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Comment Re:I never understood why (Score 1) 564

for the rest of the world, file extensions are meaningless, they'd rather see the MS Excel icon on Excel Docs than have to remember what file extensions will open into an Excel doc.

Judging by the countless times that I've had to do tech support for people who get into trouble because they can't see the extension, and the expressions of surprise and joy that I hear when I set their machine to show them, I think that file extensions are far from meaningless for the ordinary user.

Comment Re:file magic - use the content to determine type (Score 1) 564

Perhaps you're misunderstanding. The idea is that the first x bytes of every file (usually 4) contains a code saying what the file type is. It's the same concept as a file extension, but in the file itself rather than in the filename. In this scheme, there is never a need to read more than the first few bytes to determine what the file actually is.

Comment Re:Extensions (Score 1) 564

I think the idea, at least for Windows, is that extensions are a legacy thing, and are still supported because they are the basis for determining file type. BUT, the reasoning is likely that they can be hidden from the user and only show the user the actual file type.

And that reasoning is completely wrong. As an example of how broken the idea is, there are numerous installation packages that include both an "installme.exe" and an "installme.msi", where the .exe is what you run to install. Without showing file extensions, both of these files look like exectuables and it's completely opaque which one you need to run. Admittedly, this is a result of a terrible installer design -- but the OS shouldn't make things worse by hiding critical information.

Comment Re:Oh just stop already (Score 2) 201

Hey kids! Old guy here dropping in just to let you know that contrary to what AC claims, you'll still like sex and music even when you're over fifty. You just won't be staying up late to enjoy them.

Indeed, except even the "won't be staying up late" is going to far. I stay up late often to enjoy them. Sometimes all night. Here's a secret that might surprise the younger set: sex (and music) is much better at this age than when younger. A friend of mine summed it up nicely: "I really savor and enjoy sex a lot more now that it isn't the constant fucking emergency that it is when you're young."

Comment Re:Free Music (Score 1) 201

I don't understand why people are mystified that this upset so many people. Playlists and music collections are personal, and so it's an intrusion to have someone else come in and unilaterally modify them. They should have asked permission.

It has nothing to do with the specific music involved, although U2's comments about this did make me dislike U2 as a business entity.

Comment Was this a good measure? (Score 1) 201

Personally, the U2 thing demonstrated to me that I can't trust iTunes (and therefore Apple) very much, and so it is a good reason to avoid purchasing devices that need to use it. Whether or not people actually listened to the songs does not measure whether or not this was a good thing for Apple to do.

Comment Re:Haters gonna hate... (Score 1) 146

G+ is a framework to unify Google services.

Which is #1 in my top three reasons why I detest G+. I absolutely don't want Google services to be unified like that, nor do I want to have to have many Google accounts in order to keep the services separated (and I'm not sure how doing that is legally possible, given the stupid Real Names policy).

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