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Comment Re:riiiight (Score 1) 706

That's a fantastic example of "super-ironic post," nice work!

Mocking aside, it's because instead of attacking other people for saying something I don't like, I actually pay attention to what goes on in our government - for example, how much seemingly beneficial or innocuous legislation ends up mutated in some "closed door session, " and what ends up being passed into law does nothing but take one more right away from the average citizen and put it into the hands of either the government itself, or one of its corporate partners.

You should try it sometime, the whole 'paying attention' thing; I know you won't get that dopamine high being a dick to "the enemy," ie someone with a different philosophy, gives you, but you will be a better person for it.

I'm not attacking anyone for saying something I don't like.

Really? So implying that I don't use my brain, and saying "people like you are what's wrong with this country," isn't supposed to be an attack? That's bullshit, and you know it.

I am chastising someone for spouting off without any (apparent) real knowledge of the issue being discussed.

So, then, you're doing all this in a mirror? Because reading the thread, you're the only one I see who spouted off without any real knowledge of the topic.

However, blanket statements like the GP's:

The minute I read the summary my first thought was "if a government bigwig is promoting it, of can't be good for us regular Joe's"

do not add anything valuable or relevant to the discussion.

But asshole personal attacks (or "chastising," as you call it) do? What part of your post adds value? Considering your own useless contribution, who the fuck do you think you are to tell me what is or isn't valuable to the conversation?

You claim I haven't been paying attention,

You made the exact same claim about me in your post, fuckhead! So what, it's OK for you to be a useless cock and insult people knowing fuck-all about that person, but if they return the favor suddenly you're a victim? More bullshit.

but based upon this post (and the many, many others I've written on this same topic in other threads -- I suggest you check it out for yourself)

Hey, dude, if you're going to blow yourself, please do so in private. None of us want to see that shit.

Seriously - if you're going to baselessly insult someone, expect a response. If you can't handle what you dish out, and choose to be a bitch about it when someone calls you on your bullshit, maybe you shouldn't be in these discussions to begin with.

Comment Re:here we go (Score 1) 834

You realize that by denigrating all white males in such a fashion, you prove yourself to be no different than the people you're detracting, right?

Contrary to popular misconception, having Caucasian skin combined with a penis does not, in fact, magically afford you every advantage in life.

Comment What is "Diversity," Though? (Score 1) 459

Someone else put it best, on an earlier article about racial crap:

"which group is more diverse: 20 people of all races and genders who grew up in the same town, or 20 white guys who grew up all over the world?"

Maybe if we didn't focus so much on race when we talk about "diversity," race would cease to be such a major issue for society.

Comment Re:riiiight (Score 1) 706

That's a fantastic example of "super-ironic post," nice work!

Mocking aside, it's because instead of attacking other people for saying something I don't like, I actually pay attention to what goes on in our government - for example, how much seemingly beneficial or innocuous legislation ends up mutated in some "closed door session, " and what ends up being passed into law does nothing but take one more right away from the average citizen and put it into the hands of either the government itself, or one of its corporate partners.

You should try it sometime, the whole 'paying attention' thing; I know you won't get that dopamine high being a dick to "the enemy," ie someone with a different philosophy, gives you, but you will be a better person for it.

Comment Re:Legacy (Score 3, Insightful) 706

... and expanding the PATRIOT Act, and signing the NDAA complete with extraordinary rendition of American clause, and claiming that the murder of innocent women and children via drone is entirely justifiable because "maybe there was a bad guy there once," etc., etc.

Obama's true legacy, the one history will remember, won't be healthcare or net neutrality - he'll be remembered as "Shrub's third and fourth terms."

Comment Re:At last: an explanation! (Score 1) 275

Keep in mind that reality show characters aren't the people who decide to produce the show, nor air it, nor are they the ones who keep the show on the air by tuning in each week by the million.

So basically, you just said that Hollywood TV execs and reality show viewers have a lower intellect than the characters on shows like "Swamp People" and "Honey Boohoo."

Can't say I disagree with that one.

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