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Comment As a member of a Robocup Humanoid team (Score 1) 82

I can say CHARLI has nice looks, compared to other teams I have seen so far. Its walking looks subpar but it will definitely improve until June. So far it is not groundbreaking or anything. For more impressive robots see Nimbro(Germany), Team Osaka(Japan) and Robo Erectus(Singapore). Our robot TUlip(Netherlands) was quiet crappy last year but we heavily modified it and expecting good publicity this year.

Comment Re:River Raid does this (Score 1) 114

River raid diverges from random generation in an interesting way, because it uses the same seed every time you play, every time it generates the same levels. But it was very ingenious of them to use the method for "compression". Actually, somebody must have hacked the game to use different seeds to try different levels.

Comment Re:Dade Murphy? (Score 1) 344

My Internet connection at the campus dormitory was suddenly cut with no apparent reason. I checked that my cable was OK, asked if any other students have problems. IT people didn't reply my e-mails so I went there in person. It seems that I had some malware on my computer, automatically attacking others in the network, and IT cut off my access for two weeks as a punishment for my offence, without telling me anything. I told them I was immediately going to clean my system, but I had to go through some idiotic bureaucracy to get connection before my punishment is complete. I had less than two weeks to finish my BSc thesis.
It's funny.  Laugh.

Submission + - Never Trust Your Spell Checker, Lesson DCXVII (bbc.co.uk)

nightcats writes: In a bad economy, publishers often bring the axe down on editors and proofreaders first. And every so often, it costs them big time. But at least the rest of us get to laugh. The opening paragraph of this BBC story says it all:

An Australian publisher has had to pulp and reprint a cook-book after one recipe listed "salt and freshly ground black people" instead of black pepper.

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To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk. -- Thomas Edison
