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Comment's still there, you know (Score 4, Informative) 255

Most of the stuff this guy is bitching about is stuff that is STILL THERE. You can still create your own website and post whatever the hell you like, create whatever community you damn well please, etc. Unless you're in a country like China or Iran, you have every bit as much freedom today on the internet as you did 10 or 15 years ago.

Just because people CHOOSE to use social sites like Facebook and give up certain freedoms in the process doesn't mean anything has been lost. About the only area where I see where freedom has really been lost is in the increasing prevalence of tablets, phones, and likely soon even laptops that are behind software "walled gardens," like iOS. And even if that case, no one is *forcing* anyone to buy those devices.

And as for complaining about the lack of standards in sites sharing info, well WTF is new? Companies developing proprietary formats for sharing info is hardly something that Twitter just discovered recently.

To me this guy just sounds like another FOSS zealot bitching because the world doesn't work like he wants it to, and things didn't turn out like the Open Source utopia he had envisioned in 2000.

Well to be fair he does have some points. Not that we so much 'lost' anything on the 'net, just that the way it is used has changed a lot over the last 20 years or so.

Like the example with links (which is one of the only good points he makes in the article I think) I remember back in the 90ies or there abouts it was commonplace for websites to have a 'links' section where whoever was running the site could post likes they thought would also be relevant or interesting to their readership.

This, in fact, was the whole reason that the PageRank algorithm was designed in the way it was, outgoing links were taken as being an 'endorsement' of the site being linked to by the site it was linked from.
Now links are used in a completely different way, like, while people will still have their 'links' section. In many cases sites are set up to generate a ton of out-links to sites in their little network and in turn receive a bunch of in-links from other sites in the same network, thus generating a higher PageRank.

Now is it bad that the way the 'net functions has changed, eh, I don't know. I did like the Wild West feel of the old internet though. Though, I suppose that has sort of moved on to the likes of TOR and stuff now.

Comment Re:Job Performance (Score 1) 401

That is the only thing that should be taken into consideration. As long as it was between consenting adults, an affair is between him, the 'afairee' and his family. As long as it doesn't effect one's job performance its really nobody's business.

Not really.

Affairs by in large are clandestine things that would have negative repercussions for a marriage. Being that he is cleared for pretty by all the secrets of the CIA having him as easily blackmailed as that would be bad.

Comment Re:About time (Score 4, Interesting) 113

I've often wished someone would do something like this. I've suggested on slashdot an interstellar military/trading game that would take relativity into account as a way to give people a more intuitive feel for it. I've wondered about the difficulties of a 2D game that would use a slow speed of light. But to have a 3D game that considers all the effects, including red-shift, is beyond my wildest dreams. I look forward to downloading and playing it.

Have you actually *tried* this game? Cus' it's a long way off from a big-ass 4x sorta game. I mean the game is fun, interesting and trippy and all that, but it is kinda rudimentary.

Would be fun to play on a large screen while in an altered state though.

Comment Re:DRM for weapons? (Score 2) 279

Reminds me of a Modern Marvels episode. They were talking about the trigger device on nuclear warheads I think, and how you have to input a precise code in order to arm the device, or else it locks forever.

Myth has that code being 111-111-111 though.

And 'locks forever' in this context means 'locks until someone physically pulls the weapon apart and resets it'.

Comment Re:Syrian Rebels ARE the WRONG HANDS! (Score 2) 279

thing about suicide bombers is that the good ones can't repeat their work, and the shit ones tend to fuck up, get scared, or get caught.

You can't really be a good suicide bomber, you can be a good suicide bomber handler. Screw catching the suicide bombers (well before the op anyay) most of them are just uneducated and desperate people, you want the ops guys behind them.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 441

The horror of having your computer OS updated automagically in the dead of night while you sleep. I don't know how people have lived with it this long.

What about people like me who like to turn off their computer while they sleep to conserve power? My computer likes to download updates and request a reboot while I'm in the middle of something important.

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