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Comment Re:What use is 400 million guns then... (Score 0) 78

As I was saying before some sniveling corpo-pussy tried to censor the second amendment clause to distribution of resources...

What use is 400 million guns then... ...if you can't shoot even a single billionaire? What happened? Your balls dropped off?
Force that wealth to trickle down - with their blood. Make golf courses red again.

Just imagine chasing down Elon Musk with an AK, his fat wobbling every which way as you empty clip after clip around him, only nicking him each time, savoring the moment...
Or holing up a whole nest of billionaires into a panic room - then burning the whole place down.
Or blowing up a yacht with everyone on it. Then circling the wreck and plugging off the surviving rats.

Fucking bunch of craven pussies.

Comment What use is 400 million guns then... (Score 0, Troll) 78

...if you can't shoot even a single billionaire? What happened? Your balls dropped off?
Force that wealth to trickle down - with their blood. Make golf courses red again.

Just imagine chasing down Elon Musk with an AK, his fat wobbling every which way as you empty clip after clip around him, only nicking him each time, savoring the moment...
Or holing up a whole nest of billionaires into a panic room - then burning the whole place down.
Or blowing up a yacht with everyone on it. Then circling the wreck and plugging off the surviving rats.

Fucking bunch of craven pussies.

Comment Re:Maybe (Score 1) 179

The whole point is that Deckard is probably one. You clearly have no idea what a MacGuffin is.

The whole point is the questioning of our own "humanity" in the face of our own creation - which we treat as disposable tools - asking for "more life".
It's a story about a jaded human having his feelings and lebenslust reawakened through shock therapy interactions with essentially robots who are the only ones still desiring life while humans wallow in apathy of a used up world.

Thus, and as pointed out through piles of evidence, from interviews to... well... time being linear and Scott adding that nonsense later, then removing it through the sequel he produced - Deckard is not a robot.
Deckard being a robot would make the movie stupid and bad.
It would just be robots all the way down - being robots.
Programming acting out feelings and desires.
Your phone wishing you a lovely day.
It doesn't.
It's just a preprogrammed message.
Also, such a movie would be a joke at the expense of the audience's humanity and feelings, i.e. human instinct to anthropomorphize.

Now... Scott having known but ignored mental issues, such a version of the movie may be better to him and to people confusing a defect in his mind with his creative genius.
Which he undoubtedly does have - but has always lacked control of it, losing it further as he grows older, his brain and inhibitions being slowly but surely ground down by time.
Thus his recent spats with critics of Napoleon - which clearly IS a bad movie, though the critics have been concentrating on all the wrong issues.
I mean, who gives a shit about historicity when it looks like mud and the story is just another Turkish soap opera?

As for the AI - might as well ask Michael Bay. He made movies about robots that are more than meets the eye.
His expertise is bound to be as well informed and insightful about the topic of AI as Scott's or Elon Musk's would be.
Possibly more.

Comment Favorite? Merely watchable is miracle these days. (Score 4, Insightful) 184

Oppenheimer was good.
The Killer was watchable.
To Catch a Killer (no relation) also - until the cowpaganda section which had me crawling on the floor looking for my eyes which had rolled straight out of my head.

Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny was a ridiculous slog.
Until the finale where I laughed so hard watching Roman centurions hitting a flying plane with spears, Nazis saving the day and Harrison Ford begging to be allowed to die - but the metaphoric hand of Disney punches him out, patches him up, plumps him out and plops him down, presenting him to the audience as plausibly still sequelable.
"Get back to work Harry. We can milk you for a few more sequels."
It was a beautifully hilarious edition to the canon. And the art of film. Or art in general. Worth every penny of that $300 million budget.

There hasn't been anything watchable on TV since Chernobyl. The TV show, not the nuclear disaster.
I rewatched some episodes of DS9 on youtube the last few days. That was good. Shame we can't have that anymore.
Adding 2.5 billion humans in the meantime was a mistake. Half of them are morons that the current TV is catering to.

Comment It is far more likely Biden will run unopposed... (Score 1) 196

...with Dumpy being let out of his cell only to be indicted and trialed for ANOTHER thing, with Republicans penciling in his name on ballots anyway while Dion keeps yelling at them on FOX "But I am the nominee! Why won't you vote for meeee?!" - than Ramalamadingdong ever serving in any elected or appointed capacity above a municipal dog catcher.
And I don't believe he is qualified to be a dog catcher either.

Comment Re:Because people make voice calls with phones? (Score 1) 85

None of those are arguments against writing and pro-voice - those are just red herrings related to obtuse, ignorant and stupid people.

Also, if we've learned anything from the resurgence of fascists and racists around us, it is that they will often use "implied tone, [hidden] intention, sarcasm, and all the other shit that condemns people all the time" as a defense that they were "only joking".
I.e. Humans are perfectly capable of lying, both verbally and textually. Written lies can be look up later more easily.

As for writing/typing vs. talking to a machine... pressing a button will always be simpler/cheaper/faster/better to implement than a voice recognition command.
Plus you can write the instructions for using it directly onto the button. You can't do that with voice commands as there is nothing to write on.
The sound made by a command no one knows how to pronounce is silence.
So is the sound of a command that a machine doesn't hear/understand for whatever reason - from ambient noise to a broken microphone.
And that's disregarding security and the noise one would be making simply doing things all day. Imagine that workplace.

It is a stupid retro-future gimmick, like nuclear cars and plastic furniture you can hose down.

Comment Re: There's a better design out there.... (Score 1) 203

Economics is the only thing that matters to Humans. A dying planet could give a shit, and will mock that ignorance until it is written on the epitaph of humanity.

Uh-huh... all those evil renewables will ruin the planet for humans. Unlike the life-giving nuclear radiation.

Comment Re:Nope! (Score 1) 123

Sources, investigative work, reporting...

Hell, these guys don't even get to offer source confidentiality to their sources - cause they're not journalists.
An influencer who would do an actual investigative story about crime would be charged as an accomplice should he/she deny the police access to EVERYTHING gathered during the investigation.
And that's in a strong democracy, where cops and courts actually follow rules and they don't simply disappear you and your family for asking too many questions.

And that's without going into the whole thing with said influencers actually lifting their ass out of their gamer chair and actually walking outside, talking to actual people, asking actual questions and investigating actual events and stories.

Comment Corporate nonsense for corporate morons... (Score 3, Interesting) 123

Remember back in the day when this same idea, "journalists being replaced by X", was touted about - bloggers.
Remember that?

Guess what?
No bloggers ever were "embedded" with US military, bloggers tend not to be invited, go to or allowed at government briefings for the press, bloggers get neither the support of news networks NOR any kind of protections in front of courts OR guns for being... you know... journalists.
Blogger gets caught taping a conversation or photographing people without their consent - blogger gets sued and blogger can't use "ama press" defense.
Same goes for "influencers".

Only real difference being that when someone is trying to INFLUENCE the news, that's not called reporting or investigative journalism.
That's called PROPAGANDA.

And while People For Freedom of Propaganda will gladly use both genuine useful idiots AND astroturfed ones - a big point about propaganda is having direct editorial control.
I.e. Propaganda is too serious a business to be left to the amateur propagandists.

Comment That's a "common law"-only thing... (Score 1) 286

Won't work in a civil law system - i.e. most of the world, outside of former British colonies, who are still relying on precedents.
There, an army of lawyers do have an advantage, digging up case law all the way back to Magna Carta and presenting arguments based on such precedents.
Which are simply not a thing in civil law. No "legislating from the bench".

Worst an army of lawyers could do in a civil law system would be filing appeals and delaying things by pushing everything up to a higher court - a task done equally well by a single lawyer, even if he/she is not specialized in that specific branch of the law.

TLDR - US and UK legal system is GARBAGE, designed by feudal lords to rule over illiterate peasants.

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