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Comment Re:BUT BUT (Score 1) 168

What was Uber doing 'bad' that they needed to ban anyway? They had people working for them, voluntarily, for a price they can accept or deny, voluntarily. If there are people willing to work for $10 a ride, then they can make a few dollars, it's better than NOT making ANY money.

by this logic, we should repeal all labor laws & minimum wage laws. be careful what you wish for, and the logical conclusions of allowing companies to treat their 'employees' however they like.

Comment what a wanker (Score 5, Insightful) 185

We can't count the monkey at a typewriter who accidentally types out Othello as a great creative playwright.

ok, but what about the monkey that repeatedly cranks out great plays? when does it stop being an accident?

We may be able to see a machine's product as great, but if we know that the output is merely the result of some arbitrary act or algorithmic formalism, we cannot accept it as the expression of a vision for human good.

who's to say that we all aren't just performing arbitrary acts of algorithmic formalism, based on our past experiences and chemical reactions in our brains? this fundamentally boils down to free will and thinking we have some magical divine spark inside us, instead of us just being unimaginably complex meat computers. the jury's still out on that one.

Comment Re:It's Human Nature not to work (Score 1) 694

one of the primary arguments against UBI, in fact probably the biggest one, is what you stated in your initial post - "It's the "give a man a fish" proverb gone backwards" - if you give people free money, they will sit on their butt and wont look for jobs

the results of this study refute that pretty strongly

now you've switched to talking about (presumably means-tested) welfare? what does that have to do with UBI or looking for work?

Comment author forgets that people are selfish (Score 3, Interesting) 114

author is focused on the overall market or societal impact

Which of course doesn't matter at all to the founders & investors.

blitzscale is the 'greedy' approach. entrepreneurs and investors typically just care about their own company succeeding, and to hell with what that means for the market in general or consumers. they WANT to build a monopoly, duh.

Comment Re: sleep affects hormones (Score 1) 233

If they are not processing the calories, then it is not impacting their blood sugar, glucose or hormonal balances either. You can swallow a balloon filled with sugar, you wont gain weight from it, post dump, and it won't keep your energy up.

yes that was my entire point. how fucking stupid are you? some people will be able to extract more calories from their food, and they will gain more weight. other people will extract less calories, and find it easier to stay thin.

furthermore, some gut bacteria produce lipopolysaccharide, which can increase blood sugar & insulin. this causes the body to try and store more calories as fat, instead of using it for energy or to build muscle. thus lowering metabolism & causing feelings of lethargy, and making exercise less effective at building muscle mass

on the other hand, some gut bacteria strengthen the gut barrier, reducing inflammation & insulin resistance, which leads to lower blood sugar, more available energy, and less tendency for the body to store fat.

I would put up ten grand on a one month inpatient study against your ten grand. The 200+# patient is given 1500 nutritionally balanced calories, a multi vitamin and 2 mandatory sessions a day of 20 minutes on a low impact recumbent bike at 70+% max heart rate average. The patient will be provided with study materials, books, and exercise equipment to occupy the rest of their time. The patient will lose at least 2% of body weight, likely 4%. FYI 8% is max recommended loss rate for that period.

this is a stupid study. of course they will lose weight, but they will be exhausted and hungry and miserable the entire time. you can FORCE people to do lots of things they otherwise wouldn't do themselves. nobody is claiming weight loss is impossible, just that it can be incredibly difficult.

Comment Re:External locus of control (Score 1) 233

you're way too hung up on assigning blame, as if that is the only thing that matters here - pointing fingers at folks.

you're also still ignoring the impact of gut bacteria, which we are learning is incredibly influential in how you absorb nutrients and put on weight. TDEE is only the second half of the equation - calories burned - but calories absorbed is just as important.

yes, anyone can eat less, exercise more, and lose weight. that is not under debate. but it will take some people WAY, WAY more effort than others.

it's easy for someone to sit up on their high horse and say 'just eat less and exercise more, duh!' as if that is an easy thing to do. the number of obese people in our society, and the percentage of people who regain weight within a few years even if they do manage to lose weight, is a pretty good indicator that it can be incredibly difficult.

Comment Re: sleep affects hormones (Score 2) 233

100 calories is not 100 calories TO THE PERSON EATING IT and that is the only fucking thing that matters. everyone will shit some of those calories out, and the amount they shit out can vary significantly from person to person.

i never argued against the conservation of energy.

capitalizing the first word of sentences is for little bitches. and work emails. since you're not paying me, you don't get capitalization.

Comment Re:External locus of control (Score 1) 233

nobody can create energy out of thin air.

but some people can extract more energy from the same amount of food as other people.

100 calories is not the same for everyone. no machine is 100% efficient. for a quantity of food that we think of as '100 calories,' the average adult may only be able to absorb 80 calories of energy from it. other individuals might be able to get 90 calories of energy from it, due to differences in gut flora.

now factor in metabolism as well. some individuals burn more calories than others, even while performing the same exact level of physical activity.

add the two together and you will see that the statement 'eat less calories + burn more calories exercising = weight loss' is broadly true but a wildly incomplete view of the situation - some people may need to exercise MUCH MORE and eat MUCH LESS just to maintain the same level of body weight as other people. don't be so fucking smug.

Comment Re: sleep affects hormones (Score 4, Informative) 233

you're pretty smug for someone that is so terribly fucking wrong

'100 calories' is not the exact immutable block you think it is. calories as it pertains to human diet are an inexact & best-guess science. 100 calories for you may not be 100 calories for someone else.

differences in gut bacteria can have drastically different effects in nutrient & energy absorption. differences in metabolism can affect the amount of calories burnt by two individuals performing the same actions.

two different people could eat the exact same food, perform the exact same physical activities, and one could gain weight while the other lost weight.

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