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User Journal

Journal Journal: Anti-Americanism on the Cheap 2

And this note goes out to all of you here in the West who opposed the liberation of Iraq, a liberation now gleefully celebrated by the Iraqis themselves.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Naming names, calling their hands

In a number of threads at the beginning of the recent war in Iraq, I challenged those who were forecasting tremendous amounts of gloom and doom in the current war to a gentleman's bet: if the Iraqi regime had fallen in five week's time, I won the bet. If not, they won, and I would freely admit so in this journal.

Well, guess who won? :-)

melonman, your time ran out on May first.

It's funny.  Laugh.

Journal Journal: One for GMontag 1

I haven't been reading the Onion that much lately, as they've been having a pretty dry year as far as humor goes.

But GMontag may enjoy this one, so I'll link to it anyway... :-)

User Journal

Journal Journal: Recent Threads 5

The thread that grew out of my response to this post are somewhat interesting, touching on the moral and international-law justifications for war in Iraq, and delving into some of the left's newer black-helicopter theories, especially those surrounding Hugo Chavez, Venezuala's tinpot strongman (who is a

User Journal

Journal Journal: ``Another Vietnam''? 1

As OpinionJournal points out this morning:

"Everyone is converging on the scenario of one side controlling the countryside and the other controlling the cities, until finally the cities start falling one by one. It sounds a lot like Vietnam to me, except that Saddam will not fare as well as Gerald Ford."

User Journal

Journal Journal: Iraq and al Qaeda: the Evidence 2

For some reason, the left seems to think that questioning the link between al Qaeda and Iraq is a good debate strategy. While the necessity of acting against Iraq in no way depends on such a linkage (an Iraqi nuke could as easily be smuggled by Iraqi intelligence as by al Qaeda), it's important to note that they're wrong on the merits on this one, too.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Straight to the point 7

From today's Joint Statement/Press Conference (`Press Availability' in bureaucratese) by Bush, Blair, Aznar, and Barroso:

"Q: Because there's one thing we need to make clear. When you say tomorrow is the moment of truth, does that mean tomorrow is the last day that the resolution can be voted up or down, and at the end of the day tomorrow, one way or another the diplomatic window has closed?

User Journal

Journal Journal: More Quirin Threads 21

A fair percentage of the discussion attached to this story is interesting.

The nutjobs who think our democratically elected and constitutionally constrained system is more dangerous than islamofascist terrorism are out in full force, but I don't think they hold up their end very well.

User Journal

Journal Journal: This is a `rush to war'? 1

Well, we keep hearing that the US is in a `rush to war' in Iraq. In fact, we've been hearing that now for over six months, which sort of puts the lie to the whole idea:

"The Rush to War"
-- headline, The Nation, Aug. 7, 2002

User Journal

Journal Journal: Iraq: A Second Resolution? 3

So, we keep hearing that we need `a second UN resolution' if we are going to enforce the will of the UN and disarm Saddam Hussein, that we need `a second UN resolution' if we are to liberate the suffering people of Iraq. There's only one problem with this:

We already have a second resolution.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your French jokes! 4

In this piece in The Weekly Standard, Fred Barnes mentions the following (anti-)French jokes (some edited to match how I've heard them):

From Jay Leno: ``I don't know why we're surprised that the French won't help us get Saddam out of Iraq -- they didn't even help us get Germany out of France!''

User Journal

Journal Journal: Quotes of the day 3

Two gems:

``Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keep moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.''
-- Ronald Reagan


``Congress is spending money like a drunken sailor on shore leave.

On second thought, that's not fair...

It's funny.  Laugh.

Journal Journal: Not in WHOSE Name?

So, as ncc74656 points out, a bunch of loony lefties calling themselves Not in Our Name have put together a petition against the liberation of Iraq (and by extension, in favor of Mr. Husseins rape, murder, and torture against the Iraqi populace).

As he also points out, it's well worth signing the counter-petition up here.

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