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Comment Re:Translation (Score 1) 148

Congress could be doing something about it but they are too busy displaying Hunter Biden's dick pics.

Congress is all about campaign contributions, when they're on TV we get whacky reality-show type behavior. When the cameras are off, some of the responsible adults actually pretend to do their jobs like normal human beings. CSPAN should put stock ticker symbols at the bottom of the screen, showing real-time campaign contributions to politicians while they're on camera. I'm sure MTG got a few million from MAGA the second she unveiled revenge porn at a house hearing. Our political system rewards bad, uncivilized behavior and is ultimately self-destructive.

Comment Re:Translation (Score 1) 148

The 99%-ers have got too much money.....

The Federal Reserve Bank doesn't work for you. At least in my particular industry, the Federal Reserve raises interest rates. Companies with negative cash flow cannot borrow money to continue operations. They either go out of business, or get acquired by big players. The big players, having reduced competition raise prices. The Federal Reserve notices "oh gosh, prices are higher than before", blames workers, and raises interest rates. The cycle repeats itself with more mergers, less competition, and higher prices... until the economy hits a wall, crashes, and then the Federal Reserve reverses courses, prints trillions and the whole process starts over again. I'm no economist, but I feel like I've seen this movie before. The Federal Reserve isn't stupid. They know exactly what they are doing... bringing us closer to an economic melt down, making the rich richer, and everyone else poorer.

Comment Re:Like "regular" programmers (Score 1) 34

....We have this image of hackers being brilliant computer masterminds, doing what they do at blazing speed. I suppose a lot of that comes from Hollywood.....

Hollywood hackers type randomly on the keyboard noisily and at high speed while the computer is running some snazzy 3d screensaver, then after enough random keystrokes, the screensaver stops and you get a giant 3d font indicating ACCESS GRANTED. All it takes is random keystrokes to disable even the most secure systems, but those keystrokes have to come from either a nerdy hacker-like character with a funny accent and thick glasses, or a pretty woman who has no clue. Either work just as well.

Comment FT Headline:....Boosting shares (Score 1) 26

PayPal's announcement, which lifted its shares 2.66% on Monday, reflects a show of confidence in the troubled cryptocurrency industry that has over the last 12 months grappled with regulatory headwinds that were exacerbated by a string of high-profile collapses.

So this is a stock pump and dump scheme. PayPal is so 1999, I guess they're trying to be relevant again.

Comment Re:Interesting (Score 1) 79

The UFO evidence is definitely on Hunter’s laptop. Along with Hillary’s emails, the Covid origin, Epstein’s customer list, and Colonel Sanders original recipe.

The secret ingredients of Coca Cola, location of Jimmy Hoffa and Howard Hughes's bodies, the truth about JFK's assassination, the truth behind 9-11 WTC attack, etc.

Comment Re:USA a crash zone ? (Score 1) 244

So highly advanced aliens fly light years to get here and then only ever crash in the USA...

This is what doesn't make sense at all. If they have the technology to travel here from what ever galaxy or dimension they come from, then you'd think they'd be better at controlling their craft and not crash once they arrived. Otherwise, you think they'd have run into an asteroid or a solar remnant on the way here? Or gotten lost in an empty dimension? But once they're here, they can't find their way around New Mexico and Nevada? That makes zero sense.

At this point, I don't believe in UFOs other than maybe the government is using them as a convenient cover story for a classified special access program. Until there's hard, physical evidence, it's impossible for this person to believe.

Comment Re:pay at the pump with card or cash is needed (Score 1) 98

Honest question...

When all the countries over there joined the EU, did they pretty much cede most all autonomy of being a separate country and independent government to the overrule of the EU councils, and laws passed?....

It's hard to take your question as a good-faith honest question when the information you seek is readily available from the EU's web site, or on Wikipedia, and when your question is off topic from the matter being discussed in this thread.

Comment Re:A low key RIF (Score 1) 81

This is how you do a RIF without telling wall street you're doing a RIF. Sounds like they're also hoping to avoid paying out severances too.

It would depend on what's in the employment contract. If the contract specifies a particular job location, then they'd have a right so some form of severance or compensation for moving expenses. Most workers probably don't think of these things when signing an employment contract.

Comment Re:RFK is running on, and ruining, his father's na (Score 1) 265

As a former bay-stater, I gotta say - there is a lot of truth in what you say ....Joe Kennedy was a bastard of the first order, and his boys were all fuck-ups.....

Joe Kennedy ruined his own political carreer as U.S. ambassador to the UK in the late 1930s. He had open sympathies towards Hitler and thought Germany would defeat the UK and win WW2. The Brits got fed up with him and told Roosevelt he wasn't welcome in their country. He also had Rosemary Kennedy because she was slightly below-average in school and wasn't up to the standards of the Kennedy family. Pathetic...

Comment Re:"Reponsibility" (Score 2) 22

....we're going to scam people out of their money, and when we get caught, we'll deflect and and all responsibility from those actions.....

They'll find a corrupt judge somewhere who'll forbid class action, and they know small-time investors lack the means to sue them on their own. Crypto ETFs are unregistered securities and should be illegal imho., or only sold to people with the explicit understanding that it's not investing but gambling and the odds are unknown.

Comment Re:Good news and bad news (Score 4, Insightful) 283

....I'm not overjoyed by the prospect of governments making tech design decisions

Then stop wearing seat belts. Governments make technical decisions all the time, that's one of the reasons we have governments in the first place. What we need to be concerned about is government making GOOD technical decisions, not decisions that enrich a clientele at the expense of everyone else.

Comment Re:3 patients reported having severe complications (Score 2) 51

....It may surprise you to know that some of those aren't botched and was actually the look people were going for.....

I would question the ethics and competence of any doctor who is willing to mutilate a patient because that's "what the customer wants." In some fields, "the customer is always right" shouldn't apply, medicine being one of them.

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