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Comment Re:Ashamed! (Score 1) 265

Don't be a myopic pedantic idiot.

The racial disparities are staggering: despite the fact that whites engage in drug offenses at a higher rate than African-Americans, African-Americans are incarcerated on drug charges at a rate that is 10 times greater than that of whites.

Race is associated with economic power.

Or just google the word: affluenza

Comment Re:Pron (Score 1) 194

It is appropriate to criticize the lowest janitor of any organization that does evil. What would the CEOs/Directors/Generals/Honchos do if they had nobody to boss? They'd shrivel up and die. Every person who works at the FCC is culpable -- same rules apply to any organized evil.

Comment Re:citizenship is irrelevant (Score 1) 272

No. What is irresponsible and harmful is making it a risk free proposition to kill other people. That just leads to more killing of other people. It also leads to greater animosity toward the US and that leads to more people wanting to harm us.

Wars should be waged in an arena, one soldier at a time, to the death. Aside from a few psychopaths who would dispense with themselves quickly ... and good riddance ... most would refuse. Secondly, the order of battle should be from high rank to low rank. Put those with the most to lose in the ring first, starting at the presidential level.

Comment Re:citizenship is irrelevant (Score 1) 272

The armed forces, including those who give the orders and those who follow the orders (I'm not about to grant a "get out of morality free" card just because a person is the trigger puller rather than the general), are despicable. That said, those who commit evil without even risking their own safety are especially despicable. That's all I said and meant.

Comment Re:citizenship is irrelevant (Score 2) 272

Drone is nothing more then a boogy man to detract from the real issue becasue cowards don't want to be seen as arguing against military personal, especially pilots, so they use drones to scare people.

I blame those who give the orders and those who carry out the orders. And I especially despise the wimps in our Chair Force for risking nothing more than a fender bender in doing their evil deeds.

That said, although I didn't vote for Obama either time, if you can't admit that he suckered all the people wanting peace, and co-opted all the candidates who would have actually delivered, you are too deluded to have a rational discussion.

Comment Re:citizenship is irrelevant (Score 1) 272

'Radical' in this case typically means orchestrated bombings resulting the the deaths of civilians

Watch this:

Butchersong fucks his mother every Saturday afternoon.

Because I'm a random person on the net, this is a troll. Now replace me with any of the self-interested power hungry psychopaths comprising the Federal government. Now it is "truth."

When you fall for the notion that the attorneys of one side coming to a conclusion is evidence, you have lost touch with what it means to be an American, except in the nationalistic glory to god and the Marines sense. In America, such accusations are supposed to be considered mere accusations until proven at trial. Without such a check on Executive power, it can be as capricious as it wants and SWAT raid you any weekend it wants -- it's important that you you get your dick out of your mother after all.

Comment If the government is doing nothing else (Score 1) 210

This is what they are paid ot do. They should study stuff like this and find ways to prevent terrorism.

There are always going to be users of anything good whether it be Bitcoin or the Internet, who will try to exploit or abuse the tool.

There are cults and terrorists out there. There are sex traffickers out there. These sorts of tools may empower them so what is wrong with studying that?

I'm sure other governments are studying how to use Bitcoin for cyberwarfare or for state sponsored terrorism so of course the United States should be looking at how to defend itself.

Comment Cryptocurrencies are a potential terrorist threat (Score 1) 210

So I agree that the US government along with many others should be studying exactly this sorta thing.

Studying it is better than banning it. They have a certain mission and their job is to deal with warfare. The rest of us don't have to be concerned with war and terrorism 24/7.

But let's not pretend like there wont someday be a gang of terrorists who try to use Bitcoin because that is bound to happen someday. The better it is studied the more likely terrorism can be stopped.

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