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Comment Re:New version! (Score 1) 264

How is a different init script for every distribution simple? Some of the archtectual ideas in systemd are quite simple. For example to make the most out of parralelism they just start everything at once and let each deamon wait/poll/notify for thier dependencies to be ready enough before proceeding. This is a lot simpler to configure that explicitly schedualling okay start thses three deamons A,B, and C. Lauch D,E,F, and G when A is finished, and H and I when B is finished, then after C, E,F, and I are done it's safe to launch L, and after L you can launch X ---- YUCK!.

Comment Re:OpenDNS (Score 1) 260

Not going to help the really determined. Dig allows you to pull DNS records from arbitrary servers with the @ option. You can add a plugin to a portable browswer with a change hosts plugin so you only have to look it up once. It may protect against a lot of casual or inadvertant exposure, but the old 100% is looking over the shoulder method

Submission + - Ask Slashdot: parental content control for free OSs?

m.alessandrini writes: Children grow up, and inevitably they will start using internet and social networks, both for educational and recreational purposes. And it won't take long to them to learn to be autonomous, especially with all the smartphones and tablets around and your limited time.
Unlike the years of my youth, when internet started to enter our lives gradually, now I'm afraid of the amount of inappropriate contents a child can be exposed to unprepared: porn, scammers, cyberbullies or worse, are just a click away.
For Windows many solutions claim to exist, usually in form of massive antivirus suites. What about GNU/Linux? Or Android? Several solutions rely on setting up a proxy with a whitelist of sites, or similar, but I'm afraid this approach can make internet unusable, or otherwise be easy to bypass. Have you any experiences or suggestions? Do you think software solutions are only a part of the solution, provided children can learn hacking tricks better than us, and if so, what other "human" techniques are most effective?

Submission + - Geeks Who Run Linux On Macs

jones_supa writes: Apple has always had attractive and stylish hardware, but there are always some customers opting to run Linux instead of OS X on their Macs. But why? One might think that a polished commercial desktop offering designed for that specific lineup of computers might have less rough edges than a free open source one. Actually there's plenty of motivations to choose otherwise. A redditor asked about this trend and got some very interesting answers. What are your reasons?

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