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Comment Re:Everybody List What You Think Went Wrong (Score 1) 552

After? This was before and during, not after, who cares about after?

Wow, that was HARD, so hard to look up the evidence and read all about it. The guy is slime, Zoe wasn't even the first time he had a conflict of interest. But all you care about is poor Zoe being dragged through the mud for something she DID do. This took me a single Google search, I had more issues with my company's proxy blocking me from reading the Kotoku article than actually searching and finding this content. Are you ready to take your blinders off yet?

Oh and before you try denigrating the source, all the references are at the bottom like any good Wiki. However it is entirely possible that the subjects have since deleted things from their histories to try and cover it all up.

Comment Re:Everybody List What You Think Went Wrong (Score 1) 552

and I will quote myself:

Sleeping with the subject of an article you are writing is against ethics, therefore it is all about ethics to call it out.

I am calling out the male journalist, not the female developer. What she did may or may not be ethical, but I know what he did is unethical. It could also be considered rape, as he had a position of power over her, though that is unlikely to be prosecuted.

Comment Re:A simple proposition. (Score 1) 394

Wikipedia sells no product, sells no service and DOES get enough donations to cover its costs, which are far more than Slashdot's costs. I personally believe that Jimmy Wales needs to die in a fire, but Wikipedia can hang around.

Also, Slashdot could sell products such as shirts and mugs. In fact I believe they actually have some products, they seem to be under the /.Deals button. I have never been to that site, but I have ABP turned off on Slashdot and don't check the "don't advertise me bro" button.

Comment Re:Bullshit (Score 1) 394

Which is why the TV viewing public always considered advertising time as the time to hit the bathroom or cook the popcorn. Many people don't sit through the ads, and nothing requires them to do so. With Tivo now, I know people who pause the show when they need to go to the bathroom and fast forward through the commercials.

Comment Re:AdBlock+ does less, eats more & 'souled-out (Score 1) 394

Yeah, it is fun to pick on him, but it gets old. I try to educate him about how he appears to us now.

I place him somewhere between popover ads and autoplay video ads. I would pay for his product if it blocked his crapflood on Slashdot, but even his hosts files can't block his own ads.

Comment Re:Page loading has always been far slower with ad (Score 1) 394

Those go right into the recycle bin in my house. I asked the mail women if there was any way I could set "current resident" to "return to sender" which made her chuckle and point out that the ads are likely the only thing keeping the post office afloat.

I actually told the paper boy I didn't want the paper at all when he first asked. So now it gets thrown into my parking spot for free instead...quite irritating having to clean up the garbage they throw into my spot though.

Comment Re:Ublock = inferior & inefficient vs. hosts (Score 1) 394

APK, has it ever occurred to you that this repeated posting of the same copy/paste is actually worse than many ads? You are as bad as the pop over ads, and almost as bad as an autoplay video. No one cares how good you think your software is. ABP works, ublock works, your shit just annoys the hell out of people. We are all technical people, if we find the need to run a monolithic hosts file, we will find yours with Google. Constantly spamming your unblockable ad just irritates people and makes them want to blacklist your hosts file instead.

You are worse than many ads, does your hosts file block your persistent ads?

Comment Re:Everybody List What You Think Went Wrong (Score 1) 552

Slander and harassment to get your point across, but still no links, no fact. Keep defending that lie to the very end.

The Gamergate philosophy is nothing but ethics in game journalism. A journalist admitting to sleeping with the subject of his article is unethical. You may think it never happened, but the information is out there if you would stop being persistent in your incorrect views.

So if you view that tolerating harassment overshadows the legitimate concerns, why do you keep being on the side of these women who harass and dox others? Why do you support these women who spout racism, sexism, and hate while claiming they are being harassed?

Comment Re:Everybody List What You Think Went Wrong (Score 1) 552

Proof? Or are you just going to slander a group of people yet again?

The story of the developer sleeping with the journalist came out as true, who's slanted now? Where is your proof of the falsehood of the statement? After all the journalist is in the by line of the article and came out and admitted to both facts, but I guess you just care about the poor female developer that was sleeping around.

The anti GG side uses the excuse of mythical misogynistic statements to harass people, so how are they any better in your eyes?

Trying to say Gamergate is not about ethics in journalism is pretty stupid as that is the only stance they have taken. Sleeping with the subject of an article you are writing is against ethics, therefore it is all about ethics to call it out. You may THINK that it didn't happen, but the proof is out there when you take your blinders off. Considering that Gamergate was able to get many game review sites to improve their ethics statements, it looks like they won the fight. Stupid people trying to claim it is all about sexism without any kind of proof is pretty sad. You need to go out and read all the info there and stop being so damn biased and blinded by your side of the fight.

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