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Comment Re:Too bad... (Score 1, Troll) 610

THIS crap got modded up? Scary.

I assume you do realise that that amount of CO2 in the atmosphere has been MUCH higher than it is no previously, yes?
And of course that ran away didnt it, making earth venus like and all.. at least until the magic pixies came and magicked it back I guess.
And yes, of course, that half a billion yars worth of carbon - because as we know carbon is continuously produced (I can only imagine by those
same magic pixies) and so accumulates..

Oh, sorry - there I go again with damn damn pesky critical thinking.

No, you are right! the sky is falling! we had better empower those fantastic politicians who only have our best interests at heart to grab more power!

Comment Re:Too bad... (Score 3, Insightful) 610

And too bad they include completely made up additional costs to nuclear (like a cost of heat production - complete BS, and cost of using up uranium resources, when in fact reprocessing reduces that to almost zero very quickly ).

In other words this is a fluff piece written by some pro-wind political pressure group with the intention of getting some good headlines and hoping no one actually looks at the numbers.

Put another way, propaganda.

Enjoy the lies. Pity that environmentalists so often have to resort to them - not many ideals on those idealists.

Comment Re:Ridiculous (Score 1) 139

What a load of BS.

They are copying the pre-spaceshuttle sensible and very workable X-20 dyna-soar, which was a very sensible design for certain applications.
The space shuttle was lumbered with masses of military 'requirements' and pork belly politics that destroyed the design - welcome to the USA!
That doesnt mean that X-20 type return vehicles are bad..

In fact the perfect mix could well be SAs lift body on top of a return-and-land Space-X primary booster.

Pretty much anything but more NASA pork is a win win for space.

Comment Re:We are fucked (Score 2) 126

The answer is simple isnt it?

Make sure the end user is GUARANTEED the bandwidth they are paying for (no over subscription, no 'up to', etc).
Then I would be happy for 3rd parties to pay the ISP to increase the bandwidth ABOVE that top level, as much
as they like.

That would be a win all round, but of course that is almost exactly the opposite of what they will actually do.

Comment Re:Undespecced in every way even at $800 (Score 1) 264

I am having some trouble seeing your point..

So, if I get this right, the people wanting to show off their nice new shiny 'ITS A REAL APPLE!' devices are the overly focused hotrodders overspending on things they dont really need in the hope of a bit more social position, right?

And the people buying a perfectly functional android phone for 1/3 the price, and not upgrading it to this 'latest model' endlessly are the sane ones, hmmm?

In that care, I could not agree more!

Of course if you are trying to say that spending very top dollar on an iPhone is 'sensible' but looking at the fact that an equivalently priced android phone has more features, higher specifications, etc is foolish, then I think perhaps you partook of just a little too much of the happy powder somewhere along the line.

Hell, even apply compare themselves to 'luxury brands' now... and for good reason.

Comment Re:The downside of SD cards.. turned around. (Score 1) 264

You may think that allowing 3rd party apps is positive feature, It is not.You seem to understand the upside but let me lay out the downsides:

1) It adds bulk to the phone for a feature that most customers do not care about and will not use
2) It adds to the cost of the product for design, manufacturing, warranty, and support (again for a feature few will actually use)
3) It reduces the reliability of the device by a small but statistically significant amount. When you are selling these in the millions that adds up to substantial expense.
4) Adding the 3rd party apps features comes at the expense of other features that could occupy that space such as additional battery capacity.
5) It is a vector for Viruses and Malware to enter the phone (see point 3 above)
6) It requires supporting third party software that may have compatibility issues
7) 3rd party softwarecomes in a variety of speeds and people will inevitably buy software that are not fast, incompatible or have other performance issues
8) It complicates the software on the device and almost certainly will result in bugs.

Most of your disadvantages are amazingly tenuous at best, and easily miss-applied to all sorts of other features.
In the end Apple profits by people wanting to upgrade their phones as soon as possible - expansion capability reduces that.
9) The functionality can be replicated in other ways that may (and in fact are) preferable to other people such as wirelessly syncing data to other devices.
10) SD cards basically are modern day floppy disks. Do we *really* need to go back to those?

Comment Re:Alright smart guy (Score 1) 504

I can happily (and do) run Cyanogenmod CM11 on my Samsung Galaxy S (original version). Thats android 4.4.4, latest.
In fact the progressions of andrioid versions have made the device faster, more user friendly, and functional over time.

Got the phone in early 2010.

So, what is your point?

Comment Can we please cann these companies what they are.. (Score 5, Informative) 288

Minicab companies.

They are not 'ride sharing' or 'car pooling' or anything even similar.

The business model is old and well established,at least in london.
It means a cab service that does not use fully licensed drivers and vehicles, and cannot be just hailed on the street (must be booked).
The fact that they take most of their bookings from phone apps/online makes no difference at all.
It is just a private hire of transport service - they dont use cab ranks, they cannot pick up people who hail them.

Perhaps if they had admitted this to begin with, they would not have faced the legal hurdles they have.

Comment Re:Science creates understanding of a real world. (Score 1) 770

A) But water vapour doesn't accumulate over centuries like CO2 does (it rains out), so the long-term effect isn't there
B) Not true. CO2 has historically had a powerful positive feedback effect on temperature.
C) Climate models have only missed recent short term temperature fluctuations (as expected). Still important for long-term predictions.
D) So? We're concerned about how current levels will affect us.

Oh boy, where to start - or should I just mod funny?

A) CO2 accumulates? you had really better tell that to all the plant life that things it is continuously absorbing it ;)
B) um, no, it does not, there is very little evidence of a CO2 drive global temperature historically - not to mention the clear evidence that global temperatures have nevr run away, even though CO2 levels have been MUCH higher.
C) Climate models have missed ALL the temperature fluctuations since they have been making news - and by constantly increasing amounts - a big problem since they are pretty much all feedback based models - so if they dont work in the short to mid term, they have NO hope in the long term.
D) The point is accoring to the chicken littles, we should already have disastrous effects, where are they?

and for bonus points....
What happens when you increase atmospheric CO2, temperature, and rainfall? (which pretty much all the models agree will happen)?
How many of the models do you think include adjustments for increased plant growth? (hint, its a round number).
And thats only the tip on the iceberg.

The FACT that is almost always ignored is that a scientific theory is only useful if it can predict, thats one of the RULES.
Once they start being able to predict, I will be much more interested in what they have to say.
Until then its all just opinions.

Comment Re:You completely missed the point of the article (Score 3, Informative) 27

No, it is a stupid article. Someone has come up with an over-complex solution to a non existent problem.

The use of the CPU to create temperature is a overly complex and difficult approach, compared to using a simple regulated heater which would be much simpler, more reliable, more repeatable, and cost less.
Really, they are using a whole computer just to generate the heat, and a separate computer (cellphone) to run the reaction. stupid and overly complex.
If there is a demand for a usb controlled accurate heat generator it would be trivial to build one with a usb microcontroller, its pwm output, and a heating resistor.
it would cost less, be more accurate, smaller, waste less power, more reliable, cheaper. I doubt it would be difficult to find a suitable device already from some
similar application.

Temperature regulation is absolutely NOT a contributing factor to high cost of such tests.

Hell, a power supply, some switches, and some resistors would do it if you didnt want automatic control.

Comment Re:Baby steps (Score 1) 289

So, I guess you have not seen the models currently available with auto steer, that morons are already treating as autodrive?

The first few big court cases should be.... interesting.
The manufacturers are just waiving responsibility with a few lines in the owners manual and maybe a short warning on the in car screen.

Comment Re:Please get some help (Score 1) 1262

HAve you met many angsty teens?

What is happening here is of course that what she says directly provokes and annoys that subset of society who will react like that.
That is, teens.
And I am sure she knows it, anyone who thinks about it knows it, and it is common, and means little.
Of course she is not addressing that, she is trying to use that brush to paint 'people in tech', ie: people working there. very few of those are angsty teens.

Really, pick pretty much ANY subject, it would not be hard to get a bunch of nasty responses in an online forum - and she is playing that game, a lot of what she claims could easily be considered trolling (for example presenting paths of play not required or even sensible in games as the main intention of the game just because they paint the game as anti women).

Is she right to involve the police, etc when someone starts saying things this stupid? quite possibly yes.
Is she right to claim this defines an entire gender? dont be ridiculous. THAT is sexist, against men, as she quite clearly is herself.

Which is a pity, that she obviously believes that reverse sexism (by labeling the majority of men to be akin to the worst examples she can find) is good.

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