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Comment Next: Russia (Score 1) 176

As Russian "government" is fond of Iran, China and Syria, this practice will soon be implemented there. There were already voices to ban "circumvention" of recently introduced blacklist, meaning ban of VPN, proxy, TOR and any other technology which might be a nuisance for the ruling criminals.

Comment Not innocent (Score 2, Insightful) 336

Many of the DDOS nodes don't know they're being hijacked for a DDOS. Name and shame an innocent person?

They are NOT innocent. They let their computers be used in stealing, censorship, blackmailing, spam and other evil stuff. It doesn't matter if it is stupidity, ignorance or malicious intent.

If your car keeps hitting other cars you should hand over your license.

Comment Wrong (Score 1) 553

It's not about THQ getting money or not. By paying for this you're basically saying it's okay for HiB to sell DRM'ed Win-only game subscriptions (seriously, look up Steam license, you're not actually buying games). There is no other meaning to this.

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The difference between reality and unreality is that reality has so little to recommend it. -- Allan Sherman
