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Comment Re:IE? Seriously? (Score 1) 142

> I realize that there are some people out there using IE,

What do you mean "some" - the majority of people use IE. It has by far the biggest market share. I'm sure you realise that. And you're talking about IE like all versions are the same. IE 8 renders almost identically to Firefox/Chrome etc. It's only IE6 and 7 which were the problem.

If you're not making it a priority in development, then I hope your business fails because you obviously don't care about the majority of your customers.

Comment Re:200ms input latency (Score 1) 204

> You can have 10ms input latency with a server that give you 200 ping.

I presume you meant those numbers the other way round? There is no way to get a lower input latency than the physical one the connection is running over, but it's easily possible the other way round.

Comment Re:Square Wheels (Score 1) 393

> the target audience for the app are those least likely to be able to afford an iPhone to use it

Next thing you'll be telling us that the poorest citizens of the UK can't afford Satellite TV either - when in practice, the less money you earn, the more likely you are to have it :)

Comment Re:Maybe something everybody can use? (Score 1) 393

> should make an Android app instead. They're cheaper, open, and there are many more devices with it.

No, there are nothing like as many Android devices as there are iPhones. There are only a quarter or up to a third (depending on which website you read).

Android only has a 9% market share, compared with iPhone's 28% and RIM Blackberry at 35%. source

Comment So what?! (Score 1) 220

So what - this is common practice for repeat issue cards (where they do not have to also send the PIN). The notion of "activating" your card is stupid as the normal way to activate the card is to use it in a cash machine (ATM). They are NOT sending out the card with the PIN printed on them so nobody can use them fraudulently anyway. I really don't see what the issue is here.

Comment Re:Next please! (Score 1) 446

> Why should apple support you fucking around with the OS and installing all kinds of random crap they haven't verified works on it?

Because all other phone manufacturers do, and users are totally capable of installing something and seeing if it works themselves - they don't need some bloke at the App Store to spend 2 minutes doing it for them.

Comment Re:my point of view (developer) (Score 1) 268

> no original files are used, in fact everything is re-created without reference to the original source code,

I don't know where you are, but in Europe that's irrelevant. It's not the source code that's copyrighted, it's the game itself (most software doesn't even ship with the source code - so source code it totally irrelevant when talking about software copyright). It's the design, function, and concept that's copyrighted in Europe and I'm pretty sure the same is true in most other countries that recognize IP and copyright. Do you think that if I wrote Call of Duty from scratch, or re-recorded a popular chart hit without paying royalties to the original publisher that it would somehow be legal?

Personally, I think you should have spoken to Sony in the first place instead of just submitting it as your own app as it's rather naive to think you'd get away with just submitting your own copy as I think it's likely that Sony might have been interested in talking to you - you've save them a lot of work.

Comment Re:Hands Up (Score 4, Insightful) 268

You seem to miss the fact that he submitted it to an App Store! That's totally illegal in all countries which recognize copyright - even Scandinavian countries (where it might be permitted for personal use). You also don't take into account the fact that Sony might be intending to release it for that platform and that's the entire point of copyright - to allow you to do that without another company doing it before you and taking all your revenue.

Comment Re:May I be the first to say: (Score 0) 268

It seems you know nothing about the current development state of Lemmings and it's releases for current platforms and you also don't seem to understand what copyright is intended for (to allow the copyright owner to profitably distribute their application wherever they want to, without illegal pirates such as Mobile1UP from blatantly stealing the entire game idea/design/graphics/logo/trademark and having the unbelievable arrogance to actually submit to the App Store as though they somehow deserve credit and payment for hacking/copying somebody else's hard work and intellectual property). That guy is a total idiot and deserves everything he gets from Sony.

To be honest I think Sony were being VERY kind by simply sending a cease and desist. If it was me, I'd have wanted to sued the living shit out of that evil thieving company.

Comment Build your own - and buy Gigabyte mobos (Score 1) 484

Solution... build your own PCs. You get much higher quality components if you buy decent brands.

If you buy Gigabyte "UltraDurable" branded motherboards, they contain solid capacitors which can't leak or burst. They also have an entire spare BIOS which is handy if you screw up the main one during a BIOS update. After a spate of capacitor problems on motherboards, power supplies and graphics cards, they're now the only board I'll buy.

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