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Comment Re:work from home users (Score 1) 385

When I had a contract with a local telco I would have to use a VPN in order to get onto a network with a test switch. The problem with I had was that I lost my access to the Internet with that connection. What I ended up doing was running the VPN in a virtual machine. My software ran in the virtual machine connecting to the test switch without a problem but the rest of my computer still had access to the Internet.

You could do the same and only your business stuff would be sent over the VPN. Of course the FBI might just listen to everything coming out of your connection instead of anything just on the VPN which would mean that this wouldn't work.

Comment Wonder if they will do the same in Canada (Score 2) 450

I've been using their tax software for years and haven't looked into their offering this year because I found an alternative that lets you pay what you want to, including nothing, after you have filed. It's at simpletax.ca in case anyone is interested. Now I just need to find an alternative for my company taxes.

Comment Don't use radio anymore (Score 1) 126

The last thing that I had been using radio for was my alarm but I stopped that when I got sick of the fart jokes and Bieber updates. They didn't play his "music" but for some reason thought I gave a damn about what he was up to.

I find many artists through CBC Music 3. The Band of the Day app is pretty good too.

Comment Re:Sorta related... the teletype machine (Score 1) 790

I don't know about the US but in Ontario they use the fax a lot in the medical practice (and between pharmacies) when there is no electronic interchange available. They are not allowed to use email because it's not secure. My doctors office just has the documents go directly into their electronic system and if they need a paper copy they print it out from there.

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