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Comment Re:Great idea! Let's alienate Science even more! (Score 1) 937

I know no atheist who is seeking a replacement 'believe', we are simply not wired to "beleive" in something or have "faith".

Oh, there are plenty of those.
Just look up any group of self declared atheists and it will be chock-full of them.
Trouble is, they are not really atheists... and you'll often hear them declaring themselves "agnostic". I.e. Hedging their bets.

They also tend to be angry at one religion in particular, or tend to be more tolerant or leaning towards eastern religions like Buddhism and will still respect the local religious holidays and superstitions.
Can you tell I'm a Scorpio?
Google tells me that' why I am "dead serious in my mission to learn about others, to zero in on the essential questions, gleaning the secrets that lie within".

And then there are those who've "figured out" that "Science is smart. Atheists like science. So, being atheist means being smart." and are jumping on the chance for that ego boost by correlation.
Very similar to how being a nerd has of recently become socially acceptable and even cool, so much so that now nearly everyone is a nerd.
Particularly the jocks. They are now "sport nerds".

Comment And it's as faulty as ever... (Score 1) 937

It confuses human hunger for understanding as need for an easy and simple answer.
So, it supposes a hole which needs to be plugged up by something.
Ignoring the possibility that the hole is there for ingesting, digesting, absorbing and rejecting information - and not to be plugged up.

Human body is full of holes that need to stay open for us to function normally. Plug em up... and we die.
Same goes with our minds. Starve them of new information and they wither and suffocate.
Plug them up with dogma and they drown in their own excrement.

On another note, the "argument" ignores even the possibility of no religion to begin with, and thus nothing to reject.
Thus, according to that logic, a born atheist would be an impossibility.
Or a very wile man, whose life has no "meaning and direction" and with a "big empty spot where heart used to be".
What was that called again... Oh right... Bullshit.

Comment Because click-bait (Score 1) 937

Author is a philosopher (i.e. bullshit artist), "a contributor to the NPR blog 13.7: Cosmos and Culture" and currently working on "a book about art and human nature".

Ergo, space+art+culture = Star Trek.
And as he is reaching for the lowest common denominator to hang his foregone conclusion on (and then wail on it until that straw flies out of that argument) - so Kirk as an imaginary opposite to an imaginary "Spockian" atheist.
Because that's what's recognizable to most people through cultural osmosis.

Who ever heard of Sybok as an opposite to Spock, right?
Oh... wait... That's the story where Kirk is the logical atheist and a Vulcan is a religious fanatic... oh...

Comment So... (Score 1) 210 a decade or so 1 LoC will fit on a 1 portable memory device the size of a postage stamp?

I mean... only a decade or so ago 1 portable memory device the size of a postage stamp had about 1000 times smaller capacity.

Which means that we'll finally be able to use LoCs as a practical measure of size, distance, speed, weight...

Comment Re:Your stupidity is hurting me. (Score 1) 288

Oh! So it shouldn't be a reduced version of the biblical 10 + 1 new age eco one?

Well shit... are you now telling us that not only are you an idiot who does not know what a law IS (and that's not a philosophical issue - there's no room for "what it SHOULD be" in it) - you are also full of shit and won't abide to your own idea of "3 laws only"?

Oh... wait... You're actually retarded... oh...
You probably think law is some letters on paper made up to annoy you personally and steal your freedomz.
That's sad.

Comment Not quite... (Score 1) 421

The reason you don't see more available from the likes of HP, Dell, Acer, and others is because it creates a support nightmare.

They don't see them cause most people on slashdot are from a wealthy western economy.

All those notebook/laptop makers have models made for and sold exclusively to customers in Eastern Europe.
And said models tend not to be found on their main site, but on the sites of their licensed distributors in Eastern European countries.
That's who gets the support calls. Which are usually settled with a "bring it around and we'll have a look at it".

Those models also tend to be labeled as "no OS" or "Linux OS"... but if the local distributor is also an OEM partner, they may put an OEM Windows installation on those machines if the customer wants it.
Usually for free.

Or maybe not.
Maybe it's illegal and they would NEVER think of doing that just to sell a laptop and accessories and future support and...

Comment No they're not. (Score 3, Informative) 444

RWE AG said Aug. 12 it will halt an extra 1,005 megawatts of coal and lignite capacity by the first quarter of 2017, taking the total planned capacity cuts to 8,940 megawatts. Old lignite plants are candidates for closing, according to New York-based Pira, whose clients include oil companies, utilities and governments. A thousand megawatts is enough to power 2 million European homes.

They are shutting down the old coal plants, replacing them with new, more efficient and cleaner ones... and now they have to shut down and reduce production of those too.


Wind and solarâ(TM)s share of installed German power capacity will rise to 42 percent by next year from 30 percent in 2010, according to European Union data compiled by Citigroup Inc. The share of hard coal and lignite plant capacity will drop to 28 percent from 32 percent, the data show.

German utilities plan to start new hard-coal plants with 5,606 megawatts of capacity this year and next, data from Bonn-based national grid regulator Bundesnetzagentur show. That compares with a target of at least 10,000 megawatts from new solar and wind installations in 2014 and 2015 under Germanyâ(TM)s renewable energy act, which takes effect Aug. 1. Solar output reached a record 24,244 megawatts on June 6, according to EEX.

Because... They are getting more out of all the solar and wind than expected. They are getting negative electricity prices in January and May.

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