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Comment A solution with no problem in sight... (Score 1) 34

Don't worry. At 70 degrees Celsius all water from the gutter will just evaporate and your air conditioner will catch fire.
But you'll be too busy being boiled like an egg to care about the noise.

From TFA:

Exposing the SMP to heat above 60 to 70 degrees Celsius causes the material to become flexible enough to undergo geometric deformations. The material then cools into its new rigid form. Apply another round of heat, and it will return to its original memory state.

Comment Unforeseen consequences... (Score 1) 730

While only 1.7% of Force users have reported any type of skin irritation, we care about every one of our customers. On behalf of the entire Fitbit team, I want to apologize to anyone affected. ...
Independent test results have not found any issues with the battery or electrical systems.
Test results show that users are likely experiencing allergic contact dermatitis.
All Force materials are commonly used in consumer products. However, some users may be reacting to the nickel present in the surgical grade stainless steel used in the device. Other users are likely experiencing an allergic reaction to the materials used in the strap or the adhesives used to assemble the product.

And that's just one of them, that Fitbit ran into.
Apple may be running into that same one, AND MORE, once people start using their watch instead of the Fitbit or using it like the Fitbit.

For one, Fitbit's battery lasts a week. Tim Cook suggested charging Apple Watch over night.
With all those sensors, "Taptic" actuators, color screens... I have a feeling that's a rather optimistic estimate.
They didn't mention the battery for a reason.

Also, I have a feeling that the "Digital Crown" won't last. At least for people trying to use the watch for tracking their activity.
Either it will be replaced by a slide sensor, dropped, or Apple may come out with a iBrush to clean the iGrime.

Price, naturally is an issue for many as Fitbit is 3.5 times cheaper AND does not require a new iPhone too boot.

Apple Watch also features the same old issues which caused Woz to throw away his Samsung Galaxy Gear, dubbing it "worthless".

You had to hold it up to your ear and stuff. ...
"I want my smartphone [on my wrist], but I really want the whole thing," said Wozniak. "I don't want just a little Bluetooth connection to the smartphone in my pocket because then it's just an intermediary, an extra thing I buy to get what I already have and have to carry anyway."

His comments reflect a trend seen in the adoption of wearable technology by consumers. Around 40% of UK consumers ended up abandoning them because they got bored with the idea or simply forgot to put them on, according to research by CCS Insight. Fewer than half a million smartwatches were in use in the UK by March this year, according to data from research company KWP ComTech.

The story is similar in the US. One-third of American consumers have also stopped using a smart wearable device within six months of purchase according to data from Endeavour Partners.

Though, the reality distortion field is a powerful force, and one that must be reckoned with.

As with other smartwatches, consumers will be able to change watch faces on the new Apple Watch and customize it in various ways.
I especially liked a watchface featuring Mickey Mouse.

Customizable wallpaper/skin. A highlighted feature for the Apple crowd.

Comment Re:Bah humbug censorship (Score 1) 307

I did not say they were a single thing.

Nor did I. I said you conflated them into a single entity, by implying the relation of one with the other.

"Responsibility" implies that you are at fault if you don't do a thing.

And further attaching the entity of "blame" to that entity, through the reasoning presented, where you use "fault" and "blame" as if they are the same thing.

I'm afraid you're miscomprehending. In computer terms you're confusing the if statement with the contents of the optional block.

I hope that you don't talk to people in real life "in computer terms".
Someone might "allocate" a fist to your face for "allocating" something to them.

Here's a hint.
Human social life, including communication, i.e. language, is NOT computer code or algorithms.
It's more closely related to metadata.

That is why statements like

"I <3 apples"


"I <3 Apples"

instantly evoke VERY different images and emotions, despite identical letters and pronunciation.
There is hidden metadata.

Same way, because someone along the way attached the "i" metadata to one of those, the i-Product_Name is automatically understood with only one of those statements.
Someone spent a lot of money and time to establish such a metadata relationship.
A conflation of Apple with i-Product_Name.

Which is the same thing you did, when you've established through your reasoning of "Responsibility" implies that you are at fault if you don't do a thing.", and further talk of "allocating" fault, but deallocating "blame".
You've conflated or bundled the issues of "responsibility", "fault" and "blame" into a single issue.

The compiler built into the human brain does not throw errors when you fail to define a variable before use - it guesses and attaches "like to like".
Which is why you can talk about "fault" and interchange it for "blame" later on, without noticing the problem that causes.
I.e. You conflate them into a single idea.

Which is NOT the greatest of your errors. The idea of it all being a zero sum game is.
Your "100% or less allocation" is a faulty way of thinking about the issues at hand.
Metadata relation is not quantity-dependent. It's relation-dependent.

Comment Re:No. It is not. In any way. (Score 1) 135

How very curious! I wonder why you singled (well, doubled) out ethnicity and religion. Why not sex?

Now you're just being a troll.
Same reason I didn't "single out" height or weight - IT IS NOT THE ISSUE BEING DISCUSSED.

What you are doing is called ignoratio elenchi.

His religious affiliation is relevant because it erodes the theory that Kosminski was the murderer, and that he wrote anti-Semitic graffiti near where the evidence was found. His ethnic affiliation is relevant because it credits all the people who had teased that out of the evidence, and discredits those who opposed the idea.

Which is still completely unrelated to the case as it was back then BECAUSE - it does not relate to the case in any way.
Not as evidence for or against ANY OF THE SUSPECTS, not related to victims OR the murders.
Again, it relates ONLY for conspiracy theorist who have an axe to grind with Jews.
And we know who they are because...

I suppose that's because the evidence of their murders weren't found near anti-Semitic graffiti suspected to have been written by the murderer.

Aaaaand that's a bingo! Thank you for taking part in "Spot a racist!"
Once again, the old proven rule of "just let them talk" has proven true.

In this case, the racist only sees the need to state "ethnicity and religious affiliation" if it is related to Jews in some way.
Even when the only relation is through something that is of no merit to the case, except in their minds.
In comparison... Here's how a non-racist might have phrased a similar sentence HAD the Ripper's murders been in ANY way, shape or form marked with religious and/or ethnic markings or motives.

I suppose that's because the evidence of their murders wasn't in ANY way, shape or form marked with religious and/or ethnic markings or motives. Well, except for Hitler, but he was motivated by religion/ethnicity of the victims, not by his own.

Thank you for watching and now a word from our sponsors... Troll-a-Way.

Comment Re:No they don't... (Score 1) 260

You seem to have trouble with reading comprehension.

The numbers listed and those in the linked reports are for electricity they ARE producing, and the numbers they WILL BE producing.
From ALL renewable resources and from nuclear reactors.

Everything else, and you got MUCH HIGHER numbers for that too, is electricity created by burning oil and gas.
And that's just the electricity production.

When you're used to living in a lifeless desert, with insane temperatures, on top of an oil well, why would you give a flying fuck about melting icecaps, changing climate or more of the world turning into a desert while you're racking in billions in the process?
It's gonna get hotter? April and May will be like July? So what? It's gonna get colder? Great!
More deserts? So what? Food will be more expensive?
More expensive than shipping it into a middle of nowhere IN THE MIDDLE OF A DESERT?
Oil will become more expensive? FANTASTIC!


They are not EU countries like Germany, who do have something to lose and a lot more people who will complain about things like dead bears - so they are switching completely to renewable sources.

Camel spiders and scorpions might die from heat? EXCELLENT!
That's why UAE's PLANS, not current production but PLANS, for renewable sources are trivial compared to same old same old burning of oil and gas, while SA's are a mere fraction of what they are producing from oil and gas, and similarly, it's all "down the road, someday".
They have nothing to lose due to global warming. Not their problem.

Comment No they don't... (Score 1) 260

From TFA:

Saudi Arabia has announced it is on track to start work on its first major solar farm early next year. ...
He added the project was on track to begin feeding electricity into the grid by 2015 and will mark the first step on the government's path towards delivering 41GW of solar capacity by 2032, through a combination of solar PV and solar thermal technologies.

And they are planing to be producing 120 GW by 2020 - of which only those 41GW will be solar. By 2032. 17GW will be nuclear.

UAE as of 2011 was producing 26.1 GW of electricity.
With plans for 28.8 megawatts (MW) wind farm and a concentrated solar power (CSP) plant with 100 MW capacity.
While building at least 4 nuclear reactors, first two 1.4 GW ones planned to come on-line in 2017.

Neither country cares much about renewable sources because 1) oil and gas and 2) they are investing in nuclear.

Comment No. It is not. In any way. (Score 1) 135

Well, Jack the Ripper's ethnicity is relevant to the story. The sentiment at the time was that the Ripper's crime was so heinous that he must have been an immigrant since no British person would commit such heinous crimes.

First off, now is not "at the time".
Nor is any rationale provided for why would such labeling be of any importance now, nor why would ANY ethnic or religious attributes be relevant to either murders or the identification of the murderer EVER.

There was never any evidence or testimony of any ethnic or religious identity of the murderer.
Nor were murders ever explained as a religious or ethnic ritual - other than in completely made up conspiracy theories involving everything from royal family, through obligatory masonic this or that, to Lewis Carroll.
Because he wrote weird books. Clearly, Alice was written in code, describing his murders.

The whole "connection", including the graffiti you mention, boils down to "some people were very anti-Semitic back then".
Which provides as much reasoning to prominently point out the ethnicity of a supposed "proven" murderer as it would to point out the ethnicity of any famous murderer.

Try it like this...
Do articles about John Wilkes Booth start with the mention of his ethnicity and religious affiliation?
How about Lee Harvey Oswald?
How about John Wayne Gacy?
Theodore Robert Bundy?
Charles Milles Manson?

Here's an easy one... Adolf Hitler. Do articles on Hitler start "Adolph Hitler, a Catholic dictator..."?

What you are providing up there is not a valid reason but RATIONALIZATION of one's either deliberate attempt at sensationalism or utter lack of tact or reason.
I'll exclude the possibility of racism cause that would be beyond retarded.

Comment Re:Bah humbug censorship (Score 1) 307

copying someones private diary


confidential information

Copying confidential information? Or just reading it?
Copying a single copy is unauthorized copying. Sharing it would be copyright infringement.

The confidential part just adds possible unauthorized access if done without consent of the (living) person to whom the information belongs.
Not necessarily though.

Copyright and confidentiality of information don't necessarily belong to a same person.
And some confidential info can not be copyrighted - like PINs, passwords, various identifying names and numbers, medical records...

Comment Re:Bah humbug censorship (Score 2) 307

in which copying IS stealing in some contexts whether you think it's right or wrong

No, it's not.
It's copyright infringement.

Unless you're talking about trade secrets.
Which is again not stealing. It might be trademark or patent infringement though.

Calling any of that stealing is like calling drawing blood, or any other easily renewable bodily fluid, murder.

Comment Re:Bah humbug censorship (Score 3, Insightful) 307

"Responsibility" implies that you are at fault if you don't do a thing. And you've already allocated 100% of the "at fault" to the rapist.

No it does not.

You are conflating responsibility, blame and fault into one and single thing. Which is not the case.
That is why a statutory rape charge is not a possible charge if both persons who are engaged in consensual sex are adults.

Responsibility means that one is responsible for one's own actions.
And yes, if one's actions endanger others they ARE responsible for the results of those actions.
Like someone going out to sea in a storm, falling overboard and causing millions in damage to haul their ass out of the water.

The fault is not implied in one's responsibility, but in the results of their actions for which they are responsible.
In the case of pictures and reddit and the deletes, celebrities have a responsibility to act like responsible adults.
Responsible adults don't leave their naked pictures online. Period.

The burden of their fault there is suffered solely by their reputation and their "good name".
Which is why they are making demands on account of this being "a copyright issue" and not something else, like invasion of privacy.

The responsibility for breaking into their accounts and taking and sharing those photos on the other hand belongs solely to those who did the breaking in/stealing/sharing.
And so does the fault. For every one of those acts.

The responsibility for them being ABLE to do that rests on the host service which the celebrities in this case were using.

Same as the responsibility of reddit for providing their users with tools and ability to share those images.
After all, if there was no responsibility there, celebs would have no one to ask to pull down those photos, but the people who actively share them on reddit.

And, we are back to celebs and their responsibility for demanding that reddit removes those images - causing reddit to remove entire subreddits, thus encroaching on freedom of speech of EVERYONE using those subreddits.
More responsibility and more fault for both.

There are various responsibilities, various faults and none of them are a zero sum game.
Some are a matter for the legal courts to determine the blame, some are judged in the court of public opinion, some will not be judged at all.
But there is plenty of responsibility and fault to go around.

Comment Close... but no cigar. (Score 1) 307

It's more like blaming somebody who was killed in a car accident that was somebody else's fault after they chose to wear their seatbelt, but design flaw they weren't aware of made it ineffective.

It's the "I don't need a seat belt, the car has airbags." situation.

And then the victim sues the manufacturer of the car driven by the driver who caused the accident.
So the manufacturer silently recalls all those cars (they were distributed to drivers for free, in exchange for watching commercials) and melts them into slag.
Along with anything that the drivers may have left inside.

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