you have the identical supply chain security problem that the Rust Foundation is addressing here and others have been working on.

If you're building everything from the metal up, like my last embedded project, the article is irrelevant to you.

I've been wondering whether to make bill of materials security my next specialty...

Comment Re:Sickle-cell disease .. uh no (Score 2) 76

The disease doesn't, but a single copy of the gene does add malaria resistance. It's when you get a copy from each parent that you get sickle cell disease. It's why the sickle cell gene hasn't been selected out, and why its prevalence tracks malaria rates.

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