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Comment Re:Russian steep price (Score 1) 106

Governments and corporations have different motivations (assuming competence on both sides). As you point out, private industry has a profit motive, but that isn't necessarily their only or highest motivation. Government isn't usually looking to profit, but they usually require higher levels of accountability and consultation with the general public, which takes a long time and isn't always cheap.

Comment Re:Piracy. (Score 1) 207

I think car companies will embrace people printing their own dials and widgets eventually. It allows them to use cheaper parts up front since they can be easily replaced, and keeps them from having to produce every single part for 10 years after they sell the car. Car makers are in the market of selling cars, while they may make some money off replacement parts it ain't their core business.

Comment Re:Why hire someone to contribute? (Score 1) 130

Because your system runs on Linux, and fixing a bug solves a problem in your system? Once you have the fix contributing it back saves you the hassle of maintaining it as a patch as new kernel work is done. Also hardware companies want their equipment to work on Linux for everyone. Also what nblender said.

Comment Re:It IS a valuable skill (Score 2) 130

I've done a little kernel work, it's very different from user space. In user space I don't need to know the difference between soft and hard interrupts, and if I keep a mutex locked for a few extra instructions the performance implications aren't as bad as keeping a spinlock too long. That's not to say people shouldn't learn these things, but it makes kernel code look pretty foreign, even for a C developer.

Comment Let me save you some time (Score 2) 307

I read the article. Don't bother, the slashdot conversation will probably be more informative. The guy has a paragraph on nuclear arms which is totally wrong, thinks the industrial revolution didn't kill off a lot of jobs, and totally underestimates the human ability to find shit to do when bored.

Comment Re:No more or less than anything else (Score 2) 323

I used to work at a company that made WAN equipment. One of our interview questions asked people to rate themselves on a scale of 1 to 10 on their networking knowledge, where 10 is an expert. The idea was that we could skip the simple networking questions for higher numbers. The reality was people only picked a few numbers, but it turned out to be really reliable which ones. Experts were 4, average was 6, very little knowledge was 8, and totally clueless was 10.

Star Trek Continues Meets Kickstarter Goal, Aims For Stretch Goals 165

jdavidb writes: A couple of months ago on Slashdot, I learned about Star Trek Continues, a faithful continuation of the Star Trek original series five-year mission, lovingly recreated by Vic Mignogna and a dedicated cast and crew. The original Enterprise set from Desilu has been recreated, great scripts have been written, fantastic guest stars have been enlisted, including stars from the original series and other Star Trek voyages, and the three episodes filmed so far look like they genuinely came from the era that produced the original series. Continues has now turned my children on to original series Star Trek, and we eagerly await more episodes.

Continues has two more days to go in their Kickstarter campaign. They have already raised enough money to produce two more episodes and meet their first stretch goal: creating a set for Engineering. They're also bumping up against their next stretch goal: creating a planet set so the Continues Enterprise team can visit strange new worlds and experience the tragic loss of nameless redshirts.

Comment Re:Even with the new outbreaks (Score 1) 580

You can take precautions against lightning, other than getting immunized there's really fuck all you can do against measles. It has an infection rate around 90% for unimmunized people, can live in the air for hours, and something like a 0.1% fatality rate. It is incredibly hard to stop and outbreak once it starts. Anyone doing risk assessment would take the vaccine, why take any risk you don't need to?

Comment Re:The problem (Score 1) 231

The doctor also makes the decision on if bloodwork or a CT should be done. Most patients don't question a doctor's recommendations. Which leaves the door open for eugenics with this ruling, but we'll see what kinds of regulations the various governments enact in the 12 months before the ruling takes effect.

Comment Re:Just learn C and Scala (Score 2) 192

As someone who is a developer, no, you don't learn a language in half a day. I know academics think they can, but academics write the most obfuscated, unmaintainable, bug-ridden code known to man. And no, people interviewing developers at tech companies are pretty much never management. It's almost always a mix of developers and team leads.

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