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Comment Re:No, OP is right (Score 0) 350

How much of a problem does ivermectin-resistant head lice have to be before you do a full court press against ivermectin?

How much of a problem does myocarditis in young men need to be before you do a full court press against experimental mrna treatments?

The pro big pharma argument is double-edged, and an honest broker would apply it both ways.

Comment Re:They were not warning about horse paste (Score 1) 350

So, there's a large market, where farmers can buy unlimited supplies of ivermectin.

And you're worried about too much use with humans creating magical "ivermectin resistant" parasites?

Even if ivermectin was no more effective than a placebo, it was safer than an experimental mrna treatment with no long term testing data.

Your strong emotions about this show just how effective big pharma advertising is.

Comment Re:Three docs that were (Score 0) 350

Trump was compromised by big pharma because he trusted the wrong people. His weakness is that he wants to be loved, and he mistakenly thought that if he stood behind "The Science", that people with TDS might break through their programming and start giving him a fair hearing. Sad.

The Ds were compromised by big pharma because they are willing to sell themselves for money and power, and they don't care about the consequences. They're not only in bed with big pharma, they've got a menu of kama sutra positions with pricing by the hour posted on the headboard.

Comment Re:Three docs that were (Score -1, Troll) 350

Trans is a mental illness. If your natural body causes you so much mental anguish that you're willing to kill yourself, the problem isn't with your healthy radius and ulna, it's with your brain.

Groomers hormonally and surgically mutilating children are the ones torturing and killing. And if there is an arc of history that tends towards justice, these groomers will be held accountable with significant punishment.

Comment Re:Three docs that were (Score 1) 350

Yeah, a well known, safe, cheap drug doesn't have any constituency with enough money to bribe the FDA for preferential treatment. But there are at least 3 companies with billions of dollars whose expensive experimental treatments would be competing with safe, cheap drugs (that may even just be placebos), who can get the FDA to do a full court press against all competitors.

Comment Both perspectives, in short form (Score 1) 350

Pfizer bros: It doesn't work. You haven't proven it works. There may be dangerous side effects.

COVID prepper skeptics: It doesn't work. You haven't proven it works. There may be dangerous side effects.

Same arguments, just one is for horse paste, and the other is for the jab.

As a believer in "right to try", the proper answer was to make both ivermectin, and the pfizer mrna treatment voluntary and available in prescription form, rather than mandating one, and prohibiting the other.

Comment Re:No, OP is right (Score 1) 350

Given ivermectin's safety profile, wouldn't it have been less harmful to encourage doctors to prescribe it, so that people didn't OD on the horse formulation?

Even if it didn't actually provide any benefit besides the placebo effect, it would have done no harm. The policy imposition of prohibition on ivermectin seems to have worked out similarly to prohibition of alcohol and other street drugs - the best intentions causing more harm than they prevent.

Comment Re:They were not warning about horse paste (Score 0) 350

If the threat was as great as advertised, they would have given ivermectin emergency use authorization.

Exactly *none* of the treatments pushed forward by the FDA went through our standard, traditional authorization processes. And *all* of the treatments authorized via emergency, or through skipping traditional steps maximized big pharma profits.

Comment Re:They were not warning about horse paste (Score 1) 350

To reiterate your point, they should have said, "get a prescription for ivermectin from your doctor, don't use the stuff vets give to horses, please".

Instead, they tarnished the safety reputation of a well known and effective human drug, which, even if it didn't work, would have done no additional harms, like say, myocarditis in young men.

Comment Re:Three docs that were (Score 0) 350

If COVID was really the emergency worthy of massive reaction, our authorities would have approved an "all of the above" approach. Throw the kitchen sink at it - monoclonal antibodies, experimental mrna treatments, ivermectin, vitamin D, prescriptions for weight loss, more sunlight - even more so when there are options that even if they *don't* work, are well known as safe for humans and well tolerated.

The fact that the only allowed narrative just happened to be the one that maximized pharma profits, that's just a total coincidence.

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