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Comment Re:Thanks Mr Schneier (Score 2) 397

[quote]These people have a radical and fairly crude ant-secrecy agenda, and the stuff they bring to light may be done in a highly selective and self-serving manner. And regardless of whether you think governments should be allowed to keep secrets or spy on people, I dispute that these vigilantes should decide what should be "declassified" or what isn't. It's only slightly better when the leaks are channelled through the media, given that journalism is a "soft option", and that journalists are only slight better qualified than the leakers themselves to decide what's safe to leak or not. [/fullstop]

You're still missing the message to focus on messengers. Tyranny is what is the problem. Doesn't matter if it's Judy Gardland, Edward Snowden or Ariel Castro delivering the message. If the statements are true, focusing on the flaws/brokenness/evils of the messenger is ensures tyranny continues to succeed.

I'm pissed and I don't know what to do. The NSA is stealing both the ideals of what our democracy is based on, as well our increasingly modern era implementation of it. I don't think anything short of bloodshed in the streets has a chance of changing anything, and even then it likely won't. The Government in the name of security can lie, cheat, steal and kill and not be held accountable.

Comment At one point, lack of good DAW and NLE (Score 1) 1215

(for me, Ardour doesn't cut it. I realize this is very much a catch-22 for OSS and making $, but I don't like the method Ardour uses to financially support itself)

But both of those are now taken care of.

Lightworks - awesome NLE, feature set on par w/ Final Cut Pro before the iFCP dumbening -
Tracktion 4 - professional daw (originally by Mackie). Methods are a bit different from more traditional software (Cubase/Reaper/Protools/Samplitude/etc) but professional thru-and-thru.

Comment Re:where do 3dtv's cost a few grand? (Score 1) 143

Wife recently surprised me with a late xmas gift - new 42" LG w/ led, passive 3d vs active (uses the same RealD theater glasses) and came with a free soundbar - $475ish @ Microcenter, etc. Tried some demo 3d content via Roku, instantly hooked and have since gone all in (new bluray 3d player + 7-8 movies). It's a gimmick, but now that I've got home 3d, I can't see myself ever going without it (assuming I can stay w/ affordable 3d in the future). The set also has a realtime 2d->3d conversion and while is isn't real 3d, it does a pretty good job of faking added depth to just about everything. Watched the entire super bowl in simulated 3d, was quite enjoyable.

Comment Re:100,000? (Score 1) 267

Two days to fill a 512GB ssd? You could write 512GB in about an hour ~ 150MB/s (conservative speed, much higher if copying between SSDs). Rewrite the drive 24 times in a day, drive in dead in a month and a half.

(not sure if you were talking about casual use, which 256GB/day would be more extreme but still power casual use, or a major stress test of the drive)

Comment Re:This is all our fault. (Score 3, Insightful) 292

What are we supposed to be doing? Violently overthrow media conglomerates?

I already vote with my dollars. I no longer buy nor subscribe to (or pirate) music, movies, etc. I stopped buying restrictive DRM games years ago. I've cut the cable cord. I prefer indie authors almost exclusively and get my text in print form whenever possible. These companies don't care, they've got more than enough $ already and the only one really being hurt is me (near zero access to pop culture).

Get off your high horse and be useful. Enlighten me. How else can this battle be fought?

Comment Re:How big was the hobbit? (Score 3) 245

Having the additional resolution helps preserve quality during the making process. For example, most music is recorded at least at 24bit 48-96khz per track (dozens to hundreds depending on the music), even tho the destination will usually be 16bit 44-48khz. The extra fidelity makes all the eventual filtering, dithering, resampling, correction, compression, etc ultimately that much higher in quality.

Disclaimer: worked in TV and music production.

Comment Obviously there is an irony to all of this.. (Score 4, Insightful) 1435

But think about this a step further. Presumably, the people who are doing all of the threatening (clearly highly intimidating threats otherwise guards wouldn't be called in) are supposed to be the 'good guys' gun carriers, not the bad guy criminals who aren't supposed to have guns in the first place. This whole thing says a lot about the perceived power a gun holder has over someone without. Good guy or bad, own a gun and you start to feel power enough to turn into a thug.

And aren't the thugs what the good guy gun owners want to defend against?

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